Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2962: My official salt

  Chapter 2962 My official salt

   Zhou Man returned to the backyard with a fan, and after calculating the time for Bai Shan to return, he sighed, and invited the three in May to say: "Pack two bags, we are going out at night."

   said again: “Make things in order at home. If the prince comes to Beihai County later, he may live with us, and then we will have to move out.”

   Even May waited a little nervously, "His Royal Highness is down?"

   Zhou Man nodded and waved his hand: "Go and pack it, yes, in addition to the official uniform, we will stuff two better sets of clothes inside. People rely on clothes, horses and saddles. We can't let people look down on them now."

  Since you want good clothes, you have to have good shoes and good accessories to decorate it. With such an arrangement, things can't fit in two bags.

   May detour: "Lady, put it in a box and put it in the car."

   Zhou Man rolled his eyes and nodded: "Good idea, go, let someone get the carriage ready."

  Bai Shan didn’t know anything at this time, and he was looking at the sun-dried salt in the storeroom with his back on his back.

  The dried salt is piled in fine gunny sacks and piled up in the warehouse. In order to prevent moisture, the ground is separated by a hand-wide space with stones and wooden boards, and the salt bags are piled on top.

  Bai Shan counted, and after checking the account book, he nodded slightly. The account is okay. According to the current salt price, their inventory is enough, and Beihai County's fiscal expenditure for a year is enough.

  Salt really makes money.

  Bai Shan reached out and patted the salt bag and sighed.

  Every time Zhou Liwei comes to the warehouse, he feels a sense of accomplishment and is also very happy. He can't understand the little uncle's sigh, "Little uncle, is this salt less?"

Bai Shan shook his head, "No, I was thinking, salt is a thing that we use less on weekdays, but it is indispensable for every household, but it is so difficult to get the essential things into the hands of the people at a low price. Could this be a good thing? ?"

  Zhou Liwei didn’t understand, “Isn’t the salt always at this price?”

  It seems that it hasn't changed much since childhood.

  Bai Shandao: "But now the cost of obtaining salt has been reduced. If the salt is not boiled, the consumption of wood will also be reduced. As long as the climate is suitable and the manpower can keep up, we can dry sea salt in a wide range..."

  Bai Shan paused, pressing a lot of words to the bottom of his heart, and only said: "I wonder if the salt price will be how much by then?"

   Zhou Liwei thought simple, and smiled: "If there is more salt, it will definitely be cheaper."

  Bai Shan didn't nod his head, but didn't shake his head either, his eyes swept through his official salt bit by bit, and he left the warehouse with some contentment.

  Zhou Liwei locked the warehouse and nodded with the soldiers guarding outside.

  The two most important places for everyone, one is the salt field, and the other is the three large warehouses that have been opened up, so Luo inspection has sent his confidants to guard.

  But only Zhou Liwei has the key to enter and exit the warehouse, and only Zhou Liwei can bring people in and out.

  Bai Shan walked with him for a while, then looked back and said: "The salt field should have its own soldiers."

   Zhou Liwei: "Huh?"

Bai Shan looked down at him and shook his head, "No matter, for the long-term plan, it should be crossed. When there are more people returning to the salt field, you can select some from the long-term workers to be the salt field guards and inspect with Luo. The soldiers guarded the warehouse and the salt field together."

   "Of course, the main responsibility of inspection and defense rests with Inspection Luo."

  Zhou Liwei still didn't understand, Bai Shanzheng wanted to teach him some checks and balances and heard the rush of horseshoes.

  He turned his head to look.

  Daji saw that it was the county government official, so he beckoned and attracted the two people who were still running to the salt field.

  The two government officials turned their heads and glanced at the sound, and immediately turned their horses' heads and ran over.

The two were too tired, and the horses were tired, so they jumped off the horse and said, "My lord, the governor of the governor sent a letter yesterday, saying that Guo governor is going to come to our Beihai County in person, but today they have sent a escort, saying that they are coming from Qingzhou city. My dear, let the adults hurry to Qingzhou City, and Master Zhou let us hurry up and call the adults, let the adults go back quickly."

  Yaye finished such a long sentence in one breath, and almost missed it in one breath.

  Zhou Liwei didn’t know that his little uncle came to everyone to hide from the history. Hearing this, he immediately urged: “Little uncle, then you go back soon.”

   was angry again, "What noble man, are you in such a hurry to call you back?"

  Bai Shan has already guessed it, and is happy, "You can see you when you look back. You stay here to look after the salt field, and I will go back now."

   Zhou Liwei: "Can I see it too?"

  But Bai Shan has already hurried to the residence and did not answer his question.

  He returned to the county seat with Daji and his accompanying yayue quickly, but they did not enter the city because it was already dark when they arrived at the city gate. Although the city gate had not been closed, it would not last long.

  Zhouman asked the carriage to be parked on the side of the road outside the city gate. She sat on the shaft with her legs swaying. Seeing them and a group of people coming quickly, she immediately covered her mouth and nose with a kerchief and waved them.

  The dust was flying, Bai Shan stopped the horse back and forth, looked at the horse and cart she had brought, and asked, "Is this going to drive the night?"

   Zhou Man nodded, "Guo Cishi must be angry and guilty now. We'd better go early and don't make the relationship too rigid."

  Tomorrow they will enter the city as soon as the city gate is opened. Seeing them so hard and working hard, Guo Cishi must be able to understand that they did not deliberately release his pigeons.

  Bai Shan thought for a while, and felt that what she said made sense, so he turned around and said to the servants: "You go back."

Lieutenant Dong is also in the convoy. He really wants to go to Qingzhou City with Bai Shan Zhouman, but he can’t, because Fang Xian Cheng is in Qingzhou City at this time, and Beihai County must be left to guard, otherwise the county magistrate Xian Cheng Neither the county lieutenant nor the county lieutenant are in the county office, so the master Song can't shake the sky?

  Sure enough, Bai Shan saw Lieutenant Dong Xian and smiled slightly: "The county government entrusted Lieutenant Dong and Fang Xiancheng. By the way, where is Fang Xiancheng?"

  There are too many people here, so Dong Xianwei could not tell him that Fangxian Cheng went to Qingzhou City to seek help from the county magistrate. He could only say: "It happens to be a day off. Fangxian Cheng took his family to Qingzhou City to buy things."

  Bai Shan: "...I take a break today, but I will go to the office tomorrow, hasn't he come back yet?"

  Dong County Wei looked at Bai Shan innocently, hoping that he could read his eyes.

  Bai Shan didn't understand it, but he guessed it in his mind before guessing it.

  Fang County Cheng gave Bai Shan the impression that he was a workaholic. The more work he gave him, the happier he would be, and he did not dislike the heavy lifting at all.

  Will someone like this skip work and accompany the family to go shopping in Qingzhou City?

  It would be nice if he doesn’t take the rest day to work overtime.

  So he must have gone to find the magistrate of Lu.

  Bai Shan pondered over, and nodded with Lieutenant Dong Xian, and exhorted: "Lieutenant Dong Xianxian will stare more at the county government. We will be back in two days."

  When Wei Dong County heard this, he asked a little excitedly: "My lord, do you want to requisition the mansion of the rich family in the city?"

   "No," Bai Shan took a deep look at him and said, "Don't mess around. If you come, you can live in the backyard of the county government."

  Whose family was requisitioned?

  Song family?

  Is he mentally disabled, give the Song family a thigh at this time?

    Today I saw a new treatment technique-autohemotherapy, it hurts the baby to death

     See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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