Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3128: News from the capital

  Chapter 3128 News from Beijing

  Waiting for Cao Yixuan and Wei Man to settle down, Zhou Man looked at Zheng Gu, "Are you here alone?"

   "No, there is still my lady."

   Zhou Man nodded, "I have let people clean up the guest room. You don't live in the inn. Let's live at home."

  Zheng Gu responded with a smile, and Zhou Man asked, "How is everything in the capital?"

Zheng Gu said: "When I came out, the Imperial Medical Office had already selected a place to build a medicine workshop in Yongzhou, while Donggong had allocated a piece of land in the imperial house to build a medicine workshop. The distance between the two places was not very far. It means that after graduating, pharmacy students can choose to enter various medical offices to make classic medicines, they can also go to the pharmacies of the Imperial Medical Office, or they can go to the pharmacies of Donggong."

   Zhou Man tilted his head in confusion, "Yaofang belongs to the East Palace? Isn't it from the royal family?"

Zheng Gu smiled slightly and said: "When my uncle said that the drugstore was about to open, several princes and county princes quarreled in front of your majesty, and they all had to take this errand. Your Majesty was embarrassed and could not make a decision for a while, so he simply pretended to be deaf and dumb. I don't know this, but the prince did it all alone, so now the drugstore is under the name of Donggong."

"But that is the case, but all the ministers in the DPRK and the royal family know that it is what your majesty meant." Zheng Gu said: "Penicillin is very valuable. Now this medicine is not easy to produce, and sometimes the pharmaceutical industry does not handle it well. The furnace is completely destroyed. Except in the military, the hospital will always keep some in case of emergency."

He said: "But you also said that this medicine is not suitable for some people, so as a last resort, we will not prescribe such medicine. Some adults, especially the generals on the battlefield, always want to bring some with them. Therefore, I have been trying to buy it, and the price of the medicine in private has been speculated to the sky. It is almost the same price as ginseng."

  But ginseng needs several decades, hundreds of years of cultivation, and people have to discover and dig. Apart from other things, the cost of time alone is not low, so it is natural that its price is high.


  The cost of this item is far less than that of ginseng. The price of the hospital for the military is not very high. After all, it is intended for ordinary soldiers to use it.

   But this thing turned one hand, and with two hands, it turned out to be a sky-high price. Interests are moving, so so many people want to get involved.

  The pharmacy of the Imperial Medical Office is their own business, and the pharmacists used are their own students and apprentices. The sales can also be directly connected with the Ministry of War, local medical departments and medical clinic pharmacies, and no outsiders are used at all.

  So everyone is staring at the drugstore under the Prince's hands.

"Except for the Pharmacy, it is Master’s Zhezi," Zheng Gu was not qualified to go to court. He still heard what his uncle said, and Zhou Man’s Zhezi caused an uproar in the court. It is not difficult for him to know.

"Most of the courtiers in the DPRK have agreed to Master's suggestion. The medical offices of the various states and county medical offices have submitted products, but there are also some objections," Zheng Gu said. With constant income, coupled with the support of the national treasury and your majesty’s internal treasury, the Imperial Medical Office can continue to handle it for a long time."

   "People who oppose it think that this is not a long-term solution. The local medical office is spending too much money, and it is inevitable that some people will forge the household registration in order to defraud the doctor.

   Zhou Man twitched the corners of his mouth, snorted and asked, "How is Xiao Yuan returning to them?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng couldn't intervene at all, and they themselves became too noisy.

Zhou Man hummed: "Next time you write to Xiao Yuanzheng, remember to tell him. If someone else says that, you can ask him to ask, is it possible that the county officials, Yushitai, and Dali Temple are all vegetarians? Is it?"

  The upper user changes to the lower one. If one comes, you catch one. If you come to a pair, you will be punished heavily. Let you really change from the upper one to the next one. See if they still cheat?

  Zheng Gu scratched his head, "Master, you are about to give birth, so you can't be angry."

   "I'm not angry," Zhou Man waved his hand and asked, "Any more?"

Zheng Gu hesitated for a moment and said: "Wei Da is sick, but before I came, he was able to go to court. I have seen his face, and some are not good. I asked my uncle, but he didn't allow me to inquire. He was in the hospital. Master Wei's pulse case was also accepted, and no one was allowed to read it."

  He remembered that Master and Master Wei had a good relationship. Master Wei also strongly supported the proposal of the local medical office this time, so he felt that he should tell Master.

   Zhou Man froze for a moment, and fell silent.

  Wei Zhi's health is very bad. Without the pills she gave, she was afraid that she would not be able to end the battle of Liaodong the year before.

   Seeing her silence, Zheng Gu fell silent.

  After a while, she asked again, "Are there any more?"

  Zheng Gu laughed and said: "The rest is our private business, Master, Xiao Yuan is sending the third younger brother to the pharmacy. If there is no accident, he will take care of the pharmacy in the future."

   Zhou Man was surprised, "Zheng Shao is not very young, and he has only experienced two years, can Xiao Yuan feel relieved?"

He smiled and nodded and said: "He is a little worse in diagnosis of pulses and prescriptions, but he has a much better understanding of medicine than us. He has the highest success rate in making penicillin. We have tried it and the effect is also the best. , The most stable, so Xiao Yuan just selected him."

   Zhou Man nodded slightly, “When he was in the Imperial Medical Office before, he learned pharmacy best, and he made medicines better than you.”

   Zhou Man asked: "Where are Liru and Sanniang? What happened to them?"

  They are so good!

There are a lot of female doctors in Beijing. They graduated a group last year. In addition to a few from the Taiyuan Hospital, there were also two female doctors in the Chang'an County Medical Department. But because Liu Sanniang and Zhou Liru were disciples of Zhou Man, the two of them were even more disciples. Be popular.

  Facts have also proved that their medical skills are better.

  So the female relatives of rich and powerful people in Beijing like to invite them when they are sick.

  If you are qualified, please ask them from the hospital, which is fast and cheap; if you are not qualified, please privately...

  Zheng Gu remembered the lively scene when he saw each family in the Taiyuan Hospital last time to invite them, and sighed: "Compared to the few male doctors of us, it is too popular."

   Zhou Man nodded with satisfaction. What she fears most is that female doctors will be squeezed out in the capital, and then it will be difficult to recruit female disciples from the Imperial Medical Office.

  The two masters and disciples talked for a long time, and waited until they called outside before they went to eat dinner. Zheng Gu then asked people to take out the things that the various houses in the capital had entrusted him to bring out.

   Zhou Man watched for a moment, “Strange, didn’t the family only ask someone from the palace to bring me something? Why are there still?”

Zheng Gu thought for a while and said: "I'm going to tell them ten days before going out. The people in the palace went later than us for the things I got two days in advance. It was a temporary departure. We only went together when we met on the road. Maybe it was cleaned up later?"

   Zhou Man asked people to open the box to see what the box was, and found that it was all kinds of children’s clothes, shoes, and even diapers.

  She was stunned, "I can see it, it really took time to prepare carefully."

  (End of this chapter)

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