Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3153: survey

  Chapter 3153 Investigation

  The two had a cold sweat and their hearts were pounding, making them very uncomfortable.

  Both of them live in Beihai County, and they are all neighbors living in the neighborhood. Living in the back of the alley, it is clear that even their family bought a few dishes today.

  They all accompanied Fang Xiancheng before at Longchi Wharf. Although there were many business travelers, long-term workers, and complicated personnel, it was really important to divide them into Baishan's long-term workers.

  Not to mention the nearby villagers who set up stalls to sell food. Just say that the county government asked a question and they asked a question. These people can enthusiastically extend the answers to several questions for you.

  As long as they have been in contact with someone with a heart, Bai Shan can’t find out if they don’t believe it. It’s just a matter of time.

  And Bai Shan is rich now. Recently, other salt officials from the Provincial Government have come to the door to buy salt, so he doesn't panic at all, and sometimes he has time to play with them.

  He waved his big hand: "Send people back to prison."

  The government service will push people down.

Wei Dongxian watched them leave and shook his head, feeling that they couldn't think about it too much. Now Beihai County is different. They can still go to Longchi with Fangxian Cheng, and they can get access to such secrets. Obviously it is very accepting. County Cheng trusts.

  In the future, the Longchi Wharf will be built without their credit. A promotion is just around the corner, and I don’t know why I can’t think about it.

  Xian Li Dong quickly found out the clues, "...on the county seat, neighbors on the left and right said that the two families have eaten more meat recently than before, and the Sun family bought new clothes last month."

  Whose family will make new clothes if the year is not the festival?

  Oh, except for wealthy people like the county magistrate, even officials like him and Fang Xiancheng, who rarely buy new clothes at home, let alone two little officials like them.

  "Have you asked about the origin of their money?"

  Dong County Wei paused and said: "I have asked, everyone in the family said that the two of them made a little money with the convenience of the dock in Longchi."

  Bai Shan is very curious, "How much is a little?"

  "One hundred thousand dollars."

  Bai Shan tweeted, "What about the cost?"

  Dong County Wei shook his head.

Bai Shan snorted: "Longchi Wharf is making money, but even a hen who can lay golden eggs has to feed it. Only when they are full can they lay golden eggs. Profit?"

  "Are no one in their family suspected?"

Lieutenant Dong Xian nodded, "No one doubts, they just ask them about things outside."

  "Finally, where is Longchi Pier?"

   "I checked, they were asked by a merchant from out of town. They had a premature meal together. That person had already left by boat half a month ago, but..."

   Seeing that he stopped talking, Bai Shan asked, "But what?"

  “But it’s very strange. I found out that Beihai County, which came on the eighth day of May, left when he came to Beihai County on the eighth day of May, but he didn’t arrive in Longchi until the fifteenth.”

  Bai Shan sat up straight, his face sinking, "It took a total of four days from the county seat to the top of Longchi. Where did he go for the remaining three days?"

  Xian Li Dong shook his head, "The humble post has been sent to investigate along the way, and there is no news for the time being."

He paused and said: "My lord, Beihai County is different nowadays. In the past, there were few people on the official roads. If anyone passed by, villagers along the road should pay more attention to them. Adding to the traces of the road, you can see where you are going. There are too many business travellers, and some villagers don’t recognize people. If they are similar, they may not recognize them."

Bai Shan thought for a while and said, "Along the official road, ask the villagers at the fork in the road. In three days, they did not go to Longchi, they must have gone elsewhere. There are many business travelers, but most of them just go. This is the official road from Longchi to the county seat, so if someone changes the road, it will definitely be eye-catching."

  Xian Wei Dong immediately followed this direction to look for it.

  Two days later, he happily ran back to find Bai Shan, "My lord, I found it. Guess where he went?"

  Bai Shan didn’t guess, and asked directly: "Where?"

  Dong County Lieutenant thought he was not funny at all, so guess what?

   But he still said: "He went to Shunping Village."

  Bai Shan puzzled, "What is he doing in Shunping Village?"

  Dong County Lieutenant lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "You must not guess, he is going to see Aunt Qi."

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows. He has always had a good memory, and the corner of his mouth lightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Fish finally came out."

"But on the surface, I can’t tell. I have asked the people on Zhuangzi carefully. The merchant said he was passing through Qizhou and was entrusted by Mrs. Qi’s wife to deliver the letter to her, and then he stayed on Guantian Zhuangzi for one more day before leaving. ."

  Bai Shan thoughtfully asked: "What's Aunt Qi doing lately?"

  Dong County Wei's face was hard to say, "She...she is going to get married."

  Bai Shan widened his eyes, "With whom?"

"Zhu Liulang." Since Dong Xianwei went to investigate, he naturally had to find out clearly and plainly, especially Aunt Qi here is quite special, she behaved very abnormally when she appeared, so Guantian Zhuangzi has always been there. Staring at her.

   Zhou Man seemed to smell the gossip, brought a bowl of noodles from the dining room, and greeted Lieutenant Dong Xian, "Lieutenant Dong, did you have lunch? Do you want to have a little together?"

  Dong County Wei hurriedly smiled and refused.

  Bai Shan glanced at Zhou Man, who was holding his face, just got up, patted Dong Xianwei’s shoulder and said, “Go, let’s go eat some too, and talk while eating.”

  The boss had said so, and Lieutenant Dong Xian naturally wanted to follow.

  The kitchen brought two more bowls of noodles and a few dishes. Wei Dong Xian said as he ate them, and Zhou Man and Bai Shan pricked their ears to listen.

"Aunt Qi was very popular when she first entered Guantian Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the city, especially the Zhu family brothers. One of them was Zhu Erlang. He took a son and was a widower, so the matchmaker in the Zhuangzi An auntie wanted to introduce them to each other.” Dong Xianwei said: “Zhu Erlang also picked up some water for Aunt Qi and helped her do work for several days, but later because she said that she would never get married again, It was to guard his daughter, so Zhu Erlang stopped going, and many young people in Zhuangzi stopped."

  Bai Shan nodded, and asked, "What then?"

"Because Master Zhou promised that their mother and daughter could go to Yushantang to learn textile and embroidery, so they would go to Yushantang for a long time last year, but..." Dong Xianwei said: "Their mother and daughter are here. I have no talent in all aspects, and I gave up after studying for a period of time."

  It should be said that he has no talent.

  This is a little bit of surprise to Dong Xianwei. He thinks that as a woman, he can sew as much as possible, but according to his investigation, Aunt Qi’s mother and daughter are indeed mothers and daughters, and they have no talent in this aspect.

  Anyway, they can't continue to learn, so they can only work practically in Guantianzhuangzi.

"Because they didn't go to Yushitai to study, they were assigned to Shunping Village in November last year," Dong Xianwei said with a light cough, "The Zhu family and his party were also assigned here. ."

   "Because there are few things in winter, Zhu Liulang and Aunt Qi's mother and daughter were put in a group for fattening. Anyway, they are now talking about marriage."

    There is one more chapter, it’s going to be very late, let’s go to bed first



  (End of this chapter)

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