Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3129: launch

  Chapter 3129 Launch

  Bai Shan took out a long cloth towel, looked back and forth, and asked puzzledly, "What is this for? Take a shower?"

  Xiao Qian took it hurriedly, folded up and said: "This is for the child to wipe his body after taking a shower."

  She said: “It’s still cold now. Waiting for Manbao to produce it, it will take a long time to warm up. You have to wrap it when you get out of the water, otherwise the wind will blow, and it will be cold.”

   Zhou Man was also surprised. She did not watch newborn babies less, but she had never brought her hands on her hands. At most, she would join in the fun, and then give some suggestions from the doctor's point of view. Where should we consider these small details?

   "Is that enough? Can't I change it or something?"

Zheng also found out a lot of good things, and Wen Yan laughed with her: "Don't worry, your sister and I have prepared these. We have prepared three cloth towels with different colors. We will see when the time comes. We will give her the one that the child likes."

   Zhouman gave a "wow" and asked curiously, "What color are there?"

  They were talking lively, and the entrance to the courtyard was slammed open, and a guard ran in and said, "Master Zhou, the princess has a stomachache and is about to give birth!"

   Zhou Man’s eyes lit up, and he turned around to go, "Send someone to call Wen Po?"

   "Someone has already gone."

  Xiao Qian's was taken aback, and he pulled her back and said, "You are about to give birth to yourself, do you want to go?"

Zhou Man smiled and calmed her and said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, other pregnant women can't go to see a childbirth because she is afraid that she will be scared, but I have delivered so many children, and I have even had an abdomen, so I won’t be scared. ."

  Little Qian let go, but instead helped her, "I'll go take a look with you."

  Zheng was anxious, and quickly said: "I, I will go too."

  Bai Shan turned his head and said to humanity: "Go to the post and ask the two female doctors to help."

  Many people have great power. If you can’t get started after a week, they can still use it.

  The next person responded and rushed towards the post.

The two houses are not far away. Zhou Man arrived soon, and Yin may live next door, so he has already arrived. At this time, he was sitting in the living room with tea. Bai Erlang was in a hurry from the side, but Princess Mingda's expression remained unchanged. Sitting in a chair on the side to eat noodles.

  Bai Shan and Xiao Qian helped Zhou Man in from left to right. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but look at the anxious Bai Erlang, "Didn’t you say you are going to give birth? It will always be you?"

  Bai Erlang's sweat was wiped away, and then he said, "Mingda has a stomachache. The mother said that she is about to give birth, but she is not in a hurry at all."

  Yin or take a sip of the tea ceremony slowly: “I said it’s just a pain, it’s still a long time before giving birth.”

  Bai Shan smiled and asked him, "Then why are you here?"

   Yin or sighed, "He screamed too miserably. I was shocked when I heard it next door, so I hurried over to take a look, and then he pulled me to stop me from leaving."

  Mingda put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, pursed his mouth, and apologized: "I scared you."

Zhou Man sat down and asked her, "Does it still hurt?"

   "In fact, it still hurts a bit, but it's not too serious and can be tolerated."

   Zhou Man exhaled, "Then we should wait, let them clean up the room, and I will live here at night."

  She still touched her pulse, and then touched her belly. After confirming that it was just a pain, she relieved her mind, so she said to the ladies of the court: "Pay attention at night. If the amniotic fluid breaks, please call."


  Everyone simply lived here at night. Bai Erlang was the most uneasy. He slept on the couch at night and got up in half an hour to take a look at the house at a time.

  Mingda was so irritated that she didn't want to sleep, and now she couldn't fall asleep anymore. The two of them stared at each other.

Bai Shanze and Zhou Man slept in the guest room. She can only sleep on her side, but her back also hurts. Bai Shan pressed a button for her and coaxed softly, "Go to sleep, you may have to get up early tomorrow. Can't miss it."

Zhou Man then slowly fell asleep in his soft comfort. She fell asleep until midnight, and got up gently to make it easy. Bai Shan woke up and stood up to support her and said: "This is not home, I light the lamp, you Wait a minute to avoid bumping into things."

It was still a bit cold at night. When Zhou Man came out wearing his clothes, Bai Shan almost fell asleep leaning on the screen. He dazzledly helped Zhou Man to go back, and walked to the bedside. Suddenly Duang made a sound in the silence. , Both of them were shocked and almost fell on the bed.

  Bai Shan tightly pinched Zhou Man's arm with both hands, which did not make her lean back.

  It was quiet outside for a moment, and then all kinds of voices rose, there were sounds of kneeling inviting sin, and there were shouts, and some people were running here...

   Zhou Man guessed it as soon as he heard the movement, and said hurriedly: "Maybe Mingda is about to give birth."

  Bai Shan picked up the coat and put it on her. The two of them put on the clothes, and they heard Jiulan and Xibing outside saying: "Lord, lady, there is someone from the princess."

  Bai Shan opened the door and helped Man Bao go out, “Go and prepare a cup of warm water. The lady needs to warm her stomach and let the people in the kitchen prepare some pasta and porridge.”

   Jiulan responded and hurried to go, while the cakes helped Zhou Man to the main courtyard.

  Wen Po has arrived, and when she saw Zhou Man, she said: "The amniotic fluid is broken, and it is about to give birth."

  Shiajiro stood aside and probed his head, swallowing nervously and asked, "Is it serious? No, did I mean it went well? Not right..."

  He slapped his mouth and asked again: "Is it going to give birth now?"

  Mingda was in terrible pain, so she reluctantly turned her head to look at him, and directed the maid to say: "Let him go out."

When   Grandma heard this, she immediately reached out and pushed him out.

   Zhou Man took a look and comforted her: "No hurry, let's take it slow."

  Then someone brought the needle bag, she gave her an analgesic needle, and talked to her, "Why kick him out?"

   "It's so ugly, I don't want him to see it."

   Zhou Man smiled, turned his head and said to the maid: "Close the window outside too, so that he won't be snobbish outside."

  The maid went there, breaking Shirajiro's last way.

   Zhou Man got the needle, and when she didn't feel so painful, the needle was closed. At this time, her uterine mouth was also opened, and she took a step back and let the wife come forward.

  Wenpo just stepped forward and took a look before she said "Ouch", "Princess, don't be nervous, this tension, the previous pain will be in vain, relax, relax."

  Mingda looked at Zhou Man in a panic, praying.

  The grandmother and the grand palace lady were also anxious on the sidelines.

"I'm coming." Zhou Man leaned forward and asked Wen Po to step back. Seeing that her amniotic fluid had been decreasing, Zhou Man pressed her a few times. The pain made her exhale in pain, but her body quickly Relax.

   Zhou Man comforted her again, "Don’t be afraid, I’m right here, come, just take a deep breath as we practiced in private before..."

   "Hold your breath, hold back, use force, yes, sink down..."

   Zhou Man kept watching and encouraged her to say: "Very well, you are the smartest, you have used the right strength, let's do it again..."

   "I saw the child's head, you can see that I touched it correctly, your fetal position is very normal, let's do it again..."

  Zhou Man supported the child with her hands and slowly helped the child out. She happily said: "Give birth!"

  (End of this chapter)

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