Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3155: Branch off

   Chapter 3155

When Aunt Qi's mother and daughter were taken to the county government, their entire faces were white, and Aunt Qi was even shivering and could barely stand firm.

  The yavier who led them looked condemning Shangdong County Lieutenant, and immediately said: "I didn't bully them. I said that the adults wanted to see them, and they were scared like this."

  Dong County Lieutenant waved his hand and said: "Forget it, bring people in, you are too slow on the road, it's noon."

  Xianwei Dong brought the pale mother and daughter to the lobby. Bai Shancai finished the two cases and settled the neighbourhood disputes. When she saw the mother and daughter Qi, he closed the files in his hands.

  Aunt Qi was terrified in her heart, she thumped and knelt on the ground before she came to her, "My lord is forgiving, and the girl knows it is wrong."

  Bai Shan who is about to speak:...

  This move is too fast, making him useless.

  Aunt Qi’s daughter also hurriedly knelt down, lowered her head and shivered.

  Because she is not very old, Bai Shan swallowed when she reached the point of her lips, and instead said nonchalantly: "Get up and talk."

  Aunt Qi was kneeling and not daring to get up.

Bai Shan frowned, got up and walked down the hall, and reached out to help the little lady Lu up. Seeing that her lips were so white that she was bloodless, she knew that she was also very scared, so she said: "Madam will also be back for dinner at this time. Yes, this county remembers that you used to be the Guantian Zhuangzi arranged by your wife?"

  The two should be whispered.

  Bai Shan said: "Then let's go, I will lead you to greet your wife."

  Aunt Qi and her daughter looked at each other, confused. Didn’t they catch them for questioning? Why are you going to the backyard of the county government?

  Bai Shan led them back to the backyard, and Lieutenant Dong immediately followed suit.

In the backyard, Zheng and Xiao Qian were playing with their two children in the garden. Mingda was sitting reading a book, and Lanxin was sitting aside doing needlework. She looked up at the two children from time to time. The month is not too small, the belly is bulging, and I can’t sit for a long time, but I don’t stand and walk for a long time. I have to stand up and walk twice in a while.

  She just put down the sewing basket in her hand and got up, she saw Bai Shan brought a bunch of people in, and immediately said: "Little uncle is back."

  Zheng and Xiao Qian turned their heads and looked at them, "Has the Yamen affairs been dealt with?"

  The two curiously looked at the person behind him.

  Bai Shan pays attention to the separation of the front and rear yards. Except for his staff, Mr. Cui, other subordinates and colleagues rarely come to the back yard to discuss matters.

  Bai Shan nodded to them, and randomly found a reason, "Man Bao wants to see them in a while, and I will bring them back."

Several people looked at Aunt Qi’s mother and daughter, and saw that both of them were a little pale, they thought they were sick and came to see Zhou Man for treatment. They hurriedly said: “Should I go to the medical office? I wonder if she is busy today. Busy, I'm afraid I won't be back until soon."

There is a nurse at home, Zhou Man has stopped feeding, and the milk has been cut off, but perhaps because of the mother and daughter’s nature, although Zhou Man does not see the child for long every day, and occasionally retreats for acne, but every time she Seeing Zhou Mandu was very happy, and he called for a hug when he stretched out his hands.

   Zhou Man also likes to hug her, so as long as she has time, she ran back from the medical office to hug her.

  Also today, as soon as the patient finished reading it, she handed over the finishing work to the students and apprentices, and she ran home.

  As soon as I got home, I hugged my daughter who was chuckling with outstretched hands, kissed each on the left and right cheeks, and then shook hands, "Sister-in-law, is she getting fat again?"

  Xiaoqian: "Nonsense, I haven't seen you in the morning, where can she get fat?"

  Zheng: "Yes, that is, she can understand things now. Don't talk about her being fat anymore. She will be unhappy."

  Bai Jingxing did not look upset at all. Her legs clamped her mother strongly, and her hands were still holding Zhou Man’s neck firmly, as if she was afraid that she would disappear in the blink of an eye.

  Xiao Qian did not pick up the person twice, she was a little anxious, "Bai Shan brought a few people back, and said it was for you to take a look, I don't know if it is a patient."

  Mingda knew more, scrolled up the book, and walked down the corridor with a smile: "It's not a patient, it's Aunt Qi's mother and daughter here."

   Zhouman's eyes lit up, and he turned around while holding the baby, "Then let's go take a look."

  Mingda followed, and asked the maid to carry her son.

   Although Zheng and Xiao Qian didn’t know what was going on, they didn’t seem to be a bad thing, so they stopped asking, but raised their voices and asked, "What do you want for lunch?"

   Zhou Man casually said, "Whatever."

  Mingda didn’t have high demands on food, so he said nothing, walked beside Zhou Man in silence, Zhou Man asked curiously, “How can I bring it to the backyard without questioning in the front yard?”

   Mingda said: "I think they were very scared, especially the little lady, her face turned pale. After all, at a young age, Bai Shan should not want to frighten the children."

   Zhou Man nodded, and entered the hall with Mingda.

  Bai Shan was sitting drinking tea, Aunt Qi and Xiao Niang Lu had been relieved, thinking that what they did should not be discovered, otherwise they would not be brought to the backyard, and they were treated with such gentleness.

   Seeing Zhou Man coming in, the two mother and daughter who were a little worried immediately got up, not seeing the weakness and thick skin of last year at all.

   Zhou Man glanced at their faces, smiled and said to Miss Lu: "You are a little taller than last year. I haven't asked you yet, how old are you?"

The little lady Lu quietly raised her head and glanced at Zhou Man and then whispered: "I'm almost nine years old."

   Zhou Man was astonished, and after taking a close look at her, he said, "Good boy, you look so good!" The tone was raised without a trace of sarcasm, which was a real compliment.

  Lu Xiaomao's face flushed instantly, and she asked almost inaudibly, "Don't you think I am too big?"

   "I don't think so," Zhou Man was still envious, "It would be nice if my daughter can be as tall as you in the future."

She was drowned in the crowd every time she stood up and saluted. The emperor couldn’t see her even if she was standing on a high platform. Unless she sat down, she could barely get into the eyes of people. The person shed tears.

Zhou Man looked at her with shining eyes, then turned to look at the seemingly weak Aunt Qi, more satisfied, "You should be like your father, and some old sayings still make sense. Daughters are like fathers. My daughters will also It’s good to be as tall as her father. But there should also be dietary reasons. What do you usually like to eat?"

  Lu Xiaozi gradually relaxed and talked about what she likes to eat.

  Zhou Man found that she ate a lot of noodles, so he said to Mingda: "When the children are older, they can eat supplementary food, and we will also make noodles for them."

  Mingda nodded after thinking about it. She remembered that sister Changyu also ate a lot of pasta and grew very well.

Zhou Man took the little lady Lu and said gossip for a long time. After seeing her completely relaxed, he handed the child in his arms to Wu Yue, and smiled: "You help me take the two children to the dining room to see if you are there. If you like to eat, if you can, tell my sister-in-law what you often eat. In the future, we will also feed the children according to your recipe to make them grow better."

  Lu little lady went happily.

  May and the court lady retreated with their two children, and there were only a few adults left in the hall at once, and the atmosphere slowly stagnated again.

  The bright smile on Aunt Qi's face slowly disappeared, her heart lifted up, and then she realized that the situation seemed to be something wrong.

  (End of this chapter)

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