Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3160: Have a chat together

  Chapter 3160 Let's talk together

  Bai’s guards and officials also fell to the ground with their chests under their hands. The symptoms were milder, they turned their heads a little farther away from the smell, and they started to vomit with a “vomit” when they bent over.

  So this part of the road, which was originally unpleasant, is even more smelly.

   Zhou Man took out his mask from the medicine box and put it on. Zheng Gu also took out his own mask and gave the spare one to everyone.

   Zhou Man looked over and said, "You actually have a spare, next time I will prepare more cakes."

  Zheng Gu said, "My lady prepared it for me."

   Zhou Man gave him a thumbs up, then opened the medicine box and grabbed several medicines and gave them to Zheng Gu, “This is for our people.”

  He picked up a few other medicinal materials and wrapped them in paper, "This is for them, but do we have a medicine jar?"

  Zheng Gu looked at Zhou Man with an innocent look, and finally Daji found a kettle in the belly of the car, which was used to make tea for Zhou Man with boiling water.

  A few good guards go to pick up firewood and boil water, or to carry themselves out of it...

  Waiting for them to lift their people aside, the smell is almost gone, fewer people vomit, but most people are weak, let alone running, and can't even stand up.

  The guards took the rope in their hands and hesitated, "Big Brother, do you want to tie it like this?"

   "Tied up!" Da Ji thought of their discussion just now, and his face sank, "Tied up to death, so that they can't run away even if they regain their strength."

  Since it was an idea to kill Zhou Man, why are they polite?


Zhou Man first gave the guards a needle, relieved their symptoms, and then carefully recorded their pulse. "In fact, this medicine can be improved a bit, it should reduce the symptoms of vomiting, and make people more rapid. I feel weak."


  The army was even more frightened and couldn't help but said: "Master Zhou, can you prepare some antidote in advance next time?"

   Zhou Man nodded again and again, "This is my negligence, because I basically can't use these medicines, so I gave the antidote to others. Next time I have to bring some myself, just in case."

  Although detoxification medicinal materials are very common, but if you encounter a situation like this, you have to get rid of it, which is too troublesome.

  The servants and the guards swallowed nervously. Zheng Gu asked curiously as he burned the fire and boiled the medicine: "Master, since you can't use this medicine, why do you carry it with you?"

   Zhou Man paused for a while and then said: "Well, I was thinking about being prepared, but I have gone out so many times, this thing really hasn't been used."

  She defended: "They are in the travel bag. If they are not too crowded, we can’t beat them. For a while, I can’t remember that there is this thing in my travel bag."

Zheng Gu didn't doubt, but he got excited, his eyes lit up, "This is fate, Master, is there a lot of this kind of medicine in the rivers and lakes? My father lied to me, saying that the most common Mongolian sweat medicine in the rivers and lakes is very harmful. If the dosage is not cautious, it is easy to be foolish or addicted to death."

   Zhou Man: "...your father is right."

On Thursday, Lang also encountered Mongolian sweat medicine when he was in business. She brought it back and showed her. She has studied it. Good Mongolian sweat medicine has such problems, not to mention bad Mongolian sweat medicine. If you eat less, you can't faint. , Accidentally killed people.

She said: "My stinky powder is actually another kind of drug. When a very small amount is inhaled, it has the same effect as Mongolian sweat medicine. However, my medicine is much safer than Mongolian sweat medicine. Unless a person is physically weak, he will not die."

   can all come to be bandits, can there be people who are weak?

  It's really there.

  Daji asked someone to lift a person up, "Miss, come and see, he seems to be dying."

  This person was tied and led by Zhou Man from the mountain. At this moment, he lay on the ground and tapped lightly from time to time. His face was already blue, and he looked like he was out of air with less air.

   Zhou was shocked, "Why is this person so serious? You stuffed his nose with powdered medicine?"

  Daji: "...I don't, but this person looks weaker."

   Zhou Man had already taken the needle bag and pulled the needle directly to reveal his chest.

  After a few stitches, his face is not so pale, but he still doesn't wake up with a twitch.

Zhou Man touched his pulse, frowned slightly, and grabbed his hand. He saw that there were calluses on the side of his **** and the third section of his index finger, and the other parts were still smooth. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. "Scribe."

  The scribes come to robbery?

  Daji also looked at the other person carefully, and said after a long while: "Lady, this seems to be the person the bandits call ‘Mr. Rich’."

   Zhou Man immediately touched her body, and finally took out a sachet. This was made by Jiulan for her, but the incense in the sachet was matched by herself.

   Zhou Man put the sachet on the tip of his nose, and then urged Zheng Gu, "Hurry up and boil the medicine, this can't die, he is probably a big fish."

  Even if she guessed how she might have been attacked, but she still wanted to give a confession, it would be better if she had evidence.

   Zheng Gu heard it, and immediately fanned hard, making the fire a little bit bigger.

  Saving people is like fighting a fire. It’s too late to take your time. This way, although the efficacy of the medicine will be a little bad, you can save your life first.

After the medicine was boiled out, Zhou Man first took half a bowl and let it cool, and then he poured it down on the "Mr. Fu". After his face improved a little, he went to see the bandits who were thrown on the side of the road.

   Zhou Man paced forward, squatting in front of them and talking to them, "Am I calling you bandits or assassins?"

They lay on the ground weakly, looking at Zhou Man in a daze, and finally a human who was not so dizzy: "We don't know what the adults mean, we just want to rob some of the money to spend, it's nothing. assassin."

   Zhou Man shook his head, and said, "You know who I am, so you dare to rob me and say that you are not an assassin. Do you think I use my thumb to think like you do?"

  The other party is too dizzy at this time, can't think, feel like vomiting when thinking, so he can only look at Zhou Man with a pale face.

Zhou Man said to them, "You all call me adults. Obviously you know who I am and what I do. Come to kill me. You can't think about it. Don't you know that the doctor is good at poisoning? I can't beat you, but I It can poison you all."

   "Poisoned death, poisonous fainting, poisonous maiming, it's all right, let me choose, why do you bother to think so?"

  They are about to cry, and they don’t know. Zhou Man is not a doctor, but a genius doctor? Why use poison? Who has heard of her being poisonous?

Their medicine hadn't been finished yet, Zhou Man looked at the time and felt that it was impossible to change places before dark. Daji had already asked people to start stationing nearby, so she was really bored, so she could only look for it and not detoxify it. Of them chatting.

   "I heard that there is a kind of aquatic plant in the south of the Yangtze River. It is poisonous, and it can make people dreamlike when eaten. You don't know why, have you seen it?"

  No one cares about her among the assassins.

She continued: "I haven't seen it either, but when I heard about it, I was wondering whether adding a few medicines to the compatibility would make people see the most horrible things in reality? This is also hallucinogenic. It's an alternative hallucination that can be controlled, right?..."

   Zhou Man had a very good chat with them, and almost forgot their medicine. It was Zheng Gu that brought up the medicine pot, and she knew that their medicine was finished.

  She accepted the words with a little regret, and waved generously: "You drink the medicine first, and we will talk after drinking the medicine."


See you tomorrow good night



  (End of this chapter)

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