Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3169: Apprehension

  Chapter 3169 Worry

   Zhou Man couldn't write anymore, so he simply collected the materials on the case and put it in the basket and said, "Go home and write."

  She called for cakes, "Go and ask Dr. Wei for a visit."

  Bake: "Whose house to go?"

   "Our family," Zhou Man said: "Show me my fourth brother, fear and worry, um, seasickness, let Dr. Wei comfort the patient more."

   Zhou Man’s hand that received the medical book gave a meal, and asked Bai Shan in a low voice, “I’ll follow, will the fourth brother be nervous, or should I not know about this?”

  Bai Shan: "Fourth brother is not stupid. Now two good doctors in the county are apprentices in your medical office, how can they be hidden from him?"

   Zhou Man also thought, "Okay, but in order not to make him nervous, I will wait outside for a while."

  Facts proved that Chu Lang was really stupid. He couldn't remember this at all, so Bai Shan took Dr. Wei in to see him, and he asked quietly, “Man Bao doesn’t know about me asking the doctor quietly, right?”

  Doctor Wei, who was about to sit down for consultation, became stiff.

  Bai Shan also paused for a while, and then said indifferently, "I don't know, I asked someone to go outside and ask for it."

  Thursday Lang did not recognize Dr. Wei as an apprentice in the medical department, so he leaned on the bed to look at him, "Doctor, I think you are a bit familiar, as if you have seen him somewhere."

  Doctor Wei expressionlessly said, "Let's stay with Master Zhou."

  Bai Shan:...

  Thursday Lang nodded, "Really, I have seen many doctors at Manbao, which drugstore do you belong to?"

   "Wei Ji."

  I have never heard of it, but it does not prevent Chu Lang from complimenting, "I have heard, heard, Dr. Wei is really a brilliant hand."

  Bai Shan was drinking the tea, and almost squirted out a sip of the tea. He swallowed hard. He couldn't help but coughed a few times. The ends of his eyes were red, and the tears almost came down.

   "Four brother, are you still dizzy now?"

"Dizzy!" Chu Lang said, covering his head, "In fact, he is not very dizzy, but he does not sleep well, he always has nightmares, and is awakened. When he wakes up, it is difficult to fall asleep, as if he has been on the boat. Sometimes I can’t wake up even if I want to wake up. It’s not easy."

  Doctor Wei said when he heard this symptom: "This is not seasickness? Or it's not just seasickness..."

  Doctor Wei touched his pulse. He felt that he was thinking too much about it, so he let him relax, and he said, "I'll give you a soothing soup."

  Doctor Wei felt that it was the first time he went out to sea and was frightened, after all, the sea was dangerous.

  Dr. Wei went down to prescribe the prescription, and by the way, he took a look at the prescription that Zhou Man prescribed to him before. After seeing it for a while, he said nothing, and finally gave him the same prescription.

Doctor Wei went to Zhou Man depressed, "Master Zhou, the prescription you prescribed to Master Thursday is already the best. I really can't think of a better prescription. After all, thinking too much is a heart disease. He has to make him want to drive."

   Zhou Man nodded worriedly, thought hard, and finally ran back to the room to search.

   May busy catching up, and asked: "Lady, what are you looking for?"

Zhou Man thought hard and said, "I remember when I was in the capital, I made incense for Mr. Wei. It was a bit broken at the time. Because the materials were precious, I didn't want to throw it away, so I put it in a sachet and box. Did you bring it?"

  After thinking about it in May, I moved a stool over, stepped on a box on the cabinet, and opened it. There were everything in it, and there was even the bamboo grasshopper that Zhou Man played when he was a child.

  May find a small box, open it and take a look before handing it to Zhou Man, "Is this the lady?"

   Zhou Man took it, opened it and took out a small sachet, nodded happily after smelling it, "This is it."

   Zhouman took the sachet to find Chu Lang, "Four brother, this is a soothing fragrance. I used to make it for Master Wei. It is broken. Please put it in the incense burner before going to bed at night."

  Thursday Lang lay on the bed as if he were a patient, and said in a daze, "Can the bad ones be used?"

   "It's just broken, it doesn't shape, and the effect is still the same."

Zhou Man opened the sachet to show him, "I wanted to keep it for my own use, but Bai Shan and I slept well. We couldn't use it all the time. So confused, we received it in the box. Fortunately, I brought it when I came to Beihai County. Go on, or it’s wasted."

  Thursday Lang became curious, "Is this incense really useful?"

   "Try it, soothe your nerves."

  Thursday Lang put it in the incense burner at night. In order to make the effect better, he also put a stool beside the bed and moved the incense burner to the stool specially...

  Smelling a faint scent, I don’t know if the tranquilizing fragrance has the effect, or just drinking the tranquil soup after a long time has the effect, Chu Lang's eyelids are heavy and he falls asleep slowly...

  In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, when Chu Lang's leg kicked, people woke up.

  Thu Lang opened his eyes to look at the tent, touched the sweat on his forehead, and could not sleep for a long time, so he could only pull the tent and get out of bed.

  Thu Lang glanced at the sky outside, couldn't help sighing, opened the door and went out.

  It's weird, why can't he fall asleep?

  Lang was puzzled on Thursday. Man Bao said that he was too worried, and Dr. Wei also said that he was too worried, but after he came back consciously, he was relieved. He was not afraid. How could he not fall asleep?

  Thursday Lang felt that they were all diagnosed wrong, he was obviously seasick!

  Thursday Lang turned around in the yard with a headache. What kind of tranquility soup should he prescribe? Just give him the medicine for seasickness. It is a pity that Man Bao ate all the medicine for preventing seasickness on board the ship last time, otherwise...

   "Four brother, what are you doing?"

On Thursday, Lang fell to the ground with a snap, shaking his lips to see Zhou Man, who suddenly appeared not far away, in a white shirt, "I, I think I was scared at the moment, sister-in-law, call your sister-in-law soon. Call my soul back."

  Full week:...

A person passed behind her, and quickly stepped forward to help Thu Lang up. Thu Lang found that there was not only Zhou Man standing there, but also Bai Shan standing there. He shook his lips and asked him, "You guys don't sleep at night. Well?"

  Bai Shan helped the person up, and was speechless for a while, “Four brother, should we ask you this? Why don’t you sleep in the yard at night?”

   Zhou Man said: "We were awakened by the sound of you walking back and forth."

  She stared: "If there were no guards and guards around the house, we almost thought that the assassin had touched our yard."

  Thursday Lang:...

   Zhou Man stretched out his hand and grabbed his hand and pressed a few acupuncture points for him. The pain was so painful that he wanted to pump his hand. Zhou Man grabbed him, "Are you afraid now?"

  Thursday Lang stalked his neck and said, "Am I afraid? I tripped on my left foot and fell on my right foot."

   "Yes, yes, you are not afraid," Zhou Man sat on the railing with him, and asked while pressing the acupuncture points on his hand, "Can't sleep again?"

  Thursday, Lang nodded, "I slept well in the first half of the night, but I was scared to wake up in the second half of the night."

   Zhou Man was curious, "What did you dream of?"

  Thu Lang frowned, and did not speak for a while.

   Zhou Man pushed him a bit, "Say it, maybe it will be better if you say that you are sick."

Chu Lang said helplessly: "It's a nightmare, it's a mess. I first dreamed that I fell into the sea and drowned. Then I dreamed that an assassin appeared on the boat and killed me, and you and Bai Shan also met an assassin... …"

   He frowned and said, “Anyway, it’s a mess of nightmares, and then he woke up.”

  Bai Shan was surprised, and after seeing blood, he asked, “How can Brother Si think that Man Bao and I will meet an assassin?”

  Zhou Man’s encounter with the assassin was not announced by the two people. Apart from Bai Erlang and Yin or in the family, no one knew about it, let alone Chu Lang, who had just returned.

    See you tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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