Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3003: All see a doctor

  Chapter 3003 All see a doctor

   Zhou Man looked at her expression and asked curiously: "Do you have a lot of pigs in your family?"

  The little girl whispered: "I have three heads."

  That's quite a lot. At least Zhou Man knows that few people raise pigs at the moment. They raise only one or two pigs at most, and very few people have broken through two pigs.

  Compared to raising pigs, more people like raising sheep and chickens.

  Because there are many people who eat mutton and chicken, there are many people who eat pork...seemly too?

   Zhou Man discovered that she had never noticed this before, and finally noticed it now. She touched her chin and thought about it. They eat more pork, but more chicken and lamb.

  Since she arrived in Beijing, she rarely saw pork when she visited other people's homes.

  But their restaurant has a lot of pork.

  She curiously asked the little girl, “Does your family have so many pigs because Qingzhou people like to eat pork?”

   "No, everyone prefers to eat lamb, pork is not good."

   "It's delicious," Zhou Man said: "The steamed pork and pork ribs are delicious, and the braised pork feet are also delicious."

  The little girl's eyes were confused, Zhou Man paused and asked, "Have you never eaten these things?"

  The little girl said with inferiority: "No, I...I have never heard of it."

  "It’s okay. This is easy to make. Since your family has pigs, I can give you the recipe. Um, how do you make steamed pork? I have to make glutinous rice flour..."

  The two talked about food, but Zhou Man did not forget about his own affairs, and touched the little girl’s life from childhood to adulthood, and then took the person out.

  She and the woman waiting outside said: "She didn't come to the letter because of lack of blood and energy, and she is only fourteen years old, so don't be too anxious."

  The woman said anxiously: "You can be a child at the age of fourteen, because her monthly letter hasn’t come, and it’s hard to say to her at home."

   Zhou Man said: "What does it matter? It is best for a woman to marry after she is eighteen years old. Even if she has a monthly letter, do you dare to let her marry?"

  She motioned to the woman to see her daughter, “Based on her physical condition, would you let her conceive and have children at this time? That would be fatal.”

  The woman turned her head and glanced at her daughter. Although the little girl is fourteen years old, but because of her poor health, she looks much smaller than her peers and is so thin. Then imagine that she has a big belly...

  The woman shuddered, and repeated "yes".

Zhou Man pulled a piece of paper and prescribed a prescription for her, saying: "I will give her a prescription for regulating the spleen and stomach and replenishing qi and blood, but this prescription depends on diet. After eating, she will absorb it better. So it’s easy to get hungry. Your family has to be changed. At least she has to eat at least three meals."

"Mainly porridge, water and rice noodles," Zhou Man said: "She has a weak spleen and stomach, eating miscellaneous grains is not easy to digest, but millet porridge can be eaten, there is also white rice porridge, you can use this for breakfast and dinner, and lunch can be eaten. Or noodles..."

"There are conditions at home. Give her more red meat. If it doesn't work, she can eat eggs. One or two a day. Also, she has a severe body cold. Try to keep her away from cold water. She can do other tasks. It’s just a job like hogweed, and a move will also help invigorate the blood, expel cold and silt..."

Zhou Man told her one by one, and then gave her the written prescription, "The price of the medicine in our medical department is the same as that of the outside pharmacy. The medicine can be taken for half a month. After half a month, you can take her to see her. If she is well maintained, I will give her acupuncture. By the way, where is your home?"

  The woman was stunned, remembering the rules of seeing a doctor in the medical department she had heard, and quickly took out her household registration.

Zhou Man took a look, quickly jotted down the information on the pulse record on the side, glanced at the population of her family, and felt that there were a lot of people, but the village was a little far away. Acupuncture and moxibustion are also very effective in regulating qi and blood."

  The woman asked in a low voice, "Is that needle... expensive?"

   Zhou Man said generously: "If it's just a needle, no medicine, I will give you a **** for free, it is medicine..."

  She thought for a while and said: "It's not expensive, just a few cents."

  The woman breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly responded, folded the prescription and put it in her arms, but still pressed her daughter and didn't let her get up, but smiled flatteringly: "My lord, why would you give her two injections now?"

   Zhou Man said: "Now Zha is twice the result with half the effort, and when she takes the medicine, it will be twice the result with half the effort."

  That's also work, isn't it?

  The woman does not want to go.

   Zhou Man saw this, and after taking a look at her expression, he nodded, "Okay, anyway, you have to look at it anyway, then I'll give you a few shots."

   Zhou Man let the little girl go into the back room, take off her clothes and lie on the bed.

  The woman took her daughter-in-law and followed in, and Mingda followed in curiously.

  The little girl was very upset when seeing so many people around her, so she didn't want to take it off.

  When Zhou Man saw this, he drove everyone out, pulled the curtain up for her by the way, and then looked at the woman, "Let your daughter take a moment, come on, let me show you first."

  The woman didn’t think she had any problems. She mainly brought her daughter-in-law and daughter. She was checked by Zhou Manyi. The waist was not good and her qi and blood were also lost. There were more problems than her daughter.

   Then she also lay down on the bed, and was given a needle with her daughter across the curtain.

   Zhou Man put needles on the mother and daughter, and the ears finally became clear. She turned around and went out to see the next patient.

  The one who came in this time is still the big one and the small one, but the small one is even smaller. He is only about three years old. He is a little boy. "...I have been coughing and have used medicine, but it is always bad."

When Zhou Man saw the doctor, the child couldn't help but cough violently. Zhou Man frowned and said after seeing: "There are medicine stickers in the medical office. His illness has been delayed a little longer, and it is best to live in the medical department for treatment."

   Zhou Man gave her a prescription and gave it to her.

  The little lady did not hesitate much, and after taking the prescription, she hugged the child down.

  Mingda also often coughs. The so-called long-term illness becomes a doctor, not to mention that she sees the best royal doctor, so she also sees it, "Is this a cold disease as a heat disease?"

Zhou Man nodded helplessly, "Many people think that this is the time when the heat is hot. People will not catch the cold, but only the heat, but they don’t know that it is the hottest period when there will be cold in the early morning. You can also listen to it. When it arrives, the husband and wife feel hot, so if you open the window and sleep soundly, the child is more likely to catch a cold."

   "The previous doctor prescribed medicine to identify the wrong symptoms," Zhou Man sighed and skipped the matter. "Fortunately, it is not too late to change at this time, but the child has to suffer more."

  Many people came to see the doctor today. Most of them were women who brought their daughter-in-laws and even granddaughters.

  Some people have prescribed medicine to go back. Zhou Man always tells him the date of taking the medicine. If it is better, he does not need to come again. If it is not good, he must come. The consultation is still free; while some people have to repeatedly tell Zhou Man to come again when the time is up.

  For example, for the mother-in-law, mother-daughter, Zhou Man urged: "You must see after taking the medicine. These diseases can not be cured once or twice..."

  The woman nodded in a daze, and dragged her daughter-in-law away with the medicine in both hands. After all, she bought the medicine at the medical office, and she also bought a lot.

   See you at seven in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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