Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2911: Lure the enemy one

  Chapter 2911 Lure the enemy one

  Jia Erlang knelt on the ground and shivered.

  Bai Shan squatted in front of him, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your father said that you didn’t participate and didn’t know, but the county doesn’t believe it."

  Jia Erlang swallowed nervously, looking at Bai Shan with soft hands and feet, and Bai Shan was also staring at him closely, "So you have to prove by your own actions that you are not theirs."

  He said: "I can allow you to seduce people when it gets darker, but if you are still caught, I will think you did it on purpose."

  Bai Shan said softly: "You are showing them your feet on purpose so that they can escape."

  Jia Erlang shook his head nervously, how could he intentionally? No, no, no, he won't show his feet for the other person to see, they are not in the same group, how could he be in the same group with those bastards?

  Jia Erlang secreted saliva nervously, and while constantly emphasizing in his heart, he promised Bai Shan: "Oh, my lord, I will definitely lead people out."

  The sky gradually dimmed. After receiving the order, the soldiers of each team quietly approached Xiaojing Village and Dajing Village.

  In Ojing Village, because the people who can be used as bait haven't arrived yet, they only lurch in the predetermined location to wait and be on guard. Once an accident occurs in Ojing Village, they can quickly respond here.

  On the side of Xiaojing Village, guard the intersection to guard the intersection, and the rest will ambush at the designated position as instructed.

Two teams of people followed Feng Dashan and found a piece of grass squatting on the side of the road. At this time, the vegetation was lush and the sky was a bit dim. Let alone squatting or standing, as long as they were motionless, everyone who walked by Won't find them.

  They signaled Feng Dashan to find someone.

  Feng Dashan swallowed, and walked forward two steps in small steps.

  A servant couldn't see it, stretched out his hand and pushed him, and said in a low voice: "Hurry up, it will be dark after another time. It has delayed the affairs of the adults, so you can't finish eating and walking."

Feng Dashan could only speed up his pace and knocked on the door of the last house at the end of the village.

  This area is a bit off, so there are only two families here, and they are still two cousins, which are a little bit away from other families in the village.

  But no matter how far away, if there is a howl here, not only the past few households will hear it, but the whole village can hear it.

  This village is not very big.

  Feng Dashan walked to the door, and after luck, he raised his hand and knocked on the door bang. The sound was so loud that even people who were a long distance away from next door could hear it.

   "Who——" The people in the yard shouted irritably, "Knock on, do you pay if the door is broken?"

   "The strong wind, open the door," Feng Dashan's mouth twitched, but he still suppressed his face and shouted: "It's me!"

   "Oh, it's Dashan, why are you here?"

   Feng Dashan said: "The boss has something to come back, let's go out of the village to talk."

   "Okay," Da Feng thought he disliked someone in his family, but he didn't care. He didn't leave a word to his family, so he turned around and walked with Feng Dashan.

  The people in the family are also used to it. They were about to fall asleep, but they didn’t react at all when they were awakened.

  There was also movement in the house next door. A man opened the door and walked out. In the dim sky, no human face was visible, but the outline could be seen. The other party shouted at this side: "Gao Feng, who is it?"

  Feng Dashan said: "Erxin, come here together."

  The other party was happy, closed the door and walked over. Both of them were a little excited and asked Feng Dashan, "Brother Dashan, how is the boss in the county seat? He is now an official servant, right? Have you become an official?"

   "I really didn't expect my brothers to have such good fortunes. Will the boss take us all to serve as government officials in the future?"

  "I have earned money from improper government service, and there is a boss. In the future, we will go to the county seat and go sideways?"

  The two of them were very excited, and there was no need for Feng Dashan to answer. Feng Dashan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that his voice was trembling now.

With just a few words, they walked on the small road and passed the two teams of people squatting in the grass. Gale just turned around and asked Feng Dashan, "Brother Dashan, the boss wants you back, is it just to take us to the county seat? of?"

  The servants squatting in the grass secretly said: It is too beautiful to think.

  The three people walked over. They stood up quietly from the grass, and made a gesture to the opposite side. The two teams rushed up from behind with their waists bowed, and directly pressed the person who had just walked over to the ground...

The other party only had time to make a short "Ah-" and was covered in his mouth. One government officer stuffed the stinky socks that had been prepared a long time ago into the other party's mouth, while the other two held the ropes and held the hands and feet tightly. When tied up, the other two held the person hard and did not give him a chance to move. The remaining two stood guard and looked around, especially in the direction of Xiaojing Village, so as not to have any doubts about life.

The people holding Erxin on the side and a team of people are also arranged in the same way. They just listened to the instructions of the adults in the woods and practiced how to tie people by person, acting as a "caught prisoner". It hurts.

  The two teams swiftly tied the people up and gagged their mouths, then lifted them up and threw them into the grass and it was done.

Feng Dashan beside    was so scared that he sat on the ground.

  After the two teams were tied up, they found that Feng Dashan hadn't moved, so he stretched out his foot and kicked him, "Get up, you are not the one who arrested you. We didn't sit on the ground."

"Okay, let's do it," another team of government officials grabbed the soldier and also pulled Feng Dashan up, whispering: "Go to another house and try to draw people out. I'm afraid it will be too late. ."

  Everyone has to go to sleep when it gets dark, even if you are a bastard, you don’t have to go out at night, right?

  Yaye asked Feng Dashan, "When is the last time you usually call someone?"

  Feng Dashan trembled: "Also, it's about Haishi."

  Hai time is late at night for them, and people who sleep well are almost sleeping. Ya Ya glanced at Feng Dashan and said: "Now, think about a few more excuses, you must deceive people out."

  Feng Dashan should go down.

  A team of people stayed behind, guarding the opening, and also guarding the two people who were arrested. The other team took Feng Dashan to another place to join the two teams.

  Waiting for them to hide in the bushes, they signaled Feng Dashan to call for someone.

  It's completely dark now.

  Feng Dashan swallowed, his legs trembling a little, he said: "Dazhu and their three brothers are different. They have three in their family..."

   "Don't talk nonsense, just let you go. As long as you don't show your feet, they won't think of Jia Dalang being arrested."

  Feng Dashan could only go to the village slowly. At the same time, Bai Shan looked up at the sky and then turned to Jia Erlang and said: "You can go now."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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