Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3130: Successively

   Chapter 3130

The mother and the court maid who had been standing by the side obediently came forward immediately, but they stretched out their hands and dared not hug them. She still squeezed them away, took the scissors, cut the umbilical cord quickly, and took the child. past.

   Zhou Man handed the children to them, turned around and began to pack up the very tired Mingda, and smiled with her: "It's a boy."

  Mingda almost cried, and said in a choked voice: "I know, you told me four months ago."

   Zhou Man smiled and narrowed his eyes.

  At this moment, Wen Po patted the child. He suddenly had a pain, his voice was loud and crying, and the people waiting outside suddenly became lively, "Giving birth, giving birth—"

  Grandma and the maids also stopped their work excitedly, squatted and bowed together, shouting happily: "Congratulations to the princess, Xiaolangjun is safe and healthy."

   "Yeah, yeah, how bright this sound is, it is full of breath, and it is healthy when you hear it."

  Grandma was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. Seeing Zhou Man was giving the princess' pulse, she calmed everyone down. As soon as she closed her hands, she asked, "How is the princess?"

   Zhou Man smiled and said: "Mother and son are safe."

  Grandma was completely relieved, and quickly helped Zhou Man and said, "Master Zhou, go and rest quickly. Tonight is really tiring for you."

  She asked the maid to stay to take care of the princess, and she personally helped Zhou Man to go out.

  Shiajiro was standing at the door looking at his son, with a silly smile on his face.

   Seeing Zhou Man, he waved at her, "Come over and see, is my child particularly good-looking? Bai Shan and Yin may still be surprised that they are not good-looking."

   Standing left and right, blocking the entire door, Bai Shan and Yin, preventing a trace of wind from coming in:...When did they say this?

  They just refused to agree with him that the child was white and beautiful.

  How can a child born only be white and beautiful?

Zhou Man also looked at it. She didn't look closely just now. When she looked at it, she felt that the child was so behaved, so noisy, and he slept soundly with his fists clenched obediently. Well, this is a bit like Bai Erlang. .

   Zhou Man frowned slightly when he thought of this, it smells like when he sleeps, and it looks like when he doesn’t open his eyes, right?

   Bai Erlang felt that Zhou Man’s gaze was a little threatening, so he hugged the child and squeezed into the house. The mother immediately screamed, “Master Ma, you can’t enter the delivery room. It’s unlucky.”

   "What's unlucky, I don't believe this, but I may be dirty. I won't enter for the safety of the princess. I will wait in the outer room. Don't worry."

Bai Erlang hugged the baby and sat on the chair in the outer room. His hands were still a bit stiff, so he didn't dare to let it down. He asked, "Is the princess sleeping? Do you want to eat? Is she still in pain? Do you want to take medicine? ?"

   Zhou Man turned around and left, and said to Bai Shan: "Let’s go back, I’m tired."

   "Okay." Bai Shan supported her.

After going out, she saw Zheng Gu and Cao Yixuan Wei Man who were waiting outside. She nodded and said, "Leave one. When the princess wakes up, go in and get her pulse. If it's okay, go to the medical office."

  The three saluteed at the same time, "Yes."

  At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and there were people outside the morning stall. Zhou Man simply walked back with Bai Shan, and the two of them had a bowl of wontons on the way.

  As soon as he entered the house, Zhou Man stopped in his footsteps, and Bai Shan, who was supporting her, saw her motionless, so he looked over in confusion, "What's the matter?"

   Zhou Man leaned on his waist and said, "I, I'm going to give birth."

  Bai Shan's expression went blank for a moment, then he turned around and yelled calmly.

  Daji hurried forward.

   "Go to the princess mansion and call the two stable wives, as well as the mother and sister-in-law, to let them come back, um, don't disturb the princess." After Bai Shan ordered that it was not enough, he said: "Call Zheng Gu back."

  Daji responded, Bai Shan then told Xibing and Jiulan, "Go get ready and let the kitchen boil hot water."

  Bai Shan supported Zhou Man and found that her face was pale, he stabilized and lifted her up sideways, step by step to the delivery room they had prepared.

  The cake hurriedly followed, opened the quilt and let Bai Shan put the person down.

   Zhou Man also recovered, adjusting his breathing, holding back the pain and saying: "It's no big deal, my fetal position is also normal, you go out first, and wait for the wife to come."

  Bai Shan sat aside, touching her belly with a trembling hand, "I'll be with you and wait."

  The two provinces are not far away, not to mention that the people over there are ready-made, and everyone will be there soon.

  Xiao Qian and Zheng came in with Wen Po, immediately dragged Bai Shan up and pushed out, and then began to work towards Zhou Man.

  Zhou Man herself is a doctor, with a wealth of theoretical knowledge, and she also had prenatal training, so she just panicked, and her heart calmed down instantly after seeing Xiao Qian and so many people.

  Wenpo had no time to speak, so she asked: "How much is the palace entrance open?"

  Knowing that it’s too early, he said: "I feel a little flustered and weak, so I was asked to cook the brown sugar water for me. It should be tired. I will rest."

  Wenpo hurriedly asked: "Is the adult not eating? It can't be done without strength."

   "I just ate a bowl of wontons. I'm not hungry. It will take a while for my strength to work. I should have been scared just now. Wait for me to relax."

   Not waiting for Wen Po's command, she took a deep breath in an orderly manner.

  Xiao Qian’s went to the kitchen to boil her a bowl of brown sugar water. After Zhou Man drank it, he found a posture that was most suitable for production. Then he took a deep breath and relaxed while enduring the pain.

  Women: ...It's too worry-free, they instantly lost their usefulness.

  The birth of Zhouman also went smoothly. Although she felt that the pain exceeded her own perception, in the eyes of everyone, she still had a smooth birth, and she was born without much worry about them.

  That is, after she was born, she didn't even have the strength to speak.

  Xiao Qian and Zheng knew that she was pregnant with a daughter, and the baby was cleaned immediately after birth. Zheng was not willing to spank her, so they patted her gently, but the child did not say anything...

   Frightened the little Qian, and hurriedly re-shooted it. When the child started humming, he was relieved, "Healthy and healthy."

   Spanking the child’s ass, of course, not to hear her cry, but to make sure that her voice is correct and healthy.

  Wenpo washed and wrapped the child, and handed it to Zheng.

  Zheng was holding the child in a strange way, and his eyes curled up with a smile, "I'm a grandmother!"

  Bai Shan lay on the window, trying to look in through the gap of the window, "Mother, mother, Man Bao and the child are all right?"

   "It's okay, it's okay, mother and daughter are safe, everything is fine."

  Bai Shan grinned, and he couldn't help but grinned. He was about to stick to the window, and shouted, "Mother, I want to see the child. Would you take it out and show me?"

  It’s impossible to hug it out. Although it’s bright now, it’s still a bit cold outside. How could the child go out and blow it out?

  So he can only watch it in the outer room.

    Good night, go to bed early



  (End of this chapter)

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