Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3002: Love

  Chapter 3002 Love

  Her daughter-in-law raised her head slightly, Zhou Man looked around and said, "His complexion is also pretty good, there is nothing wrong with it."

When the daughter-in-law heard this, she let out a sigh of relief, and raised her head again, her back straightened a lot, and she looked at Zhou Man with watery eyes.

Zhou Man met her eyes, and after a pause, she asked some more detailed questions. Her finger hadn't left her pulse, and she asked her to change her pulse. Then she said to the woman: "No. What's the problem, or would you ask your son to come and have a look?"

  The woman turned pale, and quickly said: "My lord, my son is strong, but he is a good hand in the field."

"Well, although things like kidney are related to physical conditions, sometimes they are not so relevant. Let him take a look first?" Zhou Man said, "I think it is also good for men to be sterile. They are in Beijing. Many infertile men were cured by that time."

  She said: "Women should not avoid doctors, and men are the same. Our medical department treats women but also men."


  She failed to realize Zhou Man’s kindness, but felt that the sky was falling.

She turned to look at her daughter-in-law, and saw her daughter-in-law sitting with a heavy face. She was excited and went to comfort her. Yes, maybe it's just that the fate has not arrived, yes, it means that the fate has not arrived."

  The woman calmed down her daughter-in-law and asked Zhou Man again, "Master Zhou, would you like to show my daughter-in-law again?"

   Zhou Man frowned slightly, turned to ask her daughter-in-law, "Do you want to see it again?"

  The daughter-in-law was a little uneasy. After hesitating, she shook her head and whispered: "I will persuade Xiang Gong to take a look when I go back."

   Zhou Man nodded, and said to the woman: “She’s okay, she’s full of vitality and blood. In fact, she is easy to conceive. She is not pregnant. If it is not for your son's problem, it is because fate has not arrived.”

She said: "Actually, I always advocate that the husband and wife should come together to ask for a child. Only when the husband and wife are okay can they have a child. There is no shame in this. A woman may not have a child, and a man will naturally You may not be able to give birth to a child. A woman’s disease can be cured, and a man’s disease can naturally be cured. It is just a disease, just like a fever and cough, just take medicine to cure it."

   is the difference between good and bad cure.

Zhou Man suppressed the last sentence and encouraged the woman, "Your son is still young. If he is sick, he can be healed more easily. Young people will recover quickly. If it is delayed, it will be difficult to treat if it takes a long time. Woolen cloth."

The woman wanted to sit on the ground and cry, but she was afraid of scaring her daughter-in-law away, and there were many relatives, friends and people from the same village outside. If she cried out, everyone would know it. That would be a shameful thing, so she cried. Don't dare to cry.

   can only nod.

   Zhou Man looked at another little girl. She was only about eleven or twelve years old, so she calmly asked, "What kind of illness are you seeing?"

  The little girl did not dare to speak for a while.

  The woman cheered up and said to Zhou Man: "This is my daughter, she is fourteen, but she is small, and there has been no monthly letter. I, I am worried that she is a stone girl."

   Zhou Man asked her to sit down and asked her pulse, "Is she born full-term?"

"No, it was a month earlier. I slipped my feet when I went to work on the ground. I fell and was born in the ground. Therefore, this child is not easy to raise. "

   Zhou Man touched her pulse, glanced at her somewhat pale face and dry hair, and asked: "What do you usually eat and drink?"

   "It's the same as at home," the woman said: "The family treats her well. She can eat whatever her father and brothers eat, but it's not good to eat as many good things as she eats."

   Seeing that the little girl had not spoken all the time, her mother was the endorsement of the little girl, he smiled and said, "I will touch your stomach for you, and insist on seeing any discomfort on your body. Go, let's go into the back room."

Zhou Man brought the little girl into the room. The woman raised her feet to keep up. Mingda raised her brows and raised her head slightly. The maid waiting next to her stretched out her hand to stop her, and looked at the woman unhappily and said, "Master Zhou is in the back room. Not gratifying to follow when seeing a doctor."

   "I am her mother..."

   "Don't say you are her mother, even the king of heaven does not work. When Lord Zhou sees the queen empress, your majesty will retreat."

  The woman choked and dared not speak.

  Mingda still sat in the chair and shook the fan, and asked her daughter-in-law in a soft voice, "Do you all know that the medical department can see a doctor for free?"

"I know," the daughter-in-law looked younger than Mingda, her sullen eyes raised her carefully, and she saw her sitting there like a fairy. For a while, she didn't know where to put her hands and feet. "Previously, Master Zhou visited the village for free..."

It’s just that there are many people who are skeptical. Although there are many people who go to join in the fun, most of them are the old people in the village. They do not allow young people and children in the village to go. They are afraid that the bad guys will come. what to do?

  Even if Zhou Man was accompanied by a servant, everyone did not believe her very much.

"Some time ago, the lady from the main family told us that the medical department is the grace of the queen’s empress, saying that people like us don’t need money as long as they don’t take medicine. The poor family can even get rid of the money for medicine, and we only know that the county town is There really is such a good place."

  Because the lady of Li Zhengjia boasted that she had also seen the princess, who was the emperor’s daughter. Like the goddess, the eldest of that week was sent by the royal person to give the queen and the princess special merits.

  The villagers were convinced that it was only then that they met to come to the county town to receive their merits.

   Zhou Man, who entered the back room, took the little girl to sit on a hospital bed, pulled her hand over and held her pulse, and whispered: "What do you eat for breakfast at home?"

  The little girl saw her leaning to her ear to talk, her voice was gentle and gentle, and she had a tendency to whisper to her. After hesitating for a while, she also whispered back: "Eat buns."

   "White noodles?"

  The little girl shook her head, “How can you afford to eat white noodles, it’s multi-grain buns.”

"do you like eating it?"

  The little girl hesitated and shook her head.

   Zhou Man asked her in a low voice, "What do you like to eat?"

  The little girl also whispered: "I like to drink porridge, and I can also eat. Eating steamed buns makes me uncomfortable."

   "Did you talk to your mother?"

  The little girl nodded, her voice low, "My mother said that it’s good to eat, eat well, and have strength."

  But she has a weak spleen and stomach, especially the lack of gas, and the grains eaten are not fine enough, which is actually a burden to the stomach and the absorption is not good.

Zhou Man asked her again, "What do you want to do at home?"

   "I do a few jobs, my mother only let me wash clothes and cook, and let my brothers and sisters do all the other things."

   Zhou Man: "...for example?"

"For example, weeding pigs to feed the pigs, tidying up the pigsty, and picking the underwater ground," the little girl was also frank, and said directly: "My mother said that these tasks are heavy, and my health is not good. Do it, let my brothers and sisters do it all."

   Zhou Man held her hand and said: "What else, don't wash your clothes. Let's change jobs. It's good to play pig grass."

  Little girl:...

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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