Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3163: concern

  Chapter 3163 Worry

  Zheng Gu was dumbfounded, his face blank.

   Zhou Man wrote the letter, blew it, and when the ink dries, he lifted the envelope, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't you understand?"

  Zheng Gu nodded.

   Zhou Man said: "Then don't think about it, waste your brain, and keep thinking about the medical department."

She said, "Tomorrow we will be in Shouguang County. Mr. Qian will go to Shouguang County for a while. Although I decided to hand over the construction of the medical office in Shouguang County to Wei Man, if you want to take over the entire Qingzhou Medical Department in the future. Department, then you have to pay more attention to the construction. It will be difficult at the beginning, so you should help out more from the side."

   Zheng Gu responded, and reluctantly took his mind out of the assassination.

   Zhou Man handed the letter to the guards and asked them to **** the people back to Beihai County with a few officials. She took Daji and Zheng Gu to Shouguang County alone.

  She guessed right, there was indeed only this line of assassins, and they did not suffer any more accidents until Shouguang County.

  The magistrate of Shouguang County has long been waiting.

  Over the past year or so, he has seen the development of Beihai County in his eyes, and because of Baishan's teaching the method of drying salt, he has been in close contact with Beihai County for the past six months, and he has naturally seen the role of the medical department in the county.

  In the nearby counties, how many young people are in Beihai County because of the convenience of seeking medical treatment?

  Look at the population he lost last year.

  Although their family is still in Shouguang County, there are still people farming or renting the fields in their home, but they have gone to Beihai County. Who knows if they will directly relocate to Beihai County in the future?

  So the county magistrate of Shouguang County did not dislike the medical department as he did last year. Instead, he found a lot of benefits in establishing a medical department.

  It is also because of this. When Mr. Qian came to talk about the construction of the medical department, he was very enthusiastic to organize the houses in the county government for him to choose.

  Mr. Qian carefully selected three yards for Zhou Man’s decision, “Only these three are okay, the others are either too small or in inappropriate locations.”

  Mr. Qian said: "Others are because of the structure of the house. There are many views and the few rooms are not suitable for the medical department at all."

  He said: "In fact, the most suitable one is to build one yourself."

   Zhou Man said without looking up: "No money."

  She brought Zheng Gu over. In addition to looking at the house, she also had to communicate with the local drugstore doctor and the county magistrate about the local situation.

She stayed in Shouguang County for two days, chose a house, and met with the shopkeeper of the drugstore. She was sure that everyone welcomed the construction of the medical department (at least on the surface), so she was satisfied. Take someone back.

  Mr. Qian also followed her back, and he didn’t feel right until he was on the road, "My lord, why are there so many guards?"

   Zhou Man said: "The county magistrate Bai sent over to pick me up. He just arrived yesterday evening. What's wrong?"

  Mr. Qian's gaze swept over the guards who were guarding the car, "It's nothing." There is a feeling that there are more guards in this trip than before, and the guards are more cautious.

After returning to Beihai County, he heard about Zhou Man being assassinated and assassinated. Mr. Qian was shocked and asked hurriedly, "Is your lord not injured? Why don't you say that if you encounter something like this, you should return immediately. , Why are you still risking to go to Shouguang County?"

   Zhou Man waved his hand carelessly and said: "The facts have proved that my speculation is correct, it's okay."

  She ran to find Bai Shan.

Bai Shan had just come out of the prison, with some **** air on his body, his face was cold, he saw Zhou Man, his steps stopped slightly, the cold air on his face dissipated, a smile appeared on his face, and he walked towards her quickly. "You're back?"

   Zhou Man also trot forward, nodding his head shiningly, "Did they recruit?"

"have you eaten?"

  The two asked at the same time, and Bai Shan smiled and said: "No move, but I know everything I should know. Now I lack the confession of the rich man."

  Zhou Man naturally also smelled the blood on Bai Shan, and was slightly surprised, "His bones are so hard?"

  Bai Shandao: "Not only him, the assassins did not actually confess, but just chatted with them according to your words to be more certain of their origins."

  He said: "They should have family members in each other's hands."

Bai Shan thought for a while and laughed: "But they are not dead soldiers, but they are much easier to deal with. Knowing their origins, they will draw the portraits and send them to Yangzhou for investigation. The confession is complete. The front of the chain of evidence is actually not that important."

   Zhou Man nodded, exhaled, and hurriedly asked: "How about you, are you in danger?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, "Not to mention that they are not easy to do in Beihai County, and they will fail if they do, or they can succeed. They shouldn't want to kill me either."


"Because the salt farm is in the county seat, the method of drying salt has been passed on. I even built the dock. I died. The court will send another person to take over. The ready-made salt farms and docks can continue as long as they are faithful and obedient. What I want to do," Bai Shan said: "The Jiangnan side has no ability to go to your majesty and the crown prince, so as long as the salt field and the dock are still there, it's the same with me or me."

"But you are different," Bai Shan's eyes flashed cold, and he stretched out his hand and gently stroked her hair, and whispered softly: "If something happens to you, I will be in a mess. Maybe I will make a faint move to fight them. I am more beneficial to them than changing a county magistrate."

"Other than that is to destroy the salt field," Bai Shan said: "This method is the most effective. Even if the salt field is destroyed, even if it can be rebuilt, it will not be built on this scale in a short time, so that Jiangnan can regain the right to speak in the salt administration. "

   Zhou Man: "So the salt field was attacked?"

  Bai Shan nodded, smiled and relieved her and said: "It's not an attack, it's just that someone tried to get in and was found."

Things are not as simple as Bai Shan said. In just a few days, the salt farm has been targeted three times, and one poisoning almost succeeded. Fortunately, everyone is closed now, except for long-term workers, local villagers and soldiers recruited. Besides, even the relatives of the villagers cannot enter.

So someone bypassing the patrol and sneaking in was about to poison the local villagers. Bai Shan stretched out his hand and took Zhou Man and turned home, and said to her: "Some villagers have been injured. Now they are all in the medical office. Fortunately, Doctor Tian and their medical skills are good. Would you like to see after dinner?"


  Because of the salt field, Zhou Man is a little worried, but he is not worried about them and the salt field, but about Yang Heshu, who is far away in the south of the Yangtze River.

   "We are so far apart, and even we were assassinated. Wouldn't it be more dangerous for Brother Yang to be in Jiangnan?"

  Worried Yang Heshu was working overtime in his study. At this time, it was all dark outside, and even the curfew had arrived, and the excitement had ceased everywhere.

  He heard the fighting on the yard and the roof, frowning slightly. After a while, someone came in and said: "My lord, it's a dead man, all dead."

  He asked: "Should it be sent to the Yamen?"

  Yang Heshu shook his head, "Throw people out of the courtyard wall, no need to send them."

    See you tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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