Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3157: Road tree

  Chapter 3157 Roadblocking Tree

Aunt Qi was still kneeling on the ground. She stopped crying now, but her eyes were red. She glanced at Bai Shan a little nervously, and then looked at Zhou Man, begging, "Please forgive me, my lord. The mind of coming here is not pure, but I have never done anything bad since I came here..."

  Bai Shan frowned and interrupted her, "Who is the person who contacted you in that county and how did you contact?"

  Aunt Qi asked for mercy and could only continue to confess.

  Bai Shan looked at Lieutenant Dong Xian who was standing aside.

  The Lieutenant Dong Xian who was listening with gusto was taken aback, and quickly clasped his fists and said, "I'll get people for my humble position."

  Unfortunately, the person is no longer there.

  When Lieutenant Dong Dong came back, Zhou Man and the others had already used lunch, and they were hesitating whether to take a nap. When they heard the report that Lieutenant Dong was coming, the two of them gave up the idea of ​​taking a nap and went to see him first.

Wei Dong said: "It's a restaurant guy. I heard that I came to join in last September. I didn't find any relatives, so I worked as a guy in the restaurant. I left only a few months ago. I heard that I was inquiring about relatives. Go find someone."

  Bai Shanbian insisted on kneeling, but the humble Aunt Qi said: "Congratulations, they gave up on you."

  Aunt Qi stared at him blankly, and for a while, she couldn't decide whether he was sincerely congratulating him or feigning congratulations.

  Bai Shan is of course sincere, but he said these words flatly, it is difficult for people to think that he is sincere.

He said: "Let's leave this matter for the time being. I will not investigate the past. Since you have already settled in Beihai County and are planning to become a biological child, you will be a citizen of this county in the future. I hope you can abide by the law and be a virtuous person. Wife and mother, this county will never tolerate anything like this again."

  Aunt Qi immediately promised: "Don't worry, my lord, I won't dare anymore."

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows, claiming to change too quickly, enough to see the wind.

  "In the future, someone from over there will come to you, you immediately report to your manager..." The other party has removed all the contacts, although it is unlikely to find her again, but what if?

  Furthermore, Bai Shan felt that Aunt Qi should not be the only nail buried by the other party in Beihai County. She only found it temporarily, and it works best, and if it doesn’t work, the loss is not big.

  If he really regards him as a strong enemy, the opponent will definitely do more than this.

Bai Shan asked Aunt Qi down to let their mother and daughter meet, while he left Dong Xianwei, and exhorted: "Order to go down, let Geli Lizheng, as well as the helpers in the streets and villages to pay attention, starting in June last year. Up to now, there are any suspicious people around you, you need to investigate carefully."


Waiting for Lieutenant Dong to leave, Bai Shan looked at Zhou Man, reached out and took the strands of hair that fell from her forehead to the back of her head, and solemnly said: "This time you go out with more people, and bring good luck. You also bring all the guards at home, and I will send you a few government officials from the county government."

   Zhou Man: "It costs a lot of money for so many people to travel on business."

  Bai Shan said: "Don't take public accounts, spend our own money."

   Zhou Man heard it, but he didn't feel distressed. He nodded and asked curiously, "Are you afraid they will deal with me?"

  Bai Shan said with a sullen face: "Just in case, Man Bao, you are my life. There are too many people who know this. If something happens to you, I will be crazy."

"Those people are crazy for that little money. No one knows what they will do. I can't take any risks." Bai Shan reached out and hugged her, took her into his arms, and said in a deep voice: "I am very in Beihai County. Safe, but you are not."

   Zhou Man also reached out and hugged him, comforting him and said: "Don't worry, no one can harm me." She lowered her voice and said, "You forgot about me, there are others beside me."

  Bai Shan remembered the little father-in-law, and when his body stiffened, he held Zhou Man’s arm tightly and loosened it slightly. He leaned into her ear and whispered, "Is the little father-in-law here?"

   Zhou Man opened his eyes to tell the truth, and said decisively: "Not here!"

  Keke: "..."

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief. He relaxed, and hugged her, shook her, “Then be careful, even if I am injured, I feel very distressed.”

   Zhou Man felt that he was unreasonably worried, "This is Qingzhou, not Jiangnan."

  Bai Shan thought the same way, but he always wanted to be prepared, but he didn't see him call Yin or Bai Erlang to live in the backyard of the county government. Inside and out, there were a lot of guards and guards in and out.

   Zhou Man was relieved to hand over the medical department to three mature apprentices and Cao Yixuan, and then took Zheng Gu and Wei Man to Qingzhou City.

They stopped in Qingzhou City for two days. Zhou Man handed Wei Man to Wen Tiandong and said to him: "She has tried to prescribe independently in the past few months. With her here, you can give it to the female patient. It’s also more convenient for you to see a doctor. You usually take a look at her pulse, give her advice, and if you have an undecidable condition, either send someone to send me a letter, or wait for me to return to Qingzhou."

  Wen Tiandong responded with a "yes" and watched Zhou Man leave.

  The sun was too big, the sky was too hot, Zhou Man did not ride a horse, but sat in a carriage, somehow blocking the sun, the window was opened, and the wind was blowing in, so it was cooler anyway.

  Zheng Gu and Zhou Man sat in the same car. He closed the paperwork in his hand and asked, "Master, is the Shouguang County Medical Department going to be built by me?"

   Zhou Man thought for a while and shook his head, "I plan to hand it over to Wei Man and Cao Yixuan, and you will assist me."

  She said: "You and Wen Tiandong have both established a medical department by themselves, but Wei Man and Cao Yixuan have not. Let them give it a try. I also want to see their abilities."

  If appropriate, it can be supervised by a medical department. If it is not suitable, it is good to be a doctor in the medical department.

  Zheng Gu nodded.

Zhou Man said: "You have more experience than Wen Tiandong and better medical skills than him. I think that Qingzhou Medical Department will hand it over to you or him in the future."

She said: "Qingzhou is a pilot project. Its relationship with local government offices will be a template for the relationship between local medical offices and local government offices in the future, so it is especially important. There is no county town where Baishan is located. I want to see how you manage it."

   said again: "The management of the medical department under our jurisdiction is only the most basic duty. In addition, we must also improve our medical skills. Don't forget the original intention of establishing the medical department."

  Zheng Gu opened his mouth wide, and felt the pressure on his back increased instantly. To do so much, his salary seems to be a bit low, "Master, can our salary increase?"

   Zhou Man thought for a while and said: "First make the grades, then I will apply for a letter and give it a try."

  The two were talking lively, the carriage suddenly stopped, and both of them couldn't help but fall forward. Fortunately, they caught the wall in time and didn't fall off.

   Zhou Man looked out the window and asked Daji: "What's the matter?"

  Daji stared at the road ahead: "A giant tree fell in the middle of the road, blocking the way."

Zhou Man was taken aback when he heard the words, stretched out his head and looked forward. Da Kedah immediately took a step forward, which just perfectly blocked Zhou Man. She could see the front, but people outside would definitely not see Zhou Man, let alone assassination. .

   Zhou Man: "The tree doesn’t even say'Zhou Man died under this tree, right?'"

  Good luck:...

  Zheng Gu was taken aback and hurriedly said, “Master, how can you say such unlucky things? Isn’t this just a tree, just let someone move it away.”

    See you tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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