Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3158: you guess

  Chapter 3158 Guess

  But Daji didn't let people come forward. Although the officials were about to move, but the guards pressed on, they didn't move.

  In fact, they also think that this is just a tree that usually falls down. Just move it away. Why do you have to be so careful?

  Daji was already frowning and looking into the woods on both sides, and he was hesitant to send someone to investigate first, Zhou Man had already opened the curtain and jumped out of the car.

  Daji was taken aback, "Lady!"

   Zhou Man waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I'll take a look, I'm very curious about how the tree fell."

  She has already asked Keke, and there is no one nearby.

Zhou Man took Daji and a group of guards to look forward, and saw that the roots of the tree were still connected together, and the soil on the ground appeared to be blown down by the wind, but Zhou Man squatted down and took a closer look, and he still saw the felling. The trace of is just another trace of being ruined.

  Daji also noticed it, frowning, "It seems that this trace will not be long before, since it is not an ambush, who would do it?"

   Zhou Man clapped his hands and said: "No matter, move the tree away and let's go."

  They moved the tree away, mounted and left. After half an hour, they encountered the second fallen tree.

  Daji and the guards became nervous again, Zhou Man:...

   Zhou Man was out of anger and waved: "Move away!"

  Daji did not listen, but first asked people to check the conditions of the mountains and forests on both sides, and then they were sent to move the trees after they were sure that there was really no danger.

Then continue to look like before. This time after less than half an hour, Zhou Man opened his eyes, opened the curtain and looked out, then waved to Daji, "Good luck, good luck, I guess there is another tree in front of you, believe me. Do not believe?"

  Daji: "...what does the lady want to say?"

   "Huh, we are divided into two groups and lead my horse."

Daji frowned, "Where are you going? You can't take the risk personally."

  Da Ji will not refute Zhou Man’s inference, because he is far inferior to them in terms of ingenuity.

  Although he doesn't understand who is so stupid, if you want to ambush, it is enough for you to ambush once. What is the matter of ambushing three times?

  The speed of the car gradually slowed down. After all, Da Ji gave the horse to Zhou Man, and then ordered seven of the best guards of Kung Fu, and said to them: "The lady is going into the mountain to collect medicine, we will follow."

  Called another guard, whispered to him a few times, then patted him on the shoulder and raised his voice: "You can just go to Shouguang County, and find a suitable place to stay near the evening, and we will find you."

   Zhou Man called Zheng Gu, and the ten people rode into the mountains on horseback. No one doubted Zhou Man’s purpose except for Zheng Gu who listened to the whole journey.

  Because she has this habit.

  Sometimes when she walks well, she turns to the other side to dig grass. This is something that not only the guards of the Bai family, but even the servants of Beihai County are used to it, so she doesn't doubt it.

  They just have to meet in front.

   Zhou Man turned into the forest, followed Keke’s instructions, and said, "Actually, you are the best in the team. If you are not there, they might doubt it."

  Daji: "Lord Lord said, I have to follow you all the time, and stay with you every step of the way."

  He said: "If you doubt it, you will doubt it. There is an ambush. They always have the same result."

  The guards felt wrong and asked: "What ambush?"

  Good luck: "Take your swords, and act on orders for a while."

   After a pause, Daji still said: "Let's look at the enemy's situation first. If there are too many people, we won't say anything. First, protect the lady, and if we can beat it, we will do it."

  One of the guards first glanced at Zhou Mancai with a serious face and said: "Big Brother, do you think too much, who will ambush us?"

   "Be careful not to make a big mistake, today we have encountered two trees blocking the road."

   "Isn't that the wind blown down? If the first tree ambushes, where is the best place to ambush? Why use trees to block the way again and again?"

  Daji couldn't understand it, so he said: "Maybe stupid people think a lot."

  These words made Zheng Gu, who had never thought of it, feel a little better, but he still couldn’t help asking: "...Why isn't he a smart person?"

  "Because their purpose is to ambush, as usual we can't think of such a strategy, and can't see through it, but it can be seen through as smart as a lady, so he can't deal with smart people with such a strategy, isn't he a fool?"

  Normal people, like them, can't think of such a strategy; smart people, like Zhou Man, can be seen at a glance, then it means that the other party is not relying on either. What is it that is not a fool?

  Zheng Gu and the guards were stunned by Da Ji. They didn't notice anything wrong for a while, but just nodded.

  Only Zhou Man looked at Daji and couldn't help laughing.

  They followed the mountain up, and then walked down for a while, then tied the horse in the forest, led by Zhou Man.

  Not to mention the other guards, Daji couldn't tell the direction, but soon they heard the sound of carriage and horse kicking on the road.

  A security guard looked down the mountain and saw their convoy walking slowly. Before he could be happy, he swept his gaze to the side and saw a tree on the road.


  Is the lady really guessed it?

The other guards were also about to speak, Zhou Man hissed to signal them to be quiet, and then pointed towards the side of the hill. Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing, and it took a long time to see vaguely among the clumps of weeds. ……people.

  It's a person, it's like a person's leg.

  The guards swallowed, turned their heads to see Daji, is there really someone in ambush?

  The guards were the first to suspect Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village, and lowered their voices and said, “Could it be the remnants of the mountain bandits last year? Didn’t the lord arrest everyone? Could it be that their family retaliated?”

   Zhou Man glanced at them sympathetically, and whispered: "Let your brains go."

  Daji also gave them a sideways look, "Don’t guess, look at how many people there are. If you can beat them, we will arrest them. If we can’t beat them, we will leave."

   "Then what about our people under the mountain?"

   "Don't worry, the lady is not in the car, they have their own way of getting out." Da Ji lowered his voice and said: "Liu Da, your feet are light, go see how many people ambush this paragraph."

Zhou Man knew it, but it’s not easy to just say it. He could only stare at the bush for a long time, and waited for Liu Da to report back and said, “I can’t see clearly, but there should be seven or eight. There are still people behind the tree, but I dare not come close, not sure how many people there are."

   Zhou Man whispered: "I took a look, and there were at least ten people in that bush, and there were five people down there. If there were ambushes, there should be ambushes on both sides, and the same number would be thirty people."

  Zheng Gu was surprised, "Master, your eyes are so good that you can see through so many trees and dense grass?"

   "Of course," Zhou Man whispered: "You don't need to see people, you can infer it from the shapes of trees and grass."

  Although she doesn’t know how to infer, or even if she has this knowledge, it’s always correct to say that first. She will fool people before she talks.

  The guards looked at Zhou Man with admiration like Zheng Gu.

  (End of this chapter)

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