Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3168: She doesn't specialize

  Chapter 3168 She doesn't specialize

  Salt is not something you can buy as much as you want. Officials who come to buy will bring official guides, also called salt guides.

   is the amount of salt required to be purchased approved by the Provincial Government.

  Take this official introduction to the salt-producing area and you can exchange it for official salt. The best result is sufficient amount, and the bad result is insufficient amount.

  Insufficient amount will also be indicated on the official guide, write as much as you sell, so as to prevent someone from swallowing official salt and using it as private salt.

  Of course, this does not completely eliminate private salt, it just blocks a road.

  Zhou Liwei has been studying these things for this period of time, but it is the first time I have been exposed to this kind of government affairs, and I am still a little nervous, and my palms are sweating.

  He glanced at Bai Shan, and Bai Shan smiled at him slightly, nodded, and stood by with his arms folded waiting.

  When other officials saw this, they also showed a little more respect for Zhou Liwei, the steward of the salt field, and hurriedly led the officials out.

  Zhou Liwei took a look, then said to Chang Gongdao behind him: "Take the scale."

  Sacks of official salt were carried out. After weighing them, they put them aside. The official who bought the salt came forward, touched the salt bag and asked, "Can you take it apart for a look?"

  Zhou Liwei stepped forward and opened the bag to show him.

  Other purchases immediately surrounded them. Everyone twisted a little bit of salt and put them in their mouths to taste. It was indeed the same as the salt given in the previous quarter. Everyone nodded in satisfaction.

  They checked it carefully, and also randomly selected a bag of salt to release most of the salt for inspection. After confirming that the quality was all the same, they returned it with satisfaction.

  Weighed a sufficient amount of salt, Zhou Liwei wrote on the official guide that the amount has been purchased and then stamped the salt field seal, and looked at the purchasing official, "What about the money?"

  The official was taken aback for a while, and then he quickly asked people to catch up with the car and let the money down. Both parties settled. So Zhou Liwei asked the official to collect the money, and the other party asked the salt to load the truck aside.

  However, he did not leave either, and continued to watch other purchases of salt.

  Sacks of salt were carried out, and the salt in one storeroom was sold out. Zhou Liwei turned around and took them to the storehouse next door.

  Everyone's eyes flickered, Beihai County is really capable, and there is so much salt to replace the salt works in Jiangnan?

  In fact, this matter has little impact on them. For salt officials like them, they only need to buy official salt for them. Where can I buy it instead of buying it?

  Seriously, seeing the saltworks in Jiangnan being robbed of business, they were still a little bit happy.

  But in fact, the salt in Beihai County is not enough to supply so many people.

  As soon as they left, Zhou Liwei said, “Little uncle, there are still 68 bags of salt in the storeroom, and a few more purchases will not be enough for me.”

  He said: “The time is too short. Although the salt production is quite high now, there are many places where you need to buy salt.”

  Bai Shan nodded, "I know, rest assured, I have a way."

  His solution was to write a letter to the governor of Laizhou.

  From time to time, Beihai County comes to an official who buys official salt. He sometimes asks them to take them to the saltworks, and sometimes introduces them to officials from Laizhou. After introducing them to each other, they don’t care.

  The officials who bought the official salt were fooled to go to Laizhou. Not only did they buy the official salt there, they also took the official salt to the Laizhou wharf.

  Bai Shan smiled slightly when he heard about it, and handed the envelope to the yavier, “Send it to the post, this is a letter to Dengzhou, this is sent to the capital, please send it.”


  Bai Shan stretched his waist, turned his neck and went home through the small door. After a short while, he saw Chu Lang standing on the corridor staring at a flower in a daze.

  Bai Shan stepped forward, "Four brother, what are you looking at?"

   "Look at the flowers," Chu Lang said blankly: "I've been back for two days, do you think I still shake things when I look at them?"

  Bai Shan hesitated for a moment and then said, "The sequelae of taking a boat for too long?" He hadn't been on a boat for so long, and he didn't know.

Chu Lang shook his head, "No, I took the boat when I went there. Although it felt a little wobbly when I got off the boat, I just slept for one night. This time it was especially serious. You see, this flower grows well. It It moved again."

  Bai Shan: "...This is blown by the wind.

   "Oh," Chu Lang looked away, turned to look at the pillars in the corridor, and rubbed his forehead.

  Bai Shan asked with concern: "How is it, is it shaking?"

"Not at the moment, but sometimes when I suddenly turn around or turn my head, it will shake. The most important thing is that I often have nightmares. When I am half-dreaming and half-awake, I feel that the bed is shaking, just like on a boat," Chu Lang sighed. : "Bai Shan, do you think I am sick?"

  Bai Shan took him away, "If you are sick, ask Man Bao to find out."

   "No, listen to me," Chu Lang stopped him, "Isn't there such a sentence in what you often say, that is, each has its own expertise in knowledge and craft..."

"Industry specializing in surgery?"

   "Right, yes, that's it." Chu Lang exhaled and said, "I think Man Bao may not be very good at this. After all, she has never been on a boat."

  Bai Shan looked at the other party seriously, and after confirming that he was serious, he nodded and said: "You are right, then I will help you go back to rest first, and I will ask a doctor to come in a while."

  Thursday Lang held his hand and walked, "That’s not good, will Sister-in-law be angry if she knows it?"

  Bai Shanren smiled and said: "No, my sister-in-law is busy taking the eldest sister now, I will let the doctor come quietly and go quietly, I won't know."

  Thursday Lang exhaled, "Okay, just come quietly."

  Send the person back to the room, Bai Shan picked up the robe and ran to the medical office to find Zhou Man.

   Zhou Man is compiling a medical book, because he is writing well, so he didn’t go home.

   Hearing the movement, he raised his head and glanced up, and when he saw that it was Bai Shanbian, he lowered his head and wrote, "Why are you here?"

   "Come and call the doctor."

   Zhou Man did not look up, "Who would you please?"

   "Four brothers."

   Zhou Man stopped writing and thought for a while, and asked: "What's the disease?"

  Bai Shan: "Seasick?"

  He was also a little uncertain, and said with a smile: “He said that he sees things awkwardly now, and he always has nightmares at night. He feels that he is still on the boat. He wants to invite other doctors to see.”

   Zhou Man pondered for a moment, and finally put down his pen, "He can't believe in my medical skills."

  Bai Shanren smiled and said, "He said that this is a specialty in surgery, and you may not be good at treating seasickness."

   Zhou Man was taken aback, his eyes lightened, "Yes, it is really possible, then who would you please? Dr. Tian and Dr. Shao have both gone back to the office, um, Dr. Wei is still there, you can let Dr. Wei go and see."

   Zhou Man touched his chin and thought, “Actually, the main thing about the fourth brother is not seasickness. He is worried and can’t be at peace until now, so it’s not a good time. I have already prescribed An Ning Tang for him.”

Bai Shan sighed and became more serious, "It’s no wonder that the fourth brother is afraid. I’m afraid now when I think about it. Today’s Tang Xuexi’s letter has arrived, and he has already arrived in Jiangnan. Since Mr. Wei’s letter to the new Yanzheng, Yang Xue Brother Tang has been assassinated all the time. Some were assassinated on the road, and some were assassinated in the mansion. Brother Tang Xue and the others went all the way to Jiangnan, and they were assassinated twice after entering Jiangnan."

He sighed and said: "Those people are already crazy, and it's forgotten that the fourth brother came out from Brother Yang empty-handed. Whenever he brings something, even if they can't find the problematic thing, they will still think about it. You can't miss the wrong killing."

  Just thinking about it, he felt scared, let alone Chu Lang.

   Zhou Man frowned, very disgusted, "When will the situation in Jiangnan stabilize?"

   "Alright," Bai Shan grabbed her hand and said: "The new salt policy is going to be implemented. They have been moving so much recently, it is impossible to leave no traces, not to mention Tang Xuexi who is going to host it."

  (End of this chapter)

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