Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3131: name

  Chapter 3131 Name

  Bai Shan changed into a set of clean clothes, and when she came in with her baby carefully, Zhou Man had already packed up, and she was leaning against the bed eating meat porridge. She now has no appetite to eat anything else.

   Seeing the child, she immediately put down the bowl and waved again and again, "Let me see."

  Bai Shan hugged her to show her, "Look, is our daughter whiter than Bai Er and their son?"

   "Really," Zhou Man narrowed his eyes, looked at Bai Shanhou, then looked down at his daughter, and said with certainty: "Like you."

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth and said in a low voice: "I have thought about it. From now on, her eyes, forehead and mouth will look like you, and her nose will look like me, so that's the best look."

   "You have to have skin like you. It's hard to get a tan. Girls are white and beautiful."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Ears should be like me."

   So the two of them discussed and fixed all the parts of their daughter's head. Zheng on the side was speechless for a long time. Can this child grow up as they thought?

  She stepped forward to look at the infant child, and saw that she moved her mouth and body. She immediately patted Bai Shan and said in a low voice: "Speak softly, don't wake her up."

  She thought of something, and quickly asked Zhou Man, "Do you have milk now? Do you want to call the nurse?"

   "No," Zhou Man said, "I have something to eat. If I don't feel it, I'll let my sister-in-law make milk soup for me in a while."

  Xiao Qian brought up a bowl of fish soup, "It's already cooked, do you want to taste it?"

   Zhou Man whispered: "I don't want to drink greasy things now."

  "It's not greasy, it's fish soup, not chicken soup," Xiao Qian's brought it to her. The light yellow and clear soup should have been added with the medicine package she prescribed.

  She thought about it, and took a sip. The taste was herbal, but she quickly tasted the fish flavor. After a while, she thought it was good, so she drank it all in one sip.

  Bai Shan has been busy from the latter half of the night until now, and has not drank a mouthful of water. Seeing that she was eating so fragrantly, he couldn't help but swallowed, and then his stomach gurgled very impolitely.

  He held the child's hand slightly lowered, and covered his belly with the child, his earlobe was a little red.

   Zhou Man just felt that a bowl of soup was full, so he took the child and gave him a half bowl of porridge on the table next to him, "You can eat it."

  Bai Shan took it and ate, Zheng looked at him condemningly.

  Bai Shan: "...Mother, Man Bao is full."

   Zhou Man nodded again and again, "Yes, I'm full, mother, sister-in-law, have you been hungry after a busy night? Go eat."

  Zheng looked at the child in her arms reluctantly.

  Little Qian responded with a smile, and pulled Zheng away, “Man Bao will definitely have to make up for sleep in a while. Then we will watch her baby by the side, and eat first before we have the strength.”

  Zheng thinks what she said makes sense, so he went to have breakfast and lunch with Xiao Qian.

Zhou Man and Bai Shan looked at the child, and they really felt sleepy. Seeing that the child was sleeping soundly, they put him next to them. She also lay down to sleep. Seeing that Bai Shan's eyes were a little blue, they said, "You too. Go to sleep, I didn't sleep much last night."

   "Well, you go to bed first, and I will look at her for a while."

   Zhou Man got drowsy when she touched the pillow. She was tired, sleepy and painful from last night until now. Now her body relaxes, and she fell asleep after a short while.

  Bai Shan sat on the side of the bed and looked at the big and small. He couldn't help but smile, with a gentle expression on his face.

  He reached out and touched the child's cheek with his fingertips, and found that it was soft and slippery, tenderer than the softest tofu he had ever eaten.

  At this moment, Bai Shan felt that the name he gave her didn't seem so good.

  So when Zhou Man was awakened by the child, she hurriedly got up to feed the child, Bai Shan sat outside the tent and said to her with a serious face: "I think it's all over, the child's name needs to be changed."

   Zhou Man didn’t care about being ashamed, and slightly tossed a corner of the tent, "Ah" and asked: "What's the change?"

  "Change to Jingxing, Bai Jingxing!"

  Zhou Man blinked, tilted his head to look at him, "Stop the mountain and stop Jing Xing?"

  Bai Shan grinned, "Yes!"

   Zhou Man only tweaked and said happily: "I don't have any opinions, I'm afraid Mr. thinks we are too complacent."

  Bai Shan waved his hand and said, "It's not bad anymore. Our daughter is so good. In the future, whether it is wisdom or virtue, she will definitely be superior. What's wrong with a good name?"

  Bai Shan looked at the infant daughter tenderly through a tent, and whispered softly: "Also, let her know in the future, what we expect of her."

  Baijiro also gave his son a name early in the morning. Once he was born and confirmed that he was really a boy, he liked to mention one.

  But he just wrote it down, and he had to give him a nickname to press, and the big name had to wait until he was older before he could use it, and he must be at least one year old.

  Because of Zhou Man, the two families knew the child’s gender early, and the name was also based on the gender.

  Bai Erlang turned a lot of books, discussed with Mingda for a long time, and finally took the word "Ruoyu" from a bunch of names.

  Like Meiyu, the meaning is better than the "sincerity" his father gave him.

He still hugged his son with a smile and exhorted, "Son, you were born two hours earlier than your cousin, and you will be your elder brother in the future, but you must be smarter than her. In the future, you will worship the same teacher. You must be a brother. do you know?"

  Mingda: "...what are you teaching children?"

   "I'm teaching him the great principles of life." Baijilang carefully hugged his full-fledged son over and asked the grandmother, "Is it okay? Isn't it possible to stop burping back?"

   "Yes," the grandmother smiled so that her eyes were bent, and she opened her body and said, "Master, let the child fall asleep, don't get used to it, or you will be squeamish in the future."

  Shirajiro carefully placed the child on the cot following the instructions of the mother, and let out a sigh of relief, "He is too soft and terrible."

   was talking, and the palace maid who went to the county government to deliver things came over and replied, "Master Zhou is awake and healthy, and he was breastfeeding when he woke up just now. At this time, everyone is watching the children."

   said again: "Master Bai named the female prince, Yu Jingxing, the nickname is Big Sister, let us all call the nickname first."

  Shirajiro stayed, "Why did you change your name? Isn't this what they took before?"

Mingda smiled and said: "This name is good, the mountain stands up, and the scenery stops. Virtue is admired like a mountain man, and Virtue is like a master follower. I am all mortals. However, although I can't reach it, I yearn for it. Both Bai Shan and Man Bao must have changed their names because they didn't want to wrong her."

The maid immediately smiled and said: "No, the princess didn't see it. The child looked good. Although it was not long before she was born, but her face was pale, the slave and maid had seen so many children. Lady."

  Shirajiro became curious when he heard it, and wanted to go over and see, "Really?"

  (End of this chapter)

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