Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3164: Old man

  Chapter 3164 Old man

With a few bangs, several corpses in night clothes were thrown outside the courtyard wall, and the guards of the Yang Mansion went back to their lives without looking back.

  The next day, reports of a few corpses in the lanes of Yangzhou House spread throughout Yangzhou. Chu Lang sat in the small restaurant while waiting for the food to come and listened with gusto.

  He turned his head and said to Uncle Shi: “Yangzhou looks very prosperous, but it’s more chaotic than Luojiang County. The corpses of the murderers can be thrown on the street.

  Uncle Shi hesitated and said: "There are more people and disputes, right?"

"That's not as crowded as there are in Beijing," Chu Lang raised his hand and poured himself a cup of tea. He poured it on them as well. He shook his head and said, "I have been in Beijing for so many years. No one left the body on the street."

  The person sitting on the table next to him was dissatisfied, and turned his head and said: "Xiongtai, those who died were not ordinary people, but assassins. We in Yangzhou City are not usually so messy, and ordinary people are still very safe."

On Thursday Lang became interested in an instant, picked up a plate of dim sum on the table, sat down with the teapot, and asked him curiously, "Xiongtai, let me talk about it, I came from Beijing, passing by, and it’s only the second time I came to Yangzhou. So I am not familiar with Yangzhou, who was assassinated?"

The man had heard that Chulang’s accent was not here anymore, and heard that he was from Beijing, he sighed: “Who else is it? The corpses are all thrown in the lanes of Changle Street, naturally in the Huainan Road Supervisory House. Throw it out."

  Thursday Lang frowned, "Huainan Road Supervisory Office? Why do I sound so familiar?"

  Thursday Lang thought hard, only to remember for a long time, he opened his eyes slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Is the inspector surnamed Yang?"

   "Yes, it's Supervisor Yang."

  Thursday Lang sat closer, and whispered more quietly, "Is that really handsome?"

  The other party looked at him in surprise and nodded, "Yes, in fact, there are many people in Jiangnan who are good-looking, but after Mr. Yang came, the most handsome person is indeed him. Why, have you seen him?"

  He didn’t dare to say that he knew the word, can those who come to eat in this small restaurant know the immortal person that day?

  Thursday Lang Yi patted his thigh and said: "I have seen him, he is also the most handsome adult in Beijing, he looks good, and he is very talented."

  He frowned slightly, "No, why did the assassin assassinate Lord Yang? He is a good man."

  Man Bao’s good friend, can it be a good person?

  The other party looked around, and moved up, and Chu Lang held his head in a whisper, "Why, of course, it's for salt."

He lowered his voice and said, "Many people came to Yangzhou to buy salt in the spring of this year. Originally, the salt from Chuzhou and Hangzhou had to be sent to Yangzhou to be sold together, but this year somehow, those people are waiting in Yangzhou. I couldn't get salt for two months."

  Thursday Lang didn’t know that Bai Shan and Zhou Man had robbed other people’s business. They were also interested in lowering their voice and asked, “What then? Are you not rich in salt in Jiangnan? Why not?”

"Yeah, we are also wondering, so many salt fields, how can there not even a single salt?" The other party whispered: "Most of them were greedy by people. Master Yang is a supervisor, but he didn't commit the crime. Here, alas, I heard from a distant cousin of my brother-in-law’s cousin’s family that Mr. Yang used to run around in order to get salt out of the salt field. As a result, they just couldn’t control it. Now those who buy salt are all leaving. Now, the court wanted to inquire, but instead they pushed Master Yang out."

  He lowered his voice and said: "It is said that Mr. Yang is indiscriminately directing, so the salt is boiled, so there is no salt."

"Fart!" Chu Lang said angrily: "Daren Yang is not that kind of person. He always listens to people's opinions. When looking at people farming, others don't know a big character, so he will listen to the old farmers say that they just plant. Kind of, how could he direct such a big event as boiling salt?"

   "Isn't it, hey, that's not right, how did you know?"

  Thursday Lang proudly said: "Of course I know, Lord Yang used to be the magistrate of our county!"

  Thursday Lang sat in the small restaurant for more than an hour, not only closed the people’s bills, but also re-ordered a table of dishes and a pot of wine, and asked Uncle Shangshi to brag with them.

  I ate lunch until the evening, and even had dinner together.

  Finally on Thursday Lang left with a small piece of news. He was a little bit unable to digest it. He pulled Uncle Shi and asked, “In this case, Master Yang is very dangerous here in Yangzhou. Do you want to see Master Yang?”

  Uncle Shi is more knowledgeable, but he is not familiar with Yang Heshu. He pondered for a moment and asked: "Are you planning to visit before?"

   "No plan," Chu Lang said, "Man Bao didn't let me deliver anything. What am I going to do?"

   "Then don't go. Going now will cause trouble for others."

Chu Lang frowned, and shook his head a moment later, "No, we will take the boat back in two days. I don't know if I don't know. If we know it, why should we go and take a look and ask, in case Yang What should I do if something goes wrong with your lord?"

  Yang Heshu and Man Bao Baishan have a very good relationship. Whenever there is anything in the family, Yang Heshu will come to the door. Every year there is a New Year gift...

On Thursday Lang couldn’t sleep anymore. He immediately put on the shoes he had just taken off, and turned around to look through the box. “The box of pens we brought from Hangzhou is even out of two. I’ll send it to Mrs. Yang tomorrow, by the way. Is there anything we can help..." Even if it is a letter to Man Bao Baishan.

  He remembered what Man Bao said, she and Mr. Tang, Mr. Yang, and their group often helped each other in officialdom.

  Uncle Shi: "...just give two pens?"

"Oh, courtesy is light and affectionate," Chu Lang felt that the gift should not be too detailed. He was just looking for an excuse to come and ask if he needed help. Is this very expensive, okay? He just bought it for Man Bao and Bai Shan. Yes, he has been distressed for a long time.

  "Do you want to go?" On Thursday Lang saw that Uncle Shi was unwilling, he confided: "Go, go, anyhow, we are acquaintances. It is a rare fate that we can meet in a foreign land."

  Uncle Shi was silent for a while, still shaking his head.

  Lang Yi repeated it on Thursday. When he saw him, he should not reluctantly, and exhorted: “Then you will order the goods again tomorrow. If you want to stroll around in Yangzhou City to see if there is anything else you need to buy, I will take Sanzhu and them.”

Uncle Shi responded, his mood fluctuating for a while.

When Yang Heshu was the magistrate of Luojiang County, the Shi family was still one of the richest people in Luojiang County. Uncle Shi was a guest of Yang Heshu every Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. It was when Yang Heshu left Luojiang County, the Shi family was in a lot of disappointment, but The ancestral property is still there.

  But goodbye now, he...

  Meeting the old man when he was down, put a lot of pressure on him.

  (End of this chapter)

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