Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3167: sell

  Chapter 3167 Promotion

  Thursday Lang can’t believe that with so many saltworks in the south of the Yangtze River, just relying on a saltworks in Beihai County to make up for the gap?

Seeing his shock and suspicion, Bai Shan explained: "Not only Beihai County, but also Shouguang County, Laizhou and Dengzhou are now drying salt."

  Bai Shan used the method of drying salt for many things, such as the ships in Laizhou, the resources of merchants in Dengzhou, the population of Cangzhou, and so on.

  He replaces everything that Beihai County lacks, not to mention that in order to build the Longchi Wharf, he also needs a lot of wood, most of which he bought, and the other half is sent by the governor from Cangzhou.

  There are quite a lot of good wood over there.

  Thursday Lang was stunned, then he covered his chest and exclaimed: "How much does it cost?"

  The wharf and the salt field, the two richest ones are in Beihai County.

   Zhou Man said: "That is also the money of the court. Even your majesty and the prince can't move, but this year's money should be enough to build the dock. Next year, we will be rich in Beihai County, right?"

  As long as she thinks about this, she is very happy.

  Bai Shan turned to look at her, “I haven’t had time to tell you. The court has decided to monopolize salt and iron. From now on, the court will no longer levy salt tax. All official salt will be sold by the county government in cooperation with the Salt Transportation Department.”

He said: "Although the prices vary from place to place due to different transportation costs, they will not vary greatly. After all salt arrives at the place, it can be distributed to grocery stores. The price is negotiated by the Salt Transportation Department and the county government. Five percent of the cost."

   Zhouman: "Oh, then we will eat salt much cheaper."

  Thursday Lang did not understand, and asked: "How much is that?"

  Bai Shandao: “If all the costs of a bucket of salt are included from production to transportation, and it’s fifty cents per bucket when it reaches the place, then the price cannot be higher than fifty-two cents.”

  Thursday Lang was dumbfounded: "Isn't the salt price one hundred and ten penny now?"

  Bai Shan smiled slightly and said, "It will come down."

  Bai Shan is right. The price will indeed drop. Now the Salt Transport Department has not taken over the salt administration, and is still in charge of the provincial government and the county government. At this time, the price has already dropped.

  Perhaps I am afraid that the accident in the previous quarter will happen again. It is clear that the good will send the salt out for two months. Before it is time to buy the next quarter, there are already purchasing officials from all over the country.

  The renovated and enlarged post station ushered in a wave of guests, and the postmen warmly entertained them.

  Although their accommodation is free, the county government pays for it.

Bai Shan also welcomes them. Although they are free to eat and live in the inn, the darts and workers they bring to the **** official salt are not free, and whoever comes out on business, or the friendly businessmen will always stay in the inn. ?

   Their arrival makes Beihai County look more prosperous.

  Bai Shan directly took them to visit the weaving workshop in the county. Now the female workers weaving and tailoring, including embroidery, are all in good shape, and the clothes and fabrics they make are very good.

  The officials who bought and bought followed Bai Shan with a dazed expression, and were even taken to the farm to see the pigs they raised, the chickens and ducks they raised, the melons, fruits, vegetables, and rice beans...

  Who doesn’t have these things yet?

  The most important thing is that they are here to buy salt, not real merchants.

Bai Shan smiled and said, "The pigs here are all castrated. Not only do they taste better, they also grow faster. Have you seen this one? This is the first batch of castrated pigs. Months, you can start killing now, so I let someone kill one, and I will invite you to a whole pig banquet in the evening."

  All officials:...I don’t want to eat.

  They all prefer to eat mutton and chicken. No matter how bad they are, they eat fish. Basically, they rarely eat pork.

Bai Shan has taken them to see the chickens in the orchard. "We also have a lot of chickens. Recently, our veterinarian in Beihai County discovered that roosters can also be castrated, and the meat that grows after castration is not to mention the taste of the meat. Better..."

  He observed their expressions, and immediately turned around: “But we also raise a lot of hens, and many of them have already started laying eggs, so they produce a lot of eggs every day and they are very fresh.”

  After saying this, Bai Shan finally stated his purpose, “If you need to purchase these things in your prefectures and counties in the future, you can consider our Beihai County. Whether it is pork, chicken or melons, fruits, vegetables and vegetables are better than the outside.”

  Everyone: ...They are just officials who buy salt, not agricultural and sideline products.

  However, Bai Shan is the county magistrate. Not only are the officials older than them, they also need to rely on Bai Shan to get the official salt.

Regardless of whether they were sincere or fake, Bai Shan asked the long-term worker in the Zhuangzi to grab a pig and kill it and send it to the post, and then took them back to the county town, "After the meal tomorrow, we will go to everyone to buy salt, everyone. Bring your own staff and money."

  He smiled and said: “Now Beihai County has limited manpower, and it is temporarily unable to transport official salt to the county for trading, so you still need to go to the salt farm to trade.”

  Everyone’s eyes were bright, and they didn’t expect to be able to speak the next day. They didn’t mind running a little longer to the salt field, they were just worried about not being able to buy salt.

  The buyers are more enthusiastic, and they all say that this is not a problem. They are willing to go no matter how far away they are. You don’t have enough staff. They have it.

   Early the next morning, Bai Shan personally took them to everyonewa.

  Everyone is still looking grey now. Zhou Liwei has opened up all the places where the salt pan can be opened. At this time, it can no longer be opened, but the daily salt production is huge.

During this period of time, there are countless long-term workers transferred here from various villages. Because of the large number of workers, rows of houses have been built in the open space surrounding Xiaojiawa, and there is also a market. People who don’t know come here, they must think This is a big town, not just a small village.

  Zhou Liwei is now the general manager here. There are too many things. Basically, there is no way to dry salt and shovel salt, but he is not much white. After half a summer of poisonous sun, he looks darker now.

  He ran to meet Bai Shan and the many people behind him, and ran forward and said: "My lord, the salt is in the warehouse, shall we go to the warehouse?"

  Bai Shan nodded, and directly led everyone to buy salt.

  The purchasers thought they would take a rest for the night and discuss business the next day. They did not expect that the steward of the salt farm was so vigorous and vigorous.

  They hurriedly followed and walked past some salt pans. They only felt that the light reflected by the sun shining on the salt pan made their eyes astringent, and the group walked to the warehouse in a daze.

  Zhou Liwei asked people to open the storeroom and carried the salt out one by one, "Come on, take the official lead out for comparison."

  (End of this chapter)

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