Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2950: Education concept

  Chapter 2950 Educational Concept

"Of course not," Mr. Song said calmly. "There is no movement at the new saltworks. There is neither cutting down to dry firewood nor smoke from boiling salt. Obviously the new saltworks is just a cover, and it has not been opened. The ya must rely on the salt field in Longchi, why should I do such a thing?

  Song Meng immediately said: "Did the Bai County magistrate frame us?"

Master Song shook his head after a pause, "No, he doesn't even need to do such a thing, Da Lang, what matters most to you now is your own studies. This year, you can go to the government school or go to Beijing to test the Imperial College. You don’t have to worry about these things at home."

  Uncle Song also said: "You go back to study quickly."

Song Meng is no longer young. He clearly distinguishes between family and country. Of course, he also knows where the conflict between the family and the county government comes from. He pursed his lips and said, "Grandfather, father, magistrate Lu and Majesty Bai. Have always wanted to grab the salt field from our house? The previous county magistrate Fang and Liu County didn’t say anything, why can’t they live with us peacefully like Fang’s magistrate Liu County?”

Uncle Song is about to speak, and Master Song has already said: "So we are trying to communicate with County Majesty Bai, and hope that he can be the same as Majesty Liu, the former magistrate of Fang. Yes. If you can pass the Ming Jing or Jinshi exams and enter the court as an official, you will be able to rely on the Song family in the future, and naturally no one will easily bully our family."

  Uncle Song saw his son salute and quit, his face was very ugly.

  Not waiting for his son to go far, he said dissatisfied: "Father, why do you want to say such things to Dalang? This kid is eager to win. You tell him this way, don't you let him blend in?"

  Master Song's face sank, "Why, you suspect that I'm not counting Dalang? Don't forget, he is my eldest grandson, can I still harm him?"

  Uncle Song did not speak, Da Lang is his grandson, but he is not only Da Lang a grandson, but he only has Da Lang a son.

  Master Song didn’t notice his son’s face. He was in a bad mood and said in a deep mood, “I didn’t expect that the county school was the first to make trouble. It seems that Bai Shan’s prestige in Beihai County is not low now.”

  He sighed, "The foundation of our Song family is still too shallow. It would be nice to have two more county magistrates like Fang and Liu, but I met with Lu and Bai..."

Bai Shan came forward to appease the students, and went to the medical office to see the old eighth who bumped his head and said to Zhou Man: "The Song family is not deep-rooted, it just looks huge, but as long as you pull it hard, it's still easy. It can be pulled out."

  He said: "Speaking of the Song family’s fortune, it was only 20 or 30 years ago. Before that, the Song family’s foundation was not as good as the Zhao family outside the city.

  After seeing the patient, Zhou Man did not know where he took out two peaches, gave Bai Shan one, and took one by himself, and sat on the railing while gnawing peaches while talking to him, “How did the Song family make a fortune?”

   "Speaking of being my fourth, a county magistrate surnamed Wu, he invited the Song family to be his master at that time, oh, this is the father of this old master Song."

"In less than two years, county magistrate Wu passed away while in office, and county magistrate Fang came, and he brought his own. The old lady Song didn’t want to be a teacher in the county office anymore, so he sought a job in the saltworks and retired. Go down."

"The county magistrate Fang felt he was acquainted, so he never moved him. Within two years, he felt that he was getting older, so he retired from the salt farm and let his son, now Master Song, take over the managerial position of the salt farm. "Bai Shan said: "At that time, the county magistrate didn't take the influential little official in charge of the salt farm to heart. The salt farm was basically under the control of the county government. His words were still useful."

"But this Master Song is more powerful than his father. He has been arranging his own manpower at the bottom of his hand. The small steward, the small boss, and the new long-term salt-cooking worker who is newly selected every year, he just manages this slowly. Now, when the county magistrate Fang leaves, half of the people in the salt field are already under Master Song."

"The county magistrate Liu who took over was imprisoned in confusion," Bai Shan sighed: "Fangxian Cheng said that as soon as the county magistrate Liu took office, the Song family gave him a dismissal, and then the relationship with the county magistrate Liu deteriorated. He also gave a large sum of money, and the magistrate Liu was bluffed by this dozen. He thought that the Song family was such a powerful squire here, so he didn't dare to act rashly."

"After waiting for two or three years, he figured out the details of the Song family. Master Song has already held all the salt fields in his hands, and the magistrate Liu and the Song family have been getting along well in the past few years. He doesn't want to tear his face. , So I hesitated and didn't do anything."

   Zhou was stunned, "This Master Song is amazing, but since he is so amazing, why should he be so uncomfortable to pry the imperial court? There are so many profitable people in this world, why have to hang himself on the salt field?"

Bai Shan smiled and said: "There are many profitable businesses in the world, but the most profitable is to do tea, silk, and porcelain, except for salt and iron. The Song family is not a very powerful noble family. Said he was a squire, he was nothing if he left Beihai County."

   "To change the court, you need to study and have a good reputation. They obviously don't know how to do business. Controlling the salt farm should be the best way they can make money and gain power."

Zhou Man thought of his own family, and said with pride: "My family does not insist. Everyone has his own way of living. Sometimes I have to manage it, but sometimes I can't manage too much. If I want to say Master Song, I can manage it. Too wide, too long. When he was young and strong, he was already thinking about the official careers of his descendants for the next three or four generations. Isn't this a crime?"

  Bai Shan nodded, thinking about it and feeling wrong, couldn’t help asking her, “Don’t you want the future of your children in the future?”

Zhou Man said: "I don't want to. As long as they have good character, I will send them to learn what they want to learn. Naturally, what they want to do when they grow up is naturally their own business, but if they ask Me, I will also advise them."

  Bai Shan saw that she was so proud, he couldn't help but raised his hand and pressed her head, saying: "You have grown up. When you are proud, you have to be a little bit proud. Don't be too proud of your chin."

   Zhou Man slapped his hand away, glanced sideways at him and asked, "Will you ask them to be an official in the future?"

"That's not enough," Bai Shan bent one leg and leaned on the railing, looking at the blue sky and said: "Being an official is sometimes fun, but more often I find it very restrained. If not before, I would stand up. Hongzhi, and have been working hard for this, I don't think I will stick to the officialdom."

  He said: “So if they don’t want to be officials in the future, it’s good to do other things, as long as they have land at home, books, continuous farming, and continuous inheritance.”

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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