Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3001: Hula la home

  Chapter 3001 Hula, come home

   Bai Erlang reluctantly said: "No matter, I made my Wen Quxing sick, and then you go to save him, after all, you are colleagues, do you have a fellowship?"

  Bai Shan said: "You can also write about the pandemic, Taibai cures the epidemic."

   Baijiro was taken aback, and shook his head again and again, "In that case, is the protagonist still my Wenquxing star?"

   "Wen Quxing is going to fight the epidemic on behalf of the court, and Taibai traveled to become his assistant."

  White Jiro reluctantly agrees.

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, adjusted his clothes and asked, “What do you think of my image as a Wenquxing star?”

   "No way," Bai Erlang said: "Wen Quxing is like a man in my heart, it is definitely not like you."

   Zhou Man: "Is that like Brother Yang Xue?"

  Baijiro thought for a while and shook his head: "Too handsome, if my writing ability is not enough, do readers look at his appearance or his talent? I want one by myself, so don't bother me."

  Both Shirazen and Shirajiro looked at him suspiciously, "Can you write it alone?"

  Bai Erlang said with a serious face: "I wrote "The Journey to the West" by myself. Do you guys know how hot it is now in Beijing?"

  It can be said that it is not worse than Xiang Mingxue's biography, and even sold more copies, Mingda said, and even the empress and concubines in the palace quietly bought it.

  Bai Shan felt that this matter needed more encouragement, so he stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder and said: "Okay, you work hard, and if you have any questions, just ask us."

   Zhou Man: "For example, you can ask me about the anti-epidemic vaccination."

   "The manuscripts of articles and poems that Wen Quxing wants to write, if you are missing, I can also write some for you and borrow them for free."

  Bai Jiro thinks that he can write poems that are only used in the script, and he can write poems himself. Although it is not as good as Bai Shan, it is not bad. At any rate, he is also a Jinshi?

  He didn’t plan to go into details about the anti-epidemic and vaccination. Since he wrote about the gods, he should naturally be a little strange. Only in this way can he lead people to see and lead people to the gods.

  And some basic medical theories, as well as many precautions and operations of acne vaccination, he knew, and even participated in it, so he felt that there should be no place to consult them.

  Bai Erlang was full of confidence, and after returning to Beihai County to sort it out, he began to take out the manuscript paper to write. Since Taibai is not the protagonist, he temporarily put Zhou Man behind and reimagined.

  Wen Quxing wants to go down to the earth, Taibaixing wants to go down to earth, so let more gods go down to earth, um, just start writing from the sky...

Bai Erlang wrote a miscellaneous book, Bai Shan found that there was nothing major after dealing with his official duties. Some minor cases were handled by Lieutenant Dong himself, so he called Da Ji and said to May, " I went to Qingzhou to find someone. When the lady came back at noon and told her, she knew why I went."

  It should be next in May.

  Who knows that Zhou Man did not come back at noon, she ate directly in the medical office, and Mingda was also there.

  Neither did they expect that there are so many patients who come to the medical department today, and most of them are women.

  From the age of eight to fifty, the hula group are all women.

Even Wen Tiandong, who has treated many patients, was a little at a loss, but the famous female patients were even more at a loss when facing him. Standing far away from him in the yard, he was relieved after seeing Zhou Man. With a tone of breath, both eyes looked at her blankly.

Zhou Man saw it, and didn't want to scare away the patients who came to the house for the first time. After looking at Wen Tiandong, he said: "Organize them to line up. I will ask them for consultation."

  Wen Tiandong was a little disappointed in his heart, but he was also relieved that he couldn't hold back the eyes of these patients.

  Man Bao entered the house and sat in the hall, and Mingda shook his fan and followed curiously.

  The women who came also heard it, and immediately squeezed up, wanting to rush to the first one.

  Wen Tiandong hurriedly brought people to stop him, "Line up, line up, you wait in line first, don’t crowd."

  No one listens to him.

  Wen Tiandong threatened: "Seeing you are so crowded, it is obviously an emergency. If you squeeze again, I will go in with your husband to show you!"

  The women were startled by "drinking", and backed all together, looking at him vigilantly.

  Wen Tiandong twitched the corners of his mouth and stood in front of the door, staring at them with wide-eyed eyes, "So don’t you line up?"

  Everyone is pulling their own children or relatives to squeeze me, I squeezed you barely in line.

  Wen Tiandong saw that they had no objection, so he turned sideways and said, "Let's go in first."

  The first woman in her thirties was a woman in her thirties. Her hands were tugging two one after the other. As soon as she heard that she could go in, she immediately pulled the two of them and wanted to go in together.

  Wen Tiandong helplessly stopped her and said: "Only one can enter at a time."

  She was a little anxious, "Oh, I just took my daughter-in-law and my daughter to see the doctor. I will stop by and have a look. I have to follow."

  Wen Tiandong insisted, “Just go in alone to see the doctor. Inside are our orders and... the female family members, who are all women. They can still eat them, don’t worry, I won’t go in.”

  The woman hesitated, "I will take them in."

  Wen Tiandong still stopped, Zhou Man in the room said loudly: "Let the family come in together."

  Wen Tiandong could only get out of the way, and the mother-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter went in together.

  The table is placed by the window, so that the light is sufficient, Zhou Man sits behind the table, there are pulse pillows and other things on the table, and Princess Mingda is sitting aside with a fan, raising her head and looking at them curiously.

   Zhou had a look of helplessness, and waved at them: "Come on."

  The woman immediately pulled her daughter-in-law and her daughter forward, with a face of ingratiation, and curtseys in a non-standard way: "My lord, I listened to the lady in our family who said that the adults here do not need money for medical treatment or medicine."

   Zhou Man: "’s not wrong, come here, I’ll show you, don’t worry, if you don’t want to take medicine, I will definitely not prescribe a prescription for you."

  The woman did not sit down. Instead, she pulled up her daughter-in-law, who had been keeping her head down, and pushed it to the table to please her.

Zhou Man smiled and asked her daughter-in-law to sit down and raise her head.

  It’s just that the tips of her ears were red and she didn’t want to raise her head. Man Bao took her hand pulse, smiled and asked, "What is it?"

   "Ask the heir," the daughter-in-law did not speak, and the woman smoothly said, "She has been married to my son for half a year, and has no children yet."

   Zhou Man: " doesn’t have to be so urgent. The birth depends on fate. When fate is reached, the child will come naturally. I think her pulse condition is quite strong. How old are you?"

Zhou Man couldn't hold back, lowered her head to look at her daughter-in-law's face, almost lying on the table, Mingda couldn't help covering her face with a fan, tears were about to come out, she reminded hurriedly: "Man Bao! "

   Zhou Man sat up slightly, but still asked her to raise her head, "Let me see your face and tongue coating."

  The woman pushed her daughter-in-law, "Hurry up."

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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