Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3064: Long Chi

   Chapter 3064 Long Chi

The servants blushed, and some people couldn't help but said, "How can adults be like this?"

Li was jumping, "Why don't you think about it when you are lazy? How can you be lazy when you are being lazy? Do you dare to be lazy when you are in the old service? The veteran will not slap you to death. …"

  Lizheng turned over the words she had previously scolded them again, and scolded them again, but she stopped talking until her voice was dumb.

  The servants were flushed, and they dared not say a word when they lowered their heads.

  Li Zheng finished cursing the talent and said: "My Excellency, after the road is repaired, you may go home for a half-day holiday to take your luggage, and then you will go to Longchi to serve."

  One person couldn’t help asking: “Lizheng, we have served for forty days. Wouldn’t we just go back soon after the Chinese New Year?”

  Li Zheng raised his eyelids and said, "Why, do you still want to choose a date? Then, should you just choose the place where you are fined? Or just leave it unpunished?"

  No one dared to speak anymore immediately.

  Li was looking at them with a sneer, "Conscientiously build the road, wait for you to fix the road, and watch it."

  At this moment, although the servants feel ashamed, they still don’t feel very deeply because all the people present are committing the crime together.

   Danli was the entire dough that burned, especially when he met with the magistrate Bai and Fang Xiancheng just now, he couldn't wait for a hole in the ground, he could jump in and bury himself.

  At this time, even though they were ashamed and bowed their heads, the emotions around them didn't seem to be much at first glance. Some even felt like a broken tank.

  Li was watching them sneer again and again.

In fact, the road they cut corners is not very long. It is less than five miles in the last few days. It is estimated that this service is not as hard as before. When people slack off, they become lazy. When they move, they can't help but perfuse .

  The officials didn’t pay attention, and let them fool around.

At this time, although the road needs to be excavated and rebuilt, it is easier than before. The bottom two layers are still well pressed. They only need to add a layer of stones and press two layers of soil to confirm that they are firm. .

  It takes less time than the first road repair, but it also took three days before and after.

Bai Shan stood on the road and kicked the soil under his feet. The servants next to him also checked with the tools and confirmed that the pressure was good. Then he nodded slightly and said to the servants who were standing aside with the tools: "Quasily. During your half-day vacation, we will wait for you at the gate of Lizheng at the time of application. If you are late for more than a quarter of an hour, we will deal with it as an escape."

  Bai Shan hadn't had a gentle smile to face them at the beginning of the past few days, and said with a stern face: "Okay, let's go away."

  Everyone hurried back to their residence, took their own packages and things, and ran towards home.

  No one dared to doubt Bai Shan's words, and no one dared to escape.

  If the monk escapes, can the temple run with long legs?

  Who is not a family living in the village? No one can run away for such a thing, and can't get away after a long time.

  So Bai Shan can safely let them go home.

Of course, he was not on holiday because he felt sorry for them, but this time when he went to Longchi, the weather would get colder and colder. They had to go back to get a few more clothes and socks, otherwise they would be sick and could not work in Longchi. If you don’t say that, he still has to spend money to treat the disease, thanks?

  In addition to this, it is also to let them feel the "love" of their family members, so as not to make any unscrupulous offenses outside.

  Sure enough, the Yidings ran home, and they were greeted by fighting, scolding, and crying.

Most of the beatings were their grandfathers of the two generations. They beat others and cursed them, "You have even thrown them into the county seat. Who in the ten miles and eight townships doesn't know that you even build roads and rape, and see what your children will do in the future. Say dear!"

Most of the people who curse people are the female elders of their family. "If you save energy when you serve in the past, everyone knows that it’s hard work. You know that it’s your ability to save energy and save you. For four hours, I deliberately staggered the time when the blazing sun was shining, and I gave you enough food and drink. You are stealing and playing slippery at this time. Do you know what outsiders say about our house? Your sister (daughter) hasn't said yet. My dear, you are going to kill them."

  As for the crying, it is naturally their wife\sister\daughter.

  It's a headache.

But this is not the hardest thing. The hardest thing is when you go out. Although you can go home for half a day, because it is the slack season, most people in the village gather to talk. When they pass by the door, some people rush They pointed and pointed, not knowing what was said, and made a sound of unknown meaning.

  The clan brothers who returned from service with him in the village also came back, but the two families were not at the same hatred at this time, but they complained to each other instead.

   said: "I don't know who you learned badly from. You were hardworking when you were at home. Why did you learn these bad things?"

   said: "It's not your first time in military service. I have never heard of you being lazy and effortless. Why do you bring your cousin this year and become a scorpion when you come back?"

  Anyway, they didn't get comfort when they went home. On the contrary, they felt more uncomfortable and irritable, so it's better not to come back.

  They only had time to take a shower, ate a simple meal, took their repacked luggage and left. This time I went out, there was no ardent warning, only angrily: "If you are lazy and committing a crime this time, you don't come back. I really can't afford to lose this person."

  Sixty servants, one of them is not lacking, and they met in front of Lizheng's house on time.

   Bai Shan saw that his face improved slightly, and said to Bai Erlang Yin, "There is still some help."

  Bai Erlang was excited, "Go, go early, get to Longchi early."

  He wants to go to the beach to see the sea, but now he doesn’t want to think about it.

  The group of people turned to Longchi, because they were far away, they stayed overnight on the road, and arrived at Longchi the next evening.

  Longchi has changed a lot.

  Before, the salt field was full of people, and the unopened stove was used for cooking, but it was not wasted.

  Many houses have been built on some open spaces near the saltworks, all of which are simple thatched houses, and they are all long-term workers who come here to work.

  The servants come over, and they can live in directly after choosing a house.

  When they arrived, the long-time workers and craftsmen finished their work, and they were lining up for a meal with their rice bowls.

  Seeing these people suddenly come, everyone turned their heads and glanced at them, but it was only a glance, and they looked back when they were sure that they were also here to do the work.

  Bai Shan has let Mr. Cui go back, and only brought Fang Xiancheng over.

  This is the first time that Fang County Cheng has come to Longchi since Bai Shan took office. He was shocked for a while. This was no longer the Longchi he was familiar with before.

  Bai Shan threw Yiding to him, and took Bai Erlang and Yin or went to see Master Cui.

   "Master Cui is on the dock."

  Bai Shan pulled the horse over and mounted it, and when he saw Yin or standing, he smiled and asked, "Are you going to ride a horse or ride a car?"

  Yin may be very heartbroken. He hesitated for a while, turned his head and said longevity: "Go and lead the horse."

   See you at 11:30 in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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