Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3159: Poisoning

  Chapter 3159 Poisoning

   Zhou Man raised his head and chest, very proud.

  Daji broke the atmosphere with a loud voice, lowered his voice and said: "Then let's go!"

   Zhou Man blinked, and hurriedly held Da Ji, and whispered: "Whatever you go, people are hitting the door, and you have to catch them for whatever you say."

  Daji frowned and said: "Miss, we are too few people. Compared with your safety, these people are not worth mentioning."

  He said: "We will go back first, transfer the soldiers and horses, and then catch people. As long as they are within the Qingzhou area, they will not be able to escape."

  Run away and run away. Is it important to have Zhou Man’s life? Anyway, I will persuade people to go back.

  Zheng Gu also reacted, nodding his head again and again, but safety is the most important thing.

  The guards also want to leave, mainly because there are more people on the other side than them. I don’t know what their skills are, but it’s important to save their lives.

   Zhou Man took out his sleeves for a long time, and finally closed his eyes. After a while, he took out a bottle, and then another bottle...

   Zhou Man showed them three medicine bottles, and whispered confidently: "Do you know what medicine this is?"

Everyone shook their heads, Daji glanced down the mountain, and said in a low voice: "Lady, they have seen the tree blocking the road stop. Without my message, they will stay still, and there is not much time for us. "

  So if you say it, please say it quickly.

Zhou Man immediately speeded up his speech, "This bottle of medicine is itchy medicine, and if you sprinkle it, they will be itchy all over. No matter how strong the willpower is, people will not be able to fight; this bottle is stinky medicine powder, people smell it. After I got back, I felt weak, dizzy and vomiting; this bottle was even more ruthless, it was Broken Blood Powder. This is the poison I only made occasionally in the past two years. If the blood is disconnected, people will bleed to death from their seven orifices."

  Everyone's eyes widened.

   Zhou Man took back the Broken Blood Powder and asked them with two bottles of medicine, "Which bottle do you want to deal with them?"

In fact, if it’s not hard to find a reason, she still has a drug made into incense sticks. After lighting it and throwing it into them, even if the place is empty, it will not stun people, but it will definitely make people feel dizzy with weak hands and feet. .

  Some of these things were prepared before going to the Western Regions, and some were made secretly by her interest after returning from the Western Regions.

  It's a pity, she didn't have the opportunity to use it after she made it.

  After all, once this kind of poisonous drug goes out, it is easy to cause accidents, and because Lang and Xiang Mingxue often go abroad for business, she will give them a little self-defense.

  Every time they use it up, and then reach out and ask for it, she has to ask them in detail how they use it and who it is for...

  Daji looked at the bottle of stinky powder and made a decisive decision, "Use this."

  The other guards looked at the bottle of itchy powder and whispered: "This is safer, it's just itchy. If we accidentally inhale it, don't we have to vomit and diarrhea, dizziness?"

  Daji immediately asked: "Is there an antidote?"

   Zhou Man meditated: "I can give you a needle to relieve it, don't worry too much. There are a lot of medicinal materials in our medicine cabinet, and prescriptions can be prepared, and the residual poison can be removed when it reaches the place."

  Daji saw that the mountain bandits ambush below were already ready to move. He took the odor powder first and took out the veil to tie his nose and mouth, and directly ordered the three people to go together, and the rest continued to stay here to protect Zhou Man.

  Zhou Man saw Daji's warning and glanced at her, so he could only squat and watch the play honestly.

She flipped through the space of Keke again, and said to Keke: "The poison is still too little, and it is not convenient to use. Unfortunately, Teacher Mo is not very good at this aspect. This is based on some words. I figured it out, alas, no one taught me..."

  Keke: …If Teacher Mo is good at this, Zhou Man will not have the chance to see him in the encyclopedia.

  The six of them squatted on the mountain and watched Daji and the three of them quietly touched them. As a result, he took a step slower. The bandit who was ambushing behind the tree had jumped out to stop the convoy that had been reluctant to move forward.

  The bandit lying in the grass has also got up, but did not rush down, but hides and looks down the mountain, talking, "Grandma's, two trees have already been moved in front of them, why are they so late to move to this one?"

  "Did they suspect that we were in ambush on the mountain?"

   "Why didn't you turn around and walk, but stopped on the road and motionless?"

"Don't be fussy, what's the use to say these now, are the people who didn't look at us have rushed down?" The human said: "They all stare at it. If the people in the car come out or turn around for a while, they must Keep her, if you can catch alive, you will kill if you can't."

  "Strange, why can't the people in the car get off? They are about to get started, Mr. Fu, should we go down? The opposite side has already rushed down..."

   Without waiting for them to discuss it out, a figure flew over their heads quickly stepping on a tree, and everyone was shocked.

Before they could see the figure clearly, a stinky smell came out of their noses, and everyone subconsciously held their breath. After a while, they couldn’t hold their breath and let them go. Once they let go, they couldn’t help but take a deep breath, and then the whole person They were all in a daze, the stench went straight to their hearts and minds, and several people couldn't help but vomit while holding the tree...

  Daji fell to the ground and looked back, and saw that they were all holding the tree to vomit, and one of them fell directly to the ground with a plop...

  Daji was very confident, so he drew the knife and called the three of them and said, "Go, let's go down!"

  There are not many guards and officials in the team. There are only ten people including the coachman. The people on the opposite side have already rushed down. There are 20 people. Although they have only started to work, some of them have already been injured.

Da Ji took out the medicine bottle and poured some powder into everyone's hands. He led the three of them to rush down. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they leaped up with a kick, and went to the mountain bandits. Someone saw it. Then he slashed directly into the air. He didn't come to fight with them. He waved his hand directly, and the powder in his hand was sprinkled. He stepped on the slashed sword or the human head and flew past...

  Others did the same. Anyway, all the powder on their hands was sprinkled. It was a bit indifferent to us. After a while, everyone, including them, turned and vomited.

  Some bandits were on the edge, and the symptoms were not severe, and they didn’t feel right. They turned around and ran, but they were caught up by the four Daji who had been covering their noses and mouths to solve...

Zhou Man and Zheng Gu dragged the ten people **** with ropes down, watching the chaos and trying to run hard, shouting: "What are you running? I was poisoned and ran out. There is no antidote. , Run out and wait for death?"

  The person who persisted and wanted to run was stunned and stopped struggling.

  (End of this chapter)

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