Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3142: Legs Legs

   Chapter 3142

  The three of them had cold sweat on their backs, and they reacted afterwards. Did they walk through the ghost gate?

  One person reacted and exclaimed: "My lord, our people are still outside."

  Yang Heshu waved indifferently: “Don’t worry, they don’t know anything, and those people will not embarrass them.”

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

   Among them, the purchasing officer of Yunzhou said sadly: "Our superiors told me not to offend people. Am I an offend?"

  The other two nodded, looking at him sympathetically.

   Yunzhou’s purchasing officer wanted to cry, “Three days have passed since I received the letter last time. Why don’t we adults let me go back and stay here?”

  Because their superiors also transported the salt back to Yunzhou, it was too late to write to him.

Yunzhou governor saw that he brought back the three-car salt, checked the quality, and found that it was a little bit finer than the one purchased from Jiangnan before. He was very satisfied, "How about it, did you see the salt field in Beihai County? How about the salt production? Can you still buy it next quarter?"

"My lord, the next official went to see the salt farm in Beihai County. It was super big, and I saw people collecting salt. I think it should be fine not only for the next quarter, but for the next year, or even next year." He added: "But our batch of salt was not bought at the Beihai County Saltworks."

   Yunzhou provincial governor frowned, "Where did you buy that? Have you ever had a second hand?"

   "I haven't done it, this is produced in Shouguang County, Qingzhou," he exclaimed: "I didn't know until I arrived in Qingzhou that the salt production is not only in Beihai County, but Beihai County is the largest salt farm."

  When they followed the soldiers from Beihai County to Qingzhou, they did not immediately go to Beihai County. The other party took them directly to the Qingzhou Provincial Governor's Mansion and told the officials inside that they were here to buy salt.

  So it was messed up.

  What happened next was too chaotic and noisy, and it took him a long time to figure out what happened.

  They stayed in Qingzhou for one night in a daze, and the next day they saw the magistrate of Shouguang County, who had come in a hurry, and they also came with a few cars of salt.

He said with a complicated expression: "I heard people say that in the past, Qingzhou only produced salt in Beihai County. In addition to supplying this county, the sea salt produced was only supplied to Qingzhou Provincial Government. The nearest Qizhou."

  The provincial governor of Yunzhou sat on a chair with his legs crossed, holding the tea, and asked leisurely, "What then?"

  Others also pricked their ears to listen to the story curiously.

"Then at the beginning of this year, Beihai County has already turned in all the salt they should hand over in the first half of the year. The Cishifu will release the salt according to the usual practice. Pian Shouguang County learned the new salt production method from Beihai County last year and also made the salt. There was a lot of salt out, and they had no experience. At this point, their salt could not be sold temporarily, not to mention, they had to spend money to buy salt from the governor's house in accordance with the usual practice."

   Yunzhou Governor: "...This is because spring ploughing is so busy, so I'm busy with my mind too?"

  The officials also chuckled, and then said: “So as soon as they heard that the humble job was to buy salt, they immediately transported the salt.”

The governor of Yunzhou sat up slightly, and asked seriously: "Since they are so anxious to sell, then you didn't lower the price?"

   Official: "...I pressed it, but I didn't hold it down."

He said: "The soldier who led me there also went. It was a stunned man. I also stuffed him with a bunch of money. As a result, he turned around and came out bald, saying that we had negotiated the price early... …"

  The official said with a sad look: "At that time, Guo Cishi of Qingzhou was also there. It is not good to be a low-level post and too rascal, so..."

  The governor of Yunzhou pouted regretfully, “What are the rogues afraid of? It’s not Yunzhou. You can’t lose face in front of your relatives and friends.”

  The official just pretended not to hear, and continued: "However, the next official was still worried about the salt in the next quarter, so he went to Beihai County."

  He lowered his voice and said, "My lord, do you know how the salt in Beihai County is made?"

   Seeing that he is so mysterious, Yun Zhou governor raised his eyelids and asked, "It was planted in the field?"

  He slapped his thigh and said, "Although it's wrong, it's not far away."

   Yunzhou Cishi’s eyes lit up and he lowered his cocked legs. The others also became curious, "Really?"

   "Of course it is true. I have seen it with my own eyes. They opened a field and brought sea water into the field. I heard that it was exposed to the sun. With a few more processes in between, the salt came out."

   Yunzhou Governor: "What process?"

"I don’t know. I could only take a cursory look at the time. I saw a long-time worker shoveling salt and followed it, but that’s a secret of others after all. I asked the Zhou Guan of the salt farm about his ability to eat, but laughed. No words." He said: "But I can also be sure that Qingzhou has ample salt, and I heard that not only Qingzhou is making salt, but Laizhou and Dengzhou are also making salt. They are all made from Beihai County. Salt method."

  "They call that method the salt drying method."

   Yunzhou provincial governor recalled, “Bai Shan is so courageous, in order to bear the burden of the prince and make trouble for Jiangnan, this is to give up all the ability to eat.”

   "What else? Did you say it all at once?"

   "A new wharf has been built in Beihai County. I heard people say that the official salt in Beihai County leaves from the wharf, going north and south, and all the places that needed to rely on Jiangnan official salt before have been replaced by Beihai County."

   Yunzhou Provincial Governor heard the ups and downs, he slapped the arm of the chair with excitement, and said with great joy: "Jiangnan is going to be finished!"

  The officials also grinned, "The lower officials think so too."

   "What are you still doing? Let the people who wrote us come back and don't have to wait on those uncles."


  At this time, the salt that went out by the official ship, after being transported by land, finally arrived where they should be.

As soon as the salt arrived, the local officials took apart to look at the quality. After confirming that the quality was not bad, he nodded in satisfaction, and then wrote a letter, thanking your majesty, the prince, and the county magistrate of Beihai; on the other, the impeachment of Jiangnan Yanzheng...

When Bai Shanjing waited for the reaction from all parties, the biggest change in the mansion was the two children. They were long in the wind and lingered. They only disappeared for seven or eight days. When he came back from the Dazhongwa Salt Field and Longchi Wharf, Bai Jingxing Already turning over.

  And she also found her hobby-eating her own feet.

  I don’t know why, she has been obsessed with chewing her feet recently. If she doesn’t pay attention, she raises her little feet, grabs them with both hands, then breaks in front of her, opening her mouth and chewing...

  Bai Ruoyu, who originally wrote quietly and calmly, got along with her for a while, and then learned how to break her feet and eat...

But his limbs didn't seem to be very coordinated, and in many cases it took a lot of effort to eat. So after working hard a few times and found that he still couldn't eat, he simply turned half of it, turned his side to Bai Jingxing, and then opened his mouth and gnawed her feet. , I just ate it myself...

   When Bai Shan entered the house, Bai Jingxing opened his mouth and cried. Bai Shan just witnessed it, insisting that Bai Ruoyu scared his daughter and cried, so he went to separate the two...

    good night, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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