Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3140: fear

  Chapter 3140 Dread

  "...The officials don't believe me." Then you said, where did Qingzhou get so much salt?

"Forget it, don't think about it, let the county magistrates buy salt, and distribute them according to the previous amount. In the next season, let people go to Qingzhou one month in advance to inquire about the news. If there is the best, go to Jiangnan. It will be the season of summer harvest, which is very laborious, and the salt must be sufficient."


Jizhou and Xiangzhou going west from Qingzhou, Zhengzhou, Huazhou and other places going south received a large gift car from Bai Shan. The soldiers went south in Xiangzhou, and returned east after arriving in Zhengzhou, passing Huazhou and Yanzhou. After He Yunzhou returned to Qingzhou, because they did not bring enough salt, Yanzhou divided the last three trucks of salt, so when they arrived at Yunzhou, they went in empty.

  The soldier directly sent an official post to the governor of Yunzhou, along with a letter from Bai Shan.

  After reading the history of Yunzhou Governor, he was speechless for a long while, "So I am gone?"

  The soldier comforted the governor of Yunzhou, "Yunzhou is not far from Qingzhou. If the adults are in a hurry to use salt, it is better to send someone and me back to get it."

   Yunzhou Governor thought for a while, and nodded in response, and then dispatched a team to Qingzhou to fetch salt with them, um, brought money, carts and horses.

   Waiting to send people away, Master was a little worried, "Does Qingzhou really have so much salt?"

   "I'll find out in ten days."

  It took six days to go back and forth from Yunzhou to Qingzhou. Four days were enough for them to purchase salt. If they didn’t come back after ten days, or if they didn’t bring salt, then they would have to find salt elsewhere.

  "The Jiangnan side..."

"Huh, let them continue grinding. By the way, let them live in the post. Anyway, the food and lodging are all from the post. If you want to increase the price, let alone the door or the window." Yun Zhou's face was very ugly. Sneered and said: "If they want to fight against the court, then fight, just take the Central Plains and bet on the lives of the people in all salt-deficient places. No wonder your Majesty can't tolerate them."

  Central Plains and Guanlong's aristocratic families are arrogant enough, right?

  They are more powerful, and they don’t put the royal family and emperor in the eyes, but who dares to gamble on the salt of the people of the world?

  Don’t blame your Majesty for using the knife against Jiangnan first, there is really no bottom line.

   Yunzhou governor flicked his sleeves and turned back to the Yamen, then Yanmo began to write about the impeachment of Jiangnan Yanzheng.

  At this time, Yang Heshu was trying his best to deal with the salt farms and government offices at all levels. For this reason, he took the risk to inspect the salt farms, and then saw the fried pots and the salt farms that had been emptied of wood.

  The official who received Yang Heshu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "The adults have also seen it. It's not that the lower officials pushed it off. It is because the salt works are old and the firewood is hard to find, so the salt works have to suspend the salt cooking."

  The official looked at Yang Heshu, who was expressionless, and said carefully: "I also ask the adults to write a letter and wait for me to say something to me. It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice."

  Yang Heshu retracted his gaze, lowered his head and stared at him quietly for a while, just as the sweat on the official's face was getting more and more, he nodded slightly and said: "This official knows."

  Yang Heshu turned around and left.

   Waiting for the horse to go far away, he squeezed the horse's speed and walked slowly on the official road with people. After a short while, two horses chased up from behind, and he strangled the horse.

  The two guards held their fists and saluted at the horse. Before they hit the horse, they got to Yang Heshu’s ears and lowered their voices: “There is salt in the storeroom, and there is a lot of it, accounting for two-thirds of the storeroom."

  In other words, it is almost full.

  Yang Heshu squeezed the reins in his hand and whispered, “Let people stare at the intersection. If they transfer the official salt, they must keep an eye on it. The official has to see what they will do with the official salt later.”

  After returning, Yang Heshu sent an official letter to various saltworks, asking them to specify the current inventory of the saltworks, as well as the number of workers in the saltworks, daily consumption, etc...

   Gu Huai received the news, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Let's drag it for a while and see what he wants to do."

Lu Binghua, who was making tea on the side, said nonchalantly: "What else can I do? I just want to force them to produce salt, but every salt farm has found a reason, from the officials to the chief in charge, they are all sealed up. Even if Yang Heshu knows that there is a problem and there is no evidence, he can't help us."

   Zhu Hongru, who was sitting across from him, shook his head and smiled, "Brother Lu is too cruel to Mrs. Yang, speaking of which we still have some friendship."

The Yang family belonged to the family of Guanlong. When they were sailing to the south, one of the Yang family fell in their Wu County. After that, the families married, and the Lu family had an aunt and wife married into the Yang family. There were also women from the Yang family who married into the Lu family. Not to mention, one of Lu Binghua's aunts came from the Yang family.

  This is one of the reasons why Yang Heshu is both dangerous and safe here.

  Many people want to kill him in order to avoid future troubles, but because of family affection and other interests, many people want to keep him.

  The emperor sent Yang Heshu over, but it really hit their seven inches. Before the people arrived, the voices of each family became confused.

  For fighting against the imperial court, Lu Binghua and the others planned to carry it to the end and want to firmly grasp Jiangnan; naturally, there were also those who wanted to take a step back and live in harmony with the imperial court and the emperor.

  Not to mention that these are several families, or one family. Even brothers and sisters from the same father and mother have different opinions.

Last year, the emperor was assassinated and framed by the prince, but many people were arrested in Jiangnan. The Lu family, the Zhu family and the Gu family all suffered losses. Among them, Lu Binghua’s younger brother was arrested on suspicion of rumors that the prince rebelled and forged letters. Although he was not dead, he was sentenced to exile in Liaodong.

  In this life, unless the emperor pardons the world, he may not be able to return.

  For this reason, the Lu family had to separate a team with his brother to Liaodong and let him settle there.

  Lu Binghua's face was very ugly, and he was obviously angry.

  Gu Huai then said: “It’s better to be careful. We have all seen Yang Heshu’s ability. If he hadn’t helped the prince last year and confused us, I wouldn’t have waited for a miserable defeat.”

Zhu Hongru took a leisurely sip of the tea that was handed to him, and smiled: "Yang Heshu is the first person recognized by the Guanlong Zhongyuan family. Fighting against him is worthy of me to show off. So Gu brother said nothing. Wrong, to him, we should still be more careful."

  Lu Binghua was not convinced in his heart, but he did not say anything.

  Gu Huai only assumed that he had agreed, so the passing of the order made people delay.

However, Yang Heshu was not without any means. The officials of the salt farms only delayed two days before complaining to Gu Huai. The delay could not go on, and Yang Heshu would directly take over the salt farms, not to mention that all the officials would have to take over. After being replaced, even the control of the salt field will fall into the hands of Yang Heshu.

  He is an inspector on Huainan Road, and he has the right to do so.

  (End of this chapter)

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