Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3154: Feedback (make up and change)

  Chapter 3154 Feedback (make up)

   Zhou Man listened with gusto, and finished the noodles according to the story. She took out her veil and wiped her mouth, and asked Bai Shan, "Are you going to ask Aunt Qi?"

  Bai Shan nodded and said: "Want to go, how about you?"

   Zhou Man sighed: "I want to do it too, but I am not free. I have to see the patient in these two days, and then I will go to Qingzhou City. By the way, I am afraid that I will have a few days to go out for a business trip."

  She said: “I’m going to live in Qingzhou City for two days, and then go to Shouguang County to see places. It may take five or six days to come and go.”

  Because of acne inoculation, I am very busy this year at the end of the week, and there are still patients in the medical department to see, so it is not easy at all. Fortunately, she has several apprentices, otherwise she will definitely be busier.

After listening to the gossip, Zhou Man got up regretfully and was about to go to the medical office. He heard Bai Shan and Dong Xianwei say: "Send someone to Zhuangzi to bring Aunt Qi’s mother and daughter, and the county will ask her in the county office. ."

   Zhou Man couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

  Bai Shan grabbed her thumb and said, "I thought that if you were free, I would take you out to relax. Since there is no time, then I should find someone to ask questions, and save time."

  Bai Shan is not free either.

   Zhouman knew that he would not miss the excitement, and went to work happily.

  The sun is big, she wore a drapery as soon as she went out, and for a short distance, when she got to the medical office, she sweated and felt very uncomfortable.

  As a result, when she arrived at the county government office, she ran into someone who gave her firewood.

  The person who came with the firewood saw Zhou Man, immediately put the firewood down quickly, picked up his own pole, and ran so fast that he disappeared after a while.

  Full week:...

  Although the medical department does need firewood, she really didn’t feel good about seeing the pile of firewood in summer.

  The gatekeeper, old man Fei, couldn’t stand it either, and while dragging the wood into the yard, he said to Zhou Man: “My lord, this is the third one to deliver wood today. The backyard is almost too much to pile up.”

   Zhou Man said: "Most of them don't recognize the words on the announcement. Next time someone comes to send firewood, you tell them not to send it again."

   "Oh, this is useless at all," Old Man Fei said: "I haven't said anything less in the past two days, but they still sent it..."

   Zhou Man thought for a while and said: "Then you say that the backyard can't fit in, and then send it away. These firewood can only be thrown out."

  It is not winter. Although the Medical Department usually needs firewood for cooking rice, boiling water and boiling medicine, the demand is not so much.

  Since last winter, patients who have been cured have sent firewood to her, especially the patients who have lived here, who have delivered firewood at intervals.

  Directly let the medical department save the expenditure of firewood.

   Zhou Man stepped into the medical department, and the patients who had already received the number immediately stood in front of the consulting room and arranged the photos according to the data on their own number.

  The three heads of Dr. Shao sitting in the consulting room next door were pointing up. He woke up immediately when he heard the movement outside, and quickly got up and went out, "My lord, you are here."

Zhou Man nodded to them, and couldn't help stopping when he caught a glimpse of the marks on their faces. After a moment of entanglement, he still said: "It's been hard for you to get acne during this period. Just after I looked at it, there are still eight patients, not many. I can finish it by myself. If you are tired, you can go back and rest first."

  Thinking about it, she will be in the medical department for the past two days, and during this time it was hard enough for them to follow her to get acne. The main reason is that the apprentice hasn’t taken a day off, so it’s pitiful to think about it.

  So Zhou Man sympathetically said to them: "Why don't you rest these two days, and come back in two days."

Although the three of them wanted to nod their heads, they still refused through gritted teeth.

  Although I really want to rest, my body just wants to rest when I get older. But thinking of what they learned during this time, the three still gritted their teeth and refused.

  I looked at the one-year appointment for a long time, but now it seems that the year is very short and the things that can be learned are very limited. I regret it. I don’t know if the shopkeeper will give them a longer period of time in the medical department...

   was thinking about it, Zhou Man had already entered the clinic, and the three of them squatted down the corridor to see the doctor. People lined up one by one.

  If a female patient enters, the three of them will not move their eyes. Although very curious, the female patient does not like them to see a doctor, so don't make each other feel uncomfortable.

  If a male patient enters, the three of them will enter together, and they will stand behind Zhou Man and watch her diagnose and prescribe prescriptions.

  Most common diseases, she tells them while checking the pulse, and then prescribes the prescription. Later, if they want to see the prescription, they can ask her for it, and if they have any questions, they can also ask her.

  For some special diseases, she not only diagnoses the pulse by herself, but also asks the three of them to listen to the pulse in turn, and then prescribe the prescription after discussing the condition.

  Every time they encounter such patients, they benefit a lot, even for common diseases. They can also learn a lot by looking at Zhou Man’s prescriptions and effects.

   Zhou Man went to the backyard after seeing the patients seeking medical treatment today.

  Now there are only four people living in the backyard, Hu Dalang, mother and son, and the other patients have been discharged from the hospital.

  In fact, Hu Mu could be discharged from the hospital as early as March, but Zhou Man knew that they had a hard time after returning, so he didn't drive them away.

Hu mother knew that she should leave after stopping the medication, but looking at her increasingly capable sons and daughters, she did not want to return to the depressing Hu's house, so she consciously did some tasks for the medical department, such as drying the herbs and cutting them. Medicine, cleaning things and boiling medicine...

  Because of this, Zhou Man opened one eye and closed one eye and let them live. Anyway, Hu Dalang and Hu Xiaomei were also working and apprentices in the medical office, and they also wanted to live in a place.

  Zheng Guzheng was locked in the room to make penicillin. Hearing the sound, he looked back and quickly got up, "Master."

   Zhou Man nodded and asked: "How is it?"

  Zheng Gu said, "It went well, Master, now that the penicillin pharmacy is able to produce on a large scale, why do we have to work so hard to make it ourselves?"

   Zhou Man, “I’m idle and I’m idle. Just make some spares. Although the medicine workshop saves effort, it takes a lot of time to get here from the capital. With this effort, we will do it ourselves.”

  Anyway, this prescription belongs to her, and the Imperial Medical Office did not prohibit her from making it by herself, so she should make it herself.

  Zheng Gu filled the prepared liquid medicine into the bottle, filled in the date and placed it on the shelf.

   Zhou Man took it in his hand and looked at it and said, "It would be nice if it could be made edible."

  Zheng Gu tilted his head, "Can you?"

   Zhou Man waved his hand and said, “I’ll look it up and think about it, but this is not important for the time being. I asked you to make preparations. We are going to Qingzhou in two days.”

   Zhou Man said: "When I go to Qingzhou, I still have to go to Shouguang County. Mr. Qian has already gone one step in advance to find a suitable house for the medical department. We made the decision in the past."

   Zheng Gu Ying came down, knowing that Zhou Man took him with him to train him.

  (End of this chapter)

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