Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2963: Exquisite (for book friends "Murong Qingqing"

  Chapter 2963 Exquisite

  Bai Shan tied the horse to the back of the car, let it run and rest on its own, and got into the car by itself.

  Daji also took over the work of the coachman, tied his horse behind, and drove away with the carriage.

  The Bai family guard brought out by Zhou Man beat a horse to keep up, and it was dark after the group walked for less than two quarters of an hour.

Zhouman had prepared early, and without her instructions, the guards lighted torches and drove on the road. Lanterns were also lit on both sides of the carriage. Two horses were walking in front. Daji could barely see the way with the torches held by them.

  The group of people didn't walk very fast, so they walked for an hour, guessing that they had walked half the way, then stopped, and found a flat place on the side of the road to stop sleeping.

Bai Shan was sweating during the day and felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. He could only wipe his neck with the kerchief with water. He saw the low-key guards following the team, and raised his chin at Zhou Man, "You Didn't let people go?"

  "He went back to his life alone, didn’t he look for smoke? So I left him."

  Well, we will enter the city together tomorrow. Either he and Guo Cishi, hello, me, hello, everyone, are still in harmony; or he greets each other's anger, and will indeed be burdened to the officer.

  Bai Shan retracted his gaze, and said to Zhou Man: "We will leave early tomorrow."

   Zhou Man looked at him happy, so you are not afraid, not worried?

  Bai Shan nodded her nose and said, "The enemy should be settled and not knotted, so hurry up and rest."

  He and Da Ji had eaten dry food in the car. At this time, they didn't need to eat any more. They started a fire, drove the mosquitoes away, got in the car and lay down.

  It’s better to lie in the car than to lie outside.

   Before dawn the next day, Zhou Man was woken up by Keke.

   So she reached out to push Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan got out of the car with a dazed expression and looked at the gypsophila hanging in the dark sky. He doubted Zhou Man’s judgment, "Is it time?"

   Zhou Man nodded affirmatively: "Yes!"

   "There is no hourglass, how did you know?" Bai Shan felt that he had just closed his eyes and fell asleep for less than a quarter of an hour, how could it be the time?

   Zhou Man insisted, "It's the time of the day, let's wash my face and leave."

  Night travel is slower. They have to reach the gate before the gate opens, and they have to get up at this moment.

  Bai Shan wiped his face, still waking everyone up, and everyone moved forward with torches.

  Facts have proved that the time of the week’s expiration is very accurate. When they arrive outside Qingzhou City, the stars in the sky are already sparse and the sky is a little brighter.

  Some people were also waiting outside the city, some of them picked vegetables and other things into the city early in the morning to sell, and there were caravans who didn't have time to enter the city yesterday.

  Bai Shan and their carriage stopped outside the city. Seeing that the city gate hadn't opened yet, they quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

  When the hour came, the sky was brighter, the city gate opened, and Bai Shan and his carriage immediately went to the small gate next to it.

  The officers and soldiers guarding the gate saw the opposing team's full-staff clothing, stared slightly, and stepped forward to find out their origins.

  Bai Shan opened the curtain and greeted him from the back. The officer stepped forward and said to the defending officer with a face that was difficult to say, “This is the Bai County magistrate of Beihai County, who was ordered by the governor to enter the city.”

  The defensive officer let him go immediately.

   Entering the city gate, Zhou Man looked at Bai Shan, "Are you going directly, or..."

  Bai Shan is struggling, "Although I am very sincere to see Guo Cishi like this, but it is too embarrassing, and at this time Guo Cishi got up?"

   Zhouman made a decisive decision, "Then let's go to the post first."

  Bai Shan thought so too, but he still asked the guards and officers to visit the Cishi Mansion first, "Just say that I will come to visit Guo Cishi and the nobleman later."

  The officer said: "Otherwise, I will wait for the adults to clean up and go together again?"

  Bai Shan saw that he was so worried and scared, and didn't want to embarrass him, nodded, let him follow, and then asked the guard to send a post to the governor's house first.

  The group went to the post first.

  At this time, there were only a few business travelers who spent money in the inn. Although Bai Shan and the others arrived too early, the inn still welcomed them warmly.

  Bai Shan couldn’t stand the smell of sweat on her body, and said to Yi Cheng, “Let the kitchen bring us two buckets of hot water, and let the others put aside first, don’t worry.”

  Yicheng was taken aback, and asked: "Sir, don't you eat rice first?"

  Obviously, I came here overnight, aren’t you hungry?

Hungry is hungry, but Bai Shan doesn’t like the food at the inn. He would rather go out to eat the buns from the small stall outside, but he can’t tell them that way, so he smiled and said: "No hurry, wash first, let’s eat. Going out to meet people in a while, or eating outside."

  The manpower in the kitchen is also limited. When the post-column heard that they were not eating at the post-station, they became happy and immediately promised to prepare hot water for them immediately.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man took a shower and also washed their hair.

  The cake took out their official uniforms, carefully burned them with incense, and then took out the accessories they could wear and put them out...

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man put on the fragrant official clothes, and finally feel that they are alive and refreshed.

  He got up when he was in a good mood, turned his head and said to Zhou Man, "Give me some money."

   Weekend: "Are you out of money?"

  Bai Shan: "What did I do when I went to the countryside with money? I don’t have much on my body."

   Zhou Man went to look at the cakes, the cakes went to the box, took out a box, opened it, there were two slings of money in it, and several fat silver ingots.

  Bai Shan glanced at it and said, "Give me a dangling."

  West cakes directly withdrew a drop of money.

  Bai Shan took it and took it out and gave it to Daji, "Let everyone go out and have a good meal. You are also very tossing this evening. We just need to bring two people, and the others will let them sleep."

  Daji accepted the money and gave it to everyone.

  Bai Shan took a look at the time. The sky was completely bright outside and the streets were gradually crowded, but because it was still early, there were not many people coming and going.

  Bai Shan muttered as he mounted his horse, "I don’t know if Guo Cishi is awake..."

  Guo Cishi in the Cishi Mansion is not only awake, but also very energetic, because he hasn't slept all night!

  He can't sleep!

  At first, it was surprise, then fear, and finally anger.

  I was frightened because so many nobles suddenly came to Qingzhou City, saying they were patrolling, but when they heard about the time they were out of Beijing, they obviously didn’t stop along the way and came directly to his Qingzhou. Can he not be afraid?

  The anger is that Bai Shan didn't come to Qingzhou City until the sunset and the city gate was closed. He didn't put his thorny history in his eyes, right?

   Where have all the humility and friendliness gone?

  Under various emotions, coupled with the sudden arrival of the noble, security, food, clothing, housing and transportation need to be arranged, so he didn't sleep all night.

  Of course, his staff did not sleep.

  So Bai Shan's **** sent the post to the Cishi Mansion, and he knew it in less than two quarters.

I heard that Bai Shan really went to the countryside, because he missed the person who was looking for him, and he went too far, so he was slow to return to the city. After receiving the news yesterday, he hurried all night and waited outside the city gate early in the morning. NS.

  He walked in as soon as the city gate was opened, just because he was on the road overnight and was embarrassed to see Guo Cishi, so he went to the post to wash first.

  Guo Cishi's complexion finally looked a little better, knowing that the other party didn't mean it, and his face finally returned, but he still sat and waited seriously, and waited for half an hour.

    I wish our party a happy birthday, the motherland is prosperous, our life today is as the martyrs wished, happy July 1st, everyone!

     see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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