Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3132: Want to go to Qingzhou

  Chapter 3132 Want to go to Qingzhou

   "Really," the palace lady couldn't hold back, "It's whiter than our little son."

  It is said that children born early are whiter, after all, they have to fade red and wrinkles.

   Bai Erlang couldn't hold back, and ran to the backyard of the county government to take a look.

Yin may be there, and when he sees him coming, he smiled and said, "I'm about to find you. I got a piece of jade. It's not bad. I'll let someone cut it out. Then I will make two pieces of jade pendant for the child to press on his clothes? It’s the full moon gift I gave them."

  It’s a coincidence that two children were born in the early morning and the other was born after the sun rises. There is a difference of two hours between them, but they are indeed born on the same day.

   Washed on the same day for three times, and naturally the full moon was also on the same day.

  Beihai County became lively, and the guests went to the princess’s residence first, and then turned to the backyard of the county government.

  However, there are not many people invited by Mingda and Bai Erlang Xisan and Full Moon, except for Bai Shan and Yinor, there are only three or four people who are familiar here.

  Many people have no posts and only give gifts to the house. Most of Bai Erlang asked people to return them, leaving only some less expensive gifts.

  Because Bai Shan is the county magistrate, and Zhou Man is the decree, so many people come here.

  But they were all in the front yard. Zhou Man didn't want to let too many people get together to watch the children, so he didn't see guests in the backyard.

  As for the child, she didn't take it out, but she pushed it away under the pretext of being afraid of the child's cold.

  Hakujiro ran over to join in the fun, touched a handful of beans and asked her as he ate, "Why don't you take the baby out for a look?"

"There are too many people coming, and some people come from Laizhou, Qingzhou, and they may carry foreign evils on their bodies. At this time, the children are delicate and it is better to go out less." And there is still a powdery smell on the female relatives, and she smells it when there are too many people. I choked my nose, let alone children.

  Shirajiro thought so too.

  Compared with the lively front yard, the back yard is a bit quiet here. Zhou Man put the child on the cradle, swayed gently with one foot, and took out the information in the drawer.

  Hakujiro finished eating the beans in his hand, clapped his hands and got up, "I'm going back to see my son. Do you have anything to say to Mingda?"

   Zhou Man said without looking up: "Say hello to her for me."

Although she was doing confinement, Zhou Man was not completely absent from going out. She went to the princess’s residence after the third wash, communicated with Mingda about the postpartum restoration, and took advantage of this moment to rest and have time. When the children were not very disturbing, the two of them were actively losing weight and repairing.

  After that, she would visit Mingda every two or three days. Usually, she asked the maids and maids to spread the word, so she didn't miss each other at all.

  White Jiro waved his hand and was about to leave. He caught a glimpse of the many words on her hand, and he looked curiously, "What is this?"

  He glanced around and found that he didn't understand.

   Zhou Man said: "I'm looking for a medical book for treating Yang deficiency and heart failure. You can't understand it again. Don't join in the fun."

  Bai Erlang did not look at it, and asked, "Is it for the son of Uncle Shi?"

   Zhou Man nodded, “They should have received the prescriptions and needles I sent back, but I don’t know what the effect will be.”

   She sighed: "The patient is too far away, and I haven't checked it personally. Be cautious about medications and needles."

  Bai Erlang scratched his head and simply said: "Then let Uncle Shi send the child over."

   Zhou Man: "This is a long journey from Luojiang County to Qingzhou. It is too far and dangerous. For one thing, I don't know if their family is willing to come over; secondly, there is no guarantee that they will be safe all the way."

  At this time, people in Luojiang County did receive Zhou Man’s letter, and they even used prescriptions and acupuncture a few days earlier.

  Three days after giving birth, the family had to send a letter to the capital, and Mingda had to send a letter to the palace, so she simply wrote down the prescription and the injection and sent it out.

  When the letter arrived in the capital, Zhou Dalang sent the letter back, and by the way, he sent a letter to the Thursday Lang who had already returned, saying that Zhou Man gave birth to a daughter.

  After receiving the letter, the treasurer Zheng discussed the prescription and acupuncture with the doctor in the drugstore, and finally tried it. Not to mention, the effect was much better than his previous prescription.

  Moreover, the cost is much less, and the precious medicinal materials used are much less.

  Shi Xiaolang took the medicine for a few days, and got a needle the next day. Now he can walk on the ground.

  But the treasurer Zheng has touched the pulse, and although it has improved slightly, it is not enough to be cured by this medicine and acupuncture. I am afraid that you have to take medicine and needles for a long time, which is not much better than before.

  He sighed: “If the Doctor Zhou was here, it would be fine. She asked the doctor and prescribed the prescription in person, and the effect would definitely be better. Maybe there is a solution.”

  Lady Shi’s eyes lit up and then dimmed, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, “I heard that the genius doctor Zhou was an official far away and only gave birth to a child. She will definitely not return home.”

  Uncle Shi looked down for a moment, raised his head and said: "Then we will go find her."

   "Huh?" Lady Shi's heart jumped violently, a little scared, and more nervous, "No, no, where is Qingzhou? I heard Master Zhou say it's far, far away."

  Uncle Shi has never been so courageous, so he made up his mind and turned to ask the treasurer Zheng, "Can Xiao Lang go far away?"

Shopkeeper Zheng hesitated for a while and said: "It is okay to pay attention to something. It's okay to go to Doctor Zhou. Even if she can't cure the disease, she will be better than dragging it like this. Maybe Xiaolang can live like a normal person. ."

He said: "There is a beloved son of Master Yin in the capital. I heard that he was frail since he was young and was judged by the imperial physician in the hospital that he would not survive the crown. But after Zhou Tai was treated, even if he is still a little frail, he can still live. , And look inseparable from ordinary people."

  There is a big difference between good and bad medical skills.

  The treasurer Zheng had to admit this. Doctors with poor medical skills cannot hold ginseng to hold people's lives; and doctors with good medical skills can save people with a handful of mud.

  So he always felt that everything is possible with a doctor who is good at medicine.

With the words of treasurer Zheng, Uncle Shi was more confident, but Lady Shi was very scared and hesitated to say: "What if Xiaolang can't bear the fatigue of the journey? And it's too far, we are not familiar with the place of life. ..."

Shi Xiaolang, who has been sitting on a stool silently basking in the sun, suddenly said: "Mother, let's go."


  Uncle Shi has already waved his hand: "It's so set, you go and pack your luggage, I'll go find someone."

  Uncle Shi went to Zhou Lizhong, and through him saw Chu Lang who was collecting tea everywhere.

  "Go to Qingzhou?" Chu Lang touched his chin, remembering Zhou Lijun's recent move to Qingzhou, because she wanted to visit the harbor in Qingzhou.

  Go to the caravan in the grassland. Now the three of them are familiar with each other. In fact, he can try to let them go on their own.

  Thursday Lang rolled his eyes and asked Uncle Shi, "If we go to Qingzhou, we can't go empty-handed. The place is near the sea. What do you think we should bring over?"

  (End of this chapter)

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