Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3141: Eponymous

   Chapter 3141

  Gu Huai can only relax, but how to fill in the official letter is a problem.

  You cannot fill in salt, you have to hand it in if you have it, but fill it in without...

  The salt that they had hidden in the saltworks was either not found, or they could only be moved to another place to hide.

  Yang Heshu prejudged their prejudgment, and deliberately forced them to make a choice and got into his knot. Only when they moved, Yang Heshu received the news.

  Last time the prince left, many people were left for him. He put some people in the open and some hidden in the dark. At this time, they all used them.

The actions of the various saltworks have not stopped. The procurement officials who have been staying in the station and refused to leave received the letter from the chief. At first glance, they were told to go back. There was no need to purchase the official salt in Jiangnan. They immediately collected their luggage and brought people with them. I left without a word with the Yan Yunsi on the south side of the Yangtze River.

  Other procurement officials who have not received the letter watched them leave with envy.

  As a result, within two days, two more letters were sent, and another day, another...

The procurement officials left one by one. The Department of Salt Transportation was busy quietly transferring the official salt, but did not notice at all. In the end, the Gu and Lu family felt that they were quiet recently, and they have been trying to get through their relationship with the Department of Salt Transportation. The person who wants salt hasn't come to the door for a long time.

Lu Binghua didn't care, but Gu Huai couldn't help but ask more. The next person went to the post and took a look. His complexion changed drastically, and he ran back to Gu Huai and said, "Lang Jun, most of the adults in the post are gone, now There are only three adults left in it."

   Gu Huai's face sank when he heard it, and he couldn't help but sit up straight, "Where did I go?"

   "I heard that I went back."

   Gu Huai had a bad premonition in his heart, “You go and ask the people who stayed, they live together, they must know the reason.”


  The three people who stayed really knew that, even if they didn't say anything, they walked one after another to buy salt. Many of them still had a relaxed face when they left, and the three of them could guess something.

  The reason why the three of them did not leave was that two of them did not receive the letter. Their official office is too far from the south of the Yangtze River. It is estimated that it will take a while before they receive the letter;

  The other is that he received the letter, but asked him to stay in Jiangnan, so he doesn’t have to buy salt at a high price, just stay, and don’t worsen the relationship.

  He understood right away, the boss has a backer, just like the backer hasn’t been decided yet.

After inquiring some news from other buyers who had left, the three of them guessed that the court was adjusting salt for them from other places, and it seemed that there was still a lot of salt, which could completely replace Jiangnan's official salt. They have already left. Those buyers are that the state has already received the salt.

  But why did they tell Gu Huai this?

  Are they really happy when they beg grandpa to tell grandma during this period of time?

  So the Gu's servants came to inquire, they still looked so arrogant, and the three of them didn't kill him at all.

  Gu’s servants:...

They can only change their attitudes and bend down to please them with a smile: "The kid is nothing, and the adults laughed. It's just that the kid is really curious. Didn't those adults come to buy salt? Why did they leave if they didn't buy the salt? "

  The three of them ignored him.

  Gu’s servants:...

  Fortunately, he could only say: "I heard that three adults wanted to purchase two carts of salt. Although the younger one is a subordinate, he is a native of Wu Jun, but he has some connections..."

  The three continue to ignore him, huh, who is it rare? Well, they are rare, but he is just a servant. Once the news is given, people can forget you when they turn their heads.

  They want to give salt for a real reason. They gave it long ago when the trouble was so big.

  They humbled their official position, and they had nine ranks in Xiazhou, and eight ranks in Zhongzhou and Shangzhou. Even if they were furious, they had to tell the Shangguan first, and then the Shangguan sent a letter to impeach them. How much time was spent coming and going.

   And during this period, they are the ones who are most angry. They are angry almost every day, huh, they only have 8th and 9th ranks, but do they have no temper?

  The three of them succeeded in taking the Gu family's popularity away, and finally took a breath of malice.

   One of them sneered maliciously: "Then Gu Jiada Lang, still wanting to be as famous as the Yang family, and I don’t want to think that he is worthy of it."

"That's right, at about the same age, Mr. Yang has made contributions, but he didn't even dare to participate in the imperial examination, and he still claims to be a family member," another person said: "Really a good person. Controlling the salt administration infringes upon the people of the world."

He gritted his teeth and said: "Now it is the busy time of spring. Everywhere is busy, and the people have to work hard. If there is no salt to eat, they will be weak in a few days when they go to the ground, not to mention that they will get sick if they don't eat salt. Those who control the salt administration for selfish desires are also worthy to compare with Master Yang, who dares to fight the smallpox desperately?"

  This is the post station in Yangzhou. Even if Gu Huai didn't specifically listen to it, his eyes and ears would pass these words to his ears.

An embarrassment flashed across Gu Huai's face, but he quickly reduced his expression, and said blankly, "Let people ask again, no matter what method you use, I must know the reason why those people left."

  The next person responded and bowed back.

  Naturally, these words will not only spread to Gu Huai's face. The owners of other houses also heard it. Lu Binghua couldn't help but sneered, and said to the left and right: "I don't know what Gu Huai's expression was when he heard this?"

  Here is Lu Binghua’s study. Both the left and the right are confidantes. They are not afraid of being passed on. So the left and right also laughed at him, and then asked: "Why does Lang Jun think those people will leave?"

   "Why," Lu Binghua said with a sneer: "People can't help but eat salt. Salt is just like grain. It doesn't work if you don't lack anything. If they are gone now, it means they have salt."

  "Where did they get the salt? The court stored it in advance?"

Lu Binghua's eyes were deep, and he was so suspicious in his heart, "It seems that the imperial court has been prepared for a long time, and it must have stocked salt from elsewhere in advance, but there are many salt fields in the world. If they want to stock up salt, they must wrong other people to eat less salt, or No salt."

   "Hmph, saying that we are holding the salt policy against the people, where can they be better?"

   "Then this matter..."

"We don't care," Lu Binghua said, "Jiangnan has the most salt fields. I don't believe they can store salt for one quarter to replace the salt production in Jiangnan. They can also store two quarters, three quarters, or even a year? Who is the comparison? The heart is more cruel and calmer."

  "Gu Huai doesn't know such a simple truth? But he still perseveres in sending people to ask questions, but he wants to know where the court's salt comes from, and find a way to cut their back to force them to make a decision as soon as possible."

  After all, this matter has dragged on for a long time, and it is not good for them.

   Just as they were thinking, Yang Heshu directly sent people to the inn and brought the three purchasing officers into his mansion.

  He said to the three of them: "If you want to wait for the letter, just wait here. Don't stay there for the time being at the post."

  (End of this chapter)

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