Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3063: Satomasa

  Chapter 3063 Lizheng

  The servants hurried back to their residences, but did not lie down to sleep immediately, but still gathered together.

  Tonight they received a big impact, and their hearts are still beating, which is very uncomfortable.

  As a result, they had just got together, and before they had time to discuss the last two sentences, there was a sudden bang outside, and the servant knocked on the clapper, shouting loudly for everyone to come out and gather.

  The soldiers who had just come back tonight were worried and had to walk out of the house.

  The servants and guards guarded each place by the hilt of the sword, seeming to be scattered, but firmly held the various openings. Seeing them coming out, the government officer immediately ordered: "What are you doing in a daze? Bring the firewood over there in the past, and raise two piles of fire here and there, don't hurry!"

  The fire rose, and the surrounding torches illuminated the scene as bright as day. The sixty people who were called up, not to mention the expressions on their faces, were at least visible.

  Bai Shan brought Bai Erlang and Yin or forward, and now they are not afraid that these servants will rebel again.

  Since they didn’t dare to move just now, they didn’t dare to move at this time. They were all scared by Bai Shan, okay?

Bai Shan remembers very well, not to mention that there are guards and servants on his side. When the sixty servants are standing, he does not pick him up, and directly points to the side and says: "The thirty-four people who have just arrived outside the county’s house stand by themselves. Come on this side."

  Everyone dauntedly refused to move, and Bai Shan looked at them quietly.

  Fangxian Cheng shouted: "I thought you adults wouldn't know who it was if you didn't stand up? Just now, the adults could just pass the name one by one!"

  Everyone just remembered, and their hearts became more panic. They lowered their heads and secretly exchanged looks with the person next to them, and they could only move aside.

  They all regretted their deaths at this time. They knew it would be like this. They shouldn’t have listened to them at that time, and there was nothing wrong with them lying in the house.

  When they all stood there, Fang Xiancheng stepped forward to count, and checked his face by the way. After a while, he came back and said to Bai Shan, "All are logarithmic."

Bai Shan told them with a cold face, "Since the military order was issued on September 20th, the county has issued two military orders. There were a total of 1,868 people before and after the draft, and the fortifications built, I dare not say that there are no problems at all, but like you, the horses in this county can detect that the ground is not solid enough and the quality is poor. You are the only one who runs over."

"The other forty soldiers who were recruited from the same place as you had served and returned home the day before. Due to the fact that they had been out of the same mile with you, this county also deliberately checked them carefully, but there was no problem with the section of road they built. ," Bai Shan said: "So this county is thinking, is it because you have been sneaking and skiing, or is it the bad ethos that you learned after you got here?"

  The yamen in charge of this group of soldiers broke out in cold sweat, knelt down one after another, dare not say a word.

  Bai Shan glanced at them coldly, and did not ask them to get up.

  As the responsible veterans, they must not only guarantee the food and safety of the veterans during their service, but also the quality of their service.

  The last part cut corners like this. Next year, there will be rain, and there will be a lot of carts and horses passing by, and the road will become bumpy after two years.

  Does Zhengdang County Government rely on a mouth to build roads?

"If such a problem occurs, you are at fault, but the servants responsible for supervising you are also guilty. Originally, the county didn't want to bring punishment when you rebuilt, but since you are so impatient, the county doesn't mind the sentence being pronounced at this time. "

The soldiers all lowered their heads.

Bai Shan's face was sullen and serious, and his eyes slid across their faces like a knife, and said, "You are all citizens of this county. As for me, I have seen the hardships of the Yard when I was a child, so I only served this time. It will be so different, not only to ensure that you are full, but also to ensure that you are not cold, but not overworked. This county thinks that it is good enough for you, and it is heartbroken enough..."

  Bai Shan said this slowly, but everyone present knew that he was angry, and the Yidings bowed their heads in shame.

"There are rewards for merit, and punishment for mistakes. The county originally wanted to punish you to work in Guantian for ten days. Fangxian Cheng said that the penalty was light. This county doesn't think it, but from tonight, the county thinks Fangxian Cheng said That's right." Bai Shan said: "So, all the servants who slowed down this time will be fined for 20 days after the road has been rebuilt. They will all go to Longchi to build the wharf. The 34 people who clamored tonight will be fined two more. Ten days, a total of forty days, when will you finish serving and when will you go back."

  Bai Shan's gaze fell on the kneeling servant, and his expression was cold. "The supervisor of the servant has the same crime. The penalty is three months, and the service is forty days."

  This is even heavier than the punishments imposed by the servants. The three court servants who were kneeling on the ground turned pale, but did not dare to excuse or shirk, and they kowtowed their heads.

  Even the servants pleaded guilty, and the servants did not dare to say anything. They knelt down and responded with "yes."

  Bai Shan saw that they were honest, and then the Cheng Fang County nodded slightly.

  Fangxian County prime minister urged the officers to retreat, "No more gatherings or clamors for no reason. If anyone commits a crime again, it is not a simple matter of fines."

  After all the servants had returned to their houses, Fangxian Cheng went to find Bai Shan, "My lord, just forget about it?"

Although Fangxian Cheng loved the people, he did not blindly indulge them. Ask him to say that they dare to disturb the county magistrate late at night, even if they just surround them, it also means persecution and should be punished severely.

  Bai Shan does not like the penalty of sticking to the stick. To achieve his goal, there are other more cost-effective penalties. He said: "I will find them tomorrow, and the county will see him in person."

The workers did not sleep well all night, and when they got up the next morning, they were languid and had deep eye circles, but they didn't dare to be lazy today. They took their tools to repair the road after eating a premature meal, and they didn't dare to delay.

  They Lizheng rushed from the village soon after receiving the news. When they saw Lizheng, they were even more anxious for some reason.

Sure enough, they were called in one place during lunch, and the people who hated iron and steel scolded them, and said angrily: "The old face will shame you all, and you will bully the county grandfather young and think he Softness is good for bullying."

"I really thought he had a good temper for you to eat and drink?" Li Zheng said angrily: "That's because the county grandfather loves your mud legs. If he doesn't feel sorry for others, look at the people in Xiaojing Village, Dajing Village. Ten people, when they say slash, slash, and exile, do you see him blinking?"

"You dare to go to the county magistrate in the middle of the night, are you stuffed with dung?" Lizheng cursed and directly sent all the anger he received today to them. After the cursing became dry, he said: "Today we are considered to be It’s all famous. My old face is gone. Don’t even think about having a face. This matter is already known to everyone. In the future, to prevent such things from happening again, we have to hang on that announcement..."

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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