Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3166: Shake

   Chapter 3166

On Thursday Lang went back to find Uncle Shi, and said to them: "We have a store here, and everything will be delivered to the warehouse behind the store. The store hasn't opened yet. You just open the door and put the things out. The price is the same as before. If it is decided, we will shoot if it is suitable, and we will take it back to the capital if it is not suitable."

"I'll go back to Beihai County if I have something to do. You first live in the small yard beside the mountain on the other side of the courtyard, just like the last time you lived." Chu Lang gave Zhou Zhu a sum of money and told him: "Everyone ran all the way. , Take a good rest these two days and eat a good meal. This is the money for the meal. You take it, and you will write down the account and give it to me."

  Wednesday Zhu doesn’t know how to write, but he can read. After all, his nephew and son are studying in the school, and he also has his own way of keeping accounts, so he nodded.

  Thursday Lang was going to find Liu Gui, and Liu Gui heard that Thursday Lang was back, he had already found him in advance, "Uncle Si, I have already let the kitchen boil water to cook..."

  Thursday Lang interrupted him and asked, "Are there any horses? I'll go back to the county seat to see Manbao."

Liu Gui was stunned for a moment and then nodded, "Yes, but the fourth uncle wants to go alone? I'm afraid it's not safe, or else bring the two guys in the store? They often go back and forth between Beihai County and Longchi, on the right way. Cooked."

  Thursuro nodded directly, raised his foot and walked away, "Let's go, where are the man and the horse?"

Seeing that Chu Lang left empty-handed, Liu Gui didn’t even bring a gift, so he immediately arranged a buddy to the dock, “Go to Uncle Shi and they will lead the way, and lead them around Longchi in these two days and listen to their instructions. That's it."

After that, I personally brought a car over and said to Chu Lang: "Uncle Si, the young one will drive you the car. There is only one horse here in our house. He is used to pulling carts and may not be used to running alone. "

  Thursday Lang responded.

  The three set off immediately, and only took a short break in the middle of the journey before continuing. They arrived at the Yamen just before the sunset in the evening.

  Thursday Lang was swayed when he got out of the car. He had been on the boat for so many days, but at first he didn't realize it. At this moment, after sitting in the car for a long time, he stepped on the ground. He felt that the house was shaking.

  Liu Gui hurriedly helped him, "Four uncle, are you okay?"

  Thursday Lang shook his hand, "It’s okay, it’s okay, go, go knock on the door."

  The five people from Zhouman were about to take Bai Jingxing and Bai Ruoyu out for a stroll. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Liu Gui raising his hand to knock.

  But Zhou Man did not look at him, but first saw Chu Lang who was supported behind him, "Four brothers?"

  Bai Shan was also taken aback, "Four brother, are you sick?"

  "Why don’t you think I’m better? It’s okay, but the car is too swaying. I feel a little sick at the moment. Also, you guys are swaying a bit. Don’t shake it. Stand up straight."

Zhou Man and Bai Shan subconsciously glanced at themselves first, and then at each other, to make sure that they were okay, they immediately stuffed Bai Jingxing behind Yin or in his arms, and stepped forward to support him, "Go, let's go back to the house," Fourth brother, let me feel your pulse first."

  Bai Erlang hugged his family, Bai Ruoyu, and immediately stepped aside.

Seeing that Bai Shan and Zhou Man turned back, the two little fat boys were unhappy, and immediately reached out and hugged Bai Erlang and Yin Or’s necks, stretched out a finger to point at the door, yelling, and clicked on their buttocks. He turned upside down and made a posture that he would never go back.

   Zhou Man waved his hand, "Go, go, today you take them to play, come back early."

The two children understood, no longer screaming, but still leaning hard towards the door. Bai Erlang can still hug Bai Ruoyu, but Yin may be a little reluctant. Longevity, who is waiting by the side, quickly stretched out his hand to hug, and May also stretched out his hand. .

  Bai Jingxing looked at Longevity, then at May, and decisively rushed to May's embrace.

  Knowing that she can go out to play, she stopped clamoring for her parents, jumped in May's arms excitedly, and chuckled towards the door.

  May can only take her out.

  Bai Erlang and Chu Lang said hello and hurriedly hugged Bai Ruoyu to chase Bai Jingxing. The two children had to go together to be happy.

   Zhouman and Bai Shan helped Chu Lang back to the room, first touched his pulse, there was nothing wrong with it, "Too much worry?"

   Zhou Man thought it was amazing, "Four brother, what are you afraid of?"

  Bai Shan: "The road is unstable, and there was a robbery? But didn't you go by sea? Are there pirates at sea?"

  Thursday Lang didn’t think he was sick, “I’ve been on the boat for a long time.

  He glanced out, and saw no one whispered: "I want to tell you quickly, Master Yang seems to have something wrong."

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man's expressions changed, "Did you see Brother Yang Xue?"

"I saw it," Chu Lang told them about their meeting and the rumors of Yangzhou. He touched his head and said: "When Mr. Yang was in Xiazhou before, he used to go back to Beijing every time. Ask me to send something back to relatives and friends, even if there is nothing, there are a lot of letters."

"But I didn't say anything this time, I didn't even have a letter, just a normal oral message," Chu Lang said: "I felt bad at the time, and after we got on the ship and checked the cargo, we found that our cargo was overturned. After that, even the luggage was quietly turned over."

  Thursday Lang has been in business all year round, and has long developed a habit of being cautious and careful in all kinds of hardships. Even if he leaves the cabin, he will let others pay attention to their luggage and cargo.

  Especially the cabins they live in, at least every time someone guards them.

   But even in this way, people can find loopholes to search, which shows how powerful the other party is.

  Thursday Lang is not stupid, he has vaguely guessed what they are looking for, "Are they afraid of Master Yang taking things out of my hand?"

  Bai Shan nodded, feeling shocked and grateful. He reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, “It’s good to come back safely. When they arrive in Qingzhou, they won’t stare at you anymore.”

  Fortunately, the other party still has scruples and didn't kill him because of a little doubt. At the same time, he became more worried about Yang Heshu's situation, "Xuexi Tang should have arrived in Yangzhou early, right?"

   Zhou Man counted the time and said: "It should be here."

  Bai Shan exhaled, "The second batch of salt will also go to sea."

  Thu Lang: "What salt?"

"By the way, salt!" Chu Lang stared, "I remember that Liwei came over to take care of the salt farm. There is no salt in the salt farm in Jiangnan. You have salt in Beihai County. Did you make a lot of salt? You have lost so much salt this year. Isn’t the price of salt going skyrocketing?"

Bai Shan is about to explain, and Chu Lang has already stopped Bai Shan and said, "Is the salt here expensive? How much can one person and one household buy? I plan to buy a little more and send it back. So many people in the family want to eat salt, and there is another one. The restaurant consumes a lot."

  Bai Shan:...

   Zhou Man interrupted his words: "Four brother, there is no shortage of salt outside."

   "Isn't it said that Jiangnan didn't sell a grain of salt? How could there be no shortage of salt?"

   Zhou Man said: "We in Qingzhou have made up the gap."

   See you tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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