Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2910: Catch four

  Chapter 2910 Capture Four

Around   Youshi, Inspection Song brought the soldiers down the mountain with a dark face, and Bai Shan and the others were waiting at the foot of the mountain.

  Idle and bored, Man Bao dug up some visible herbs around, which were not included before, but there are still in the encyclopedia, which does not need her to be included, so she also stuffed one to Keke.

  They have click points. Although this thing is given to the encyclopedia, the other party may not be able to study it, but after taking a picture and uploading it, as long as someone clicks to view it, she will occasionally get a little point.

  Although there are very few, even mosquito legs are not even considered as mosquito legs for the current Manbao, but idleness is also idleness. And the excess medicinal materials can also be taken home to be dried and processed.

  Bai Shan became bored after watching Sun Lichang and Jia Lichang twice, so he helped Man Bao dig some herbs, and when he saw Song inspector leading the person down the mountain, he clapped his hands and got up.

  Zhang Jiali saw that Song inspectors turned out to be down the mountain road leading to Xiaoliu Village, and he knew that Bai Shan had been arranged long ago, and his face was even more dejected.

  Bai Shan invited Song to inspect and showed him the two drawings on the grass. “This is the layout of Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village. The place marked in red in this county is the home of the gangster...”

"The two villages under Sun Lichang’s administration have never been to this county, so he can barely draw a picture based on his description. It may not be accurate. So this county wants to shoot Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village first. How do you plan to catch it? catch?"

Inspection inspector Song frowned and looked at the two pictures, and finally set them on the pictures of Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village. "My lord, although there are only 38 gangsters in these two villages, there are a total of 61 households. Get up, more than one hundred of us can't catch people at all."

  There is still a possibility of fighting with the villagers. This is a big accident. No matter which side of the person is injured, Bai Shan can't eat.

  Yes, it was Bai Shan, not Song Inspection.

Bai Shan naturally knew that he had turned around twice, and still said: "This opportunity is rare. If Jia Dalang doesn't contact them for a long time, they will definitely guess that something happened to him, and it won't be easy to catch them again. "

   "If there is a fight..."

  Bai Shan lowered his eyes and said: "You try not to hurt people, this county will give you pressure."

  Inspector Song looked at Bai Shan in surprise. Is the county magistrate planning to commit a personal risk?

  Inspector Song rolled his eyes and nodded in response.

  Man Bao, who was watching, asked curiously, "Are you planning to rush in like this?"

  Bai Shan glanced at her and said, "I'm not stupid."

  He said to Song inspector: "Everyone brainstorms and uses several methods to catch people as safely as possible."

  Song inspection: "...for example?"

Bai Shan ordered the two families on the edge of Xiaojing Village and said, "For example, these two live a bit far from the village. Let Feng Dashan call the people out. When they come out, you will tie them up. Block it; another example is this family, where all three of their brothers are on the list, and let Feng Dashan go and call all three out..."

  "The three households are close together. I asked Mr. Jia Li about what happened to Xiaojing Village when he went out to the county seat today. He should ask his son to call out all three of them..."

  Song inspection & Dong Xianwei: treacherous.

  Not only Xiaojing Village, but Dajing Village can also use this method.

  Wait until everyone who could be called out was arrested, the rest could only be sneaked in.

"As long as the fifteen households go well, the remaining eighteen households will be easy. The people in the village will fall asleep on the first day of the day. When that happens, we will sneak in and put seven people in one household, four arrested, and three others. Be alert to deter others."

   "In short, try to catch people as much as possible."

  Dong County Lieutenant asked: "Do you want to ambush people at the intersection?"

  Bai Shan frowned and looked at the drawing and asked: "We are running out of manpower. Where do you think we should arrange for someone at the intersection?"

  Inspector Song had a hundred people under his hands. Bai Shan and the others brought about thirty people from the bureaucrats and guards. Before that, thirty people were transferred from Inspector Luo, which was not a lot.

  Man Bao raised his hand and said, "I can help guard the intersection. Anyway, if you are injured, you will be sent to the intersection."

Bai Shan glanced at her and said, "I included you when making the plan. Seven people were sent to one household, and finally thirty-six people were left. At least five people were required to guard an intersection. But the village Unlike in the city, they can also cross the fields, so these places must also be guarded, and people must be assigned to guard the people who have been caught..."

  The maximum number of people that can be used is thirty, that is, six directions...

  Bai Shan had the final say, and found that people were barely enough, and asked a few people, "Where do you think they are best?"

  Dong County Wei hurriedly said, “It’s better to guard at the intersection with Master Zhou. It’s too dangerous to go in.”

  Bai Shan shook his head, "I will go in with you. There is not enough manpower. The arrest requires a quick decision and must not be procrastinated."

  He looked at Inspection Song, “Each team has seven people. You must arrange it. Every team must have a leader.”

  Song inspection can only answer yes.

  The group of people quietly touched Xiaojing Village. They did not dare to wander outside, so they hid in the woods.

  Bai Shan glanced at the smoky, quiet and peaceful village of Xiaojing, then looked back at the people and said: "After catching people, you must block your mouth, and make a quick decision."

He called out the people who had been arranged by Song inspection, and said, "Now that the sun hasn’t gone down yet, you first lure out the people who can be tempted, and the rest of the people wait until night. You look for opportunities and move. Remember, once here There is a big movement, no matter what the situation on your side, you must start to act, and after catching someone, you will immediately retreat, and we will meet here."

  Bai Shan looked up at these selected team leaders and asked, "Remember?"

  The captains lowered their voices and said, "Remember."

  Bai Shan was very satisfied and asked them to act separately.

  He first followed them to Xiaojing Village, and Feng Dashan walked out tremblingly under their gaze.

  Bai Shan stopped him, patted him on the shoulder with a gentle expression, and said, "Do you know that among so many people, I alone called you?"

  Feng Dashan shook his head.

  Bai Shandao: "Because this county thinks that your conscience is not bad, it is willing to give you this opportunity to commit a crime. I hope you will not let down the expectations of this county."

  Feng Dashan swallowed nervously, and asked, "I, can I commit crimes and meritorious service?"

   "Of course," Bai Shandao: "As long as you help us catch them, you have done a great job. Although you will not be exempt from punishment, your punishment will definitely be less than the punishment you should have originally sentenced."

  Feng Dashan's expression became firm, and he nodded seriously and said: "I understand, I, I will take my sins and make meritorious deeds."

  Bai Shan nodded in satisfaction, letting people lead him over.

  Bai Shan then looked at Jia Lichang’s son—Jia Erlang.

    Tonight is too late, I will add more tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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