Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2949: Spread

   Chapter 2949

  Bai Shan is not in a hurry, everyone has caught it, and the salt field is going smoothly. It is the other party who should be anxious, not him.

   Zhu Qi didn’t speak, but his little friend couldn’t help but, “Brother Zhu, the third brother fell into the sea and hasn’t been saved yet.”

  Bai Shan blinked.

  Zhu Qi then looked at Bai Shan. The reason why he was able to gather so many people was because he was loyal. He hesitated, and finally asked Bai Shan, “If I confess, can your lord send someone down the cliff to save people?”

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows and said, “If you don’t confess, doesn’t this county also know that you were sent by the Song family?”

   Zhu Qi was depressed.

  He closed his mouth again.

  Bai Shan relaxed and leaned on the tree trunk behind him, "I have ordered to go down, but the cliff is steep. No one has ever been there, they may not be able to go down, and..."

Bai Shan motioned to them to look at the sky, "It's dark, they can try it tomorrow. It's not certain whether people can be saved back to the county. However, he is a citizen of the county, whether he is a thief or not, he has fallen, no matter if he can be saved. Life and death, this county will look for it."

  "This is not a condition that you can talk about." Bai Shan raised his chin slightly, "If you are confessing, the county has a standard of punishment. If you don't confess, the county has its own method of dealing with it."

He looked at Zhu Qi with a deep gaze, and said, "Zhu Qi, how important the salt farm is to Beihai County, do you not know? Whether you are for profit or righteousness in this county, here in this county, everything Those who dare to be unfavorable to the salt field are my enemy, and also the enemy of all the civilians in Beihai County."

  Zhu Qi's face looked gray and she didn't speak for a long time.

  That night, he still said nothing.

  Bai Shan didn’t care, and the next day he rode a horse and escorted the eighteen people back to the county government office.

The people in the county saw their county magistrate riding a horse, holding a rope in his hand. Three people were strung behind the rope. There were six government officials behind him holding a rope in his hands. The roughness was counted, and the feet were tied. There are eighteen.

  The people in Beihai County were stunned and couldn’t help talking loudly, “Bandits again? How come we have so many bandits in Beihai County?”

  The words reached Bai Shan's ears, he turned his head and glanced at the crowd, his whip pointed away: "Don't talk nonsense, who said they are bandits? They are bastards."

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and someone asked loudly: "My lord, have you even caught the **** now?"

  Bai Shan pulled some people to beat the horse to the county government, and replied: “They are honest, I will not catch them, but if they commit a crime, I will naturally want to catch them.”

   "County magistrate, what did these people commit?"

   "It's nothing," Bai Shan turned his head and grinned and said, "I just want to get involved in the new saltworks to do damage."

  The common people didn’t know the importance of the salt field to Beihai County, but they also knew that salt was a good thing, so they said, “That’s bad, it’s time to catch it.”

  The common people don’t know, but some people do.

  Bai Shan’s words on the street spread at an extremely fast speed, and Master Song soon learned about it, and then the students in the county school.

The students in the county school were all twelve to eighteen years old. It was the time when the blood was boiling. Originally, Bai Shan liked them very much at a young age. In the past, he had accumulated a lot of money among the students when he tried the mountain bandit case. Prestige.

  They are not Wu Xia Amon either. The previous Lu County magistrate and the Song family had many conflicts. The key point was in the salt field, and Bai County magistrate took office. Naturally, this key point has not changed.

  Originally, many students in the county school had opinions about the Song family's mastery of the salt field. As soon as this happened, the public opinion in the county school was even more boiling.

   is still in class, when even a student pushed up the desk and got up, walked to Song Meng and questioned him, “Song Meng, did your Song family want to take it on behalf of Beihai County Government?”

  Song Meng's face was very ugly, and she got up angrily, "Don't talk nonsense."

   "I'm talking nonsense? Otherwise, why did your family send someone to destroy the county's new saltworks?"

  "Not to mention that the county magistrate Bai did not say that this was the work of my Song family. He said it. Now it is only his side of the word. You haven't investigated and collected evidence. Do you want to slander my Song family?"

"Is it right? I know each other well, and I only have one sentence to give you," one person said: "Song Meng, your Song family is very powerful in Beihai County, but it is not big enough to cover the sky with one hand, you guys. If you want to control the county, you must first ask the people in the county if they are willing."

  "Yes! The salt field is an important financial resource of Beihai County. Your Song family has been in charge of the government for so many years, but that is the property of the court. At this time, the new county magistrate should be returned to the new county magistrate."

  Song Meng: "Why, because he was born in a family of Baishan, he was also a student with the prince, and he also served as a scholar in the middle school for his majesty. Do you think he has a great future, so are you rushing to please him?"

This sentence stabbed the hornet's nest, and everyone condemned Song Meng. Naturally, some of them were on Song Meng's side. They felt that the classmates were too arbitrary, "The White County magistrate hasn’t judged this matter yet, how can you think it is What did the Song family do?"

   "Who else could it be if it wasn't his Song family?"

  "This is too idealistic. The investigation is looking at the evidence."

  The county school was noisy, and finally started to make the academies very angry. While drinking to stop the students, they also avoided the pen, ink and books that flew over from time to time.

  When they finally stopped the students, the county school couldn't stop the movement, they could only go to Hebai County Order to plead guilty.

  Bai Shan just finished eating, and was about to take a stroll to see the injured old ba. The school officer from the county school rushed over, and he could only deal with the county school first.

  Song Meng ran home angrily. Instead of returning to his room, he lifted up his robe and ran towards the main courtyard study.

  As soon as he rushed in, Master Song and his son stopped talking, Master Song frowned, and Master Song scolded him, "What are you running?"

  Song Meng adjusted his sleeves and stepped forward to salute, "Grandfather, father."

   His face was tense, and he looked at Master Song and said, “Grandfather, it’s said outside that the group of **** just caught by the magistrate Bai was sent by our family, didn’t they?”

  Master Song asked in a flat tone: "These are all rumors from nowhere? Are you not going to school?"

  Uncle Song was very upset, and he scolded, “That’s just a deliberate dissemination by someone with a heart. What do you believe in what people say? Go to school in the county school, and you don’t get involved with things outside.”

   "This is from the school," Song Meng cried, "The students all said it was done by our family."

  Master Song couldn’t help but sit up straight, and asked: "Is this the husband guided?"

   "No, sir doesn't say such things at all. They just guessed it randomly," Song Meng said, "Grandfather, these people are ill-tempered, and everything will be pushed to my Song family..."

  He gritted his teeth, and still asked, "Isn't this kind of thing our family does?"

   See you at seven in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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