Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3162: Pond fish

Chapter 3162

  An assassin subconsciously retorted: "Our Jiangnan steamed buns are much better than yours. They have thin skins and thick fillings. You can't eat the stuffing with thick skins and small ones like you eat."

Zhou Man looked disbelief, "Although I have never been to Jiangnan, my brother has been there. Why didn’t I know it’s so good? The buns I’m eating right now are made by my sister-in-law, the best buns. You are here. Which steamed bun stall was eaten at?"

  The assassin said: "Chen Ji! You go to Yangzhou City to inquire about it, except for Baozi, his family has done a good job earlier."

  "Apart from buns, what else is delicious in Yangzhou?"

When Mr. Fu woke up faintly and finally opened his eyes to see the dim figure in front of him, they had already talked about the famous scenery in Yangzhou from the buns in Yangzhou.

  It was precisely because of this rushing discussion that he hadn't been able to sort out his current situation for a long time, and only felt wrong when he found that his whole person was **** and couldn't move.

He turned his head hard to look, only to see that his companions were also tied up, and his hands were not tied to his side, but tied behind his back, his legs were tied, and he was sitting at this time. Have fun chatting with their goals.

  He tried to turn his head to look overhead, and saw his companion lying down, trying to sit up.

  A guard may see that he worked too hard, and even stretched out his hand to pull him, so that he can sit up successfully, can look at them, and then join the chat together.

  Mr. Fu was distracted, and they had already talked about the noodles in Xuzhou when they returned to God. An assassin was disgusted and said: "The noodles in Xuzhou are unpalatable."

   "Where did you eat it? Didn't you eat it well?"

  The assassins were hungry at this time, and while swallowing their saliva, they said: "I eat at a roadside tea shop. I think about it now. It doesn't seem to be unpleasant."

  Mr. Fu can hardly imagine what happened during his drowsiness. The two sides got along so well?

  Seeing that they still meant to continue speaking, he stood upright and interrupted them with a dumb voice, "Shut up."

  The assassins all turned their heads and looked at them, very pleasantly surprised, "Mr. Fu, are you awake?"

   "Master Zhou's medicine is really useful. You passed out before, and your face turned blue. You thought you were going to be unable to live."

   "You deserve to be a doctor."

   "Yes, you deserve to be a great doctor."

   Zhou Man repeated his hands, and said with a smile: "Thanks to the prize, the prize."

  Mr. Fu:……

   Could it be possible that this medicine can lower your wits? They are the relationship between the assassin and the target. Now it is the relationship between arrest and arrest. Why can they get along so well?

  The assassins also felt that they got along very well, so one asked cautiously: "My lord, can we drink water?"

   Zhou Man tilted his head and started thinking. Everyone looked at her nervously, and saw her glance over the confused Mr. Fu and then smiled, "Yes."

  She turned her head and said to a guard: "Go and get a pot of water."

  The guard glanced at them, turned around to carry the teapot, took four or five bowls in his hands, and gave them to the guards next to them, poured them into the bowl and let the guards feed them water.

  Two sips per person, one after each drink.

The assassin behind    saw that there was no water to drink as long as he raised his head, so he was reluctant to raise his head, biting a bowl and drinking tons of water.

  But the guards were also the ones who allowed them to drink at will. Seeing that they were too much, they stretched out their hands and pushed their heads away, and took the bowl for the next person to drink.

   "We don't have much water, so we drink less." They complained again, "I also blame you, you won't find a place to ambush. Finding a place close to the water source doesn't have as many things as it is now."

  The assassins looked at Mr. Fu quietly, the location and strategy were all set by Mr. Fu, and they just acted according to orders.

   Zhou Man also looked at Mr. Fu and looked at him with his chin. The assassins were drinking or waiting for water to drink. Now that no one cares about her, she stared at Mr. Fu.

  Mr. Fu's back was slightly stiff, and Zhou Man's eyes were very meaningful, which made him very uncomfortable.

   Zhou Man smiled at him slightly, beckoned to call for the guard, pointed at him: "He is deeply poisoned, and he needs another medicine. Take him to the other side for treatment and prepare him some food and water."

  The assassins looked at Mr. Fu enviously when he heard the words. Mr. Fu was about to speak. The guards had already stepped forward, blocking everyone's sight from the left and the right, and quickly stuffed a piece of cloth into his mouth with his hands and walked away.

  Daji turned to the side and asked them to lift the person down, turned his head and said to Zhou Man: "Lady, it's late at night, you should rest."

   Zhou Man then sprinted the assassins nodded and turned to rest.

  Zheng Gu hurriedly followed, and then asked, "Master, what about these people?"

"What do you mean?"

   "I mean how to deal with it? Do you ask someone to send it back to Qingzhou City, or take it to Shouguang County?"

   "Of course they were sent back to Beihai County," Zhou Man said: "I live in Beihai County. They are assassins. They want to kill me. Naturally, they are under the control of Beihai County and they are taken back to the Bai County Order for processing."

   Daji was worried, "Lady, why don't we go back to Beihai County first, and Shouguang County will go another day, what if someone else is in ambush?"

   Zhou Man: "You too value them too much. Jiangnan is so far away from here. It is beyond my expectation that they can send so many people to kill me."

  She doesn't think there are people ambushing in front of her, that is, she will just turn around and run again.

   Zhou Man said to Ke Ke in his heart: "Is it Ke Ke?"

  "If you need to scan and warn in advance, please pay the points."

   Zhou Man: "When you scan the items that can be included, scan for suspicious people by the way."

  Keke does not say a word.

This is what Zhou Man said, but the person has already deducted a number of points to Keke, and then said to Daji: "Tomorrow they will be sent back to Beihai County, and we will continue to Shouguang County. By the way, let Mr. Fu Separate from them and **** them, don’t let them meet, and don’t let them talk."

  Good luck.

   Zhou Man got into the car and wrote to Bai Shan. Zheng Gu took the light to her. Now she is still a little bit overwhelmed. "Master, who wants to kill you? Why? Is it just because the local medical department opened it?"

  He thinks this is too scary, and he really can’t figure out why.

  Zhou Man looked up at him while he was writing, shook his head and said: "Don't think about it if you can't figure it out, it's really embarrassing for you to think that someone killed me because of the medical department."

   Zhou Man soothed him and said: "Don't worry, they killed me not because of the Medical Department, but because of the Bai County Order."

   "Bai...Master?" Zheng Gu focused on the medical department, and just a few months after arriving in Beihai County, he was still a little confused for a while.

   Zhou Man nodded and said: "Because of the salt farm and Yanzheng, huh, our medical department is nothing compared to them. Why is it worth the trouble?"

"Moreover, the medical department is newly opened. Most of this pie is newly made, and the other half is old. Although we accounted for part of the old pie, the new pie we made was also divided a lot, so even if there is objection People don't mean to kill me." Zhou Man said: "The salt field is different from the salt administration. The magistrate Bai is trying to grab food from his mouth, so my pond of fish has been affected."

  (End of this chapter)

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