Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3170: Drink bar

  Chapter 3170 Drinking a bar

  Thursday Lang glanced at him and said: "You have robbed others of their wealth. Would they not want to kill you?"

Sitting between the two of them, he sighed deeply, "Destroying money is like killing a parent. You see Mr. Yang is so powerful and has such a good family background. He broke their money, and they still sent assassins. Kill him."

On Thursday Lang sweats on his head whenever he thinks of this. He trembles, stretches out his hand and rubs the goose bumps on his arm, and said to the two of them: "And this broken way of making money comes to you, do you think they hate you? "

  He used his own example, "I have been selling tea to the grassland. If one day someone stops me and refuses to sell it to me, and also snatches my buyers away, I must hate them."

   Zhouman and Bai Shan:...

"Of course, I wouldn't kill them," Chu Lang saw the two of them looking weird, and immediately explained, "Isn't there a place where I don’t have my own master? But I only make a few money from the tea. , How much money does the saltworks in Jiangnan make?"

He lowered his voice and said: "I heard people say that most of our official salt in Dajin comes from the south of the Yangtze River. Think about who in this world doesn't eat salt? How much salt is eaten in a day, so how much money... …"

  Bai Shan: "...It's not that great. Salt is also produced in other places, as well as well salt. There are also some salt fields in other coastal areas. The Jiangnan salt field accounts for at most about a quarter of the salt in Dajin."

  But it is the most concentrated. The salt in other places is mostly self-sufficient, such as Qingzhou.

  Several counties in Qingzhou all get salt from Beihai County. Basically, there is no extra to take out. Occasionally, it can be sold to the nearest Qizhou for a little bit.

  So compared with the Jiangnan Saltworks that can not only supply the entire Huainan Road, but also supply nearly a quarter of Dajin's counties, the previous Beihai County is far behind.

  Thursday Lang thought for a while, but couldn’t figure out how much it was. Anyway, I think it’s quite a lot. “This means that one in every four households eats Jiangnan salt?”

  Bai Shan nodded, "Almost."

   "That's also very profitable," Chu Lang said, "Now all the money is made for you. How many people are blocked?"

  Bai Shan: "...I didn't earn it. I didn't lose many benefits."

"Anyway, everyone thinks it's you," Chu Lang said: "I used to think that being an official is good. Is there any more prestige than being an official in this world? Except for officials who are bigger than you, no one can do it. Bullying you."

"It's okay to bully. Everyone is an official in the same dynasty. You are a little bit affectionate. You are both smart. Others may not be able to fight you, but I didn't expect them to fight with a knife." Chu Lang raised his hand and wiped it. He felt the sweat on his forehead, and said with lingering fears: "You don’t know, I heard people say that Master Yang was assassinated in Jiangnan every few days, and the tea that he drank might be poisonous. Master Yang, what should I do if I turn around and kill you?"

  Before, they fought secretly in official circles. Chu Lang felt nothing. His younger sister was very popular, and both of them were smart. Those who fought secretly couldn’t compete with them, but now...

  Thursday Lang was a little sad. He watched the two men carefully and asked: "If...are you willing to resign now?"

  Bai Shan did not speak.

   Zhou Man asked him directly, “There are bandits on the road from Beijing to Xiazhou. You are likely to be robbed when you pass by. Are you willing to give up that trade road now?”

   "That must not work. How many years have we gone to open this trade road, and we are familiar with the heavy rain."

   Zhou Man said: "I and Bai Shan are not willing, how can we give up when we encounter a little setback?"

  She said: "And if Bai Shan and I are not officials, who will protect our caravan? Believe it or not, you can't even do the medicine business."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Only when Zhou Man and I are still in the officialdom, they dare not do anything to you. They fight with us. But if we both retreat, they will definitely beat the dog."

"I'm not a dog," Lang murmured on Thursday, but he still understood what they meant, and he couldn't help but sighed, "Forget it, I won't go back to the capital, tomorrow I will go to Longchi to bring people back. Let someone vacate a few rooms for me in the back cover room, and I took the guys to live in. There are too many people, so we won’t be afraid of the assassins."

   Zhouman: "...No need, brother, what should you do? This is the backyard of the county government, where there are government servants during the day, and guards and guards at home at night."

   "By the way, the princess and Yin may both live here. The guards and guards they bring around are all good players. Will the assassins dare to come?"

  Thursuro’s eyes lit up when he heard it, and he felt relieved in his heart.

  Bai Shan continued: "Moreover, this is Qingzhou, far from Jiangnan. This is my site. Can I be bullied by others on my own site?"

  Thursday Lang patted his thigh, "Yeah, this is your site. Alas, Master Yang is not lucky enough, so he was transferred to Jiangnan. That's someone else's site. No wonder he is always assassinated."

   "How wonderful is Xiazhou, let me tell you that Master Yang has prestige in Xiazhou..."

   "I know, I know," Zhou Man interrupted him quickly, "Four brother, are you still sleeping tonight? We have to go to the office tomorrow."

   "I feel it," Chu Lang tilted his head and looked at the sky. After a while, he said to the two humans who looked at him eagerly: "I am not sleepy now."

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man's heads lowered at once, what should I do? They want to hit someone.

  The three of them sat down for a while, and Bai Shan tentatively suggested: "I heard that people who are drunk will sleep well."

   On Thursday, Lang became happy, rolled his eyes and said, "But I have no alcohol."

   "I have," Bai Shan immediately got up, "Wait, I'll get the wine."

  Whether it is Bai Shan, Bai Erlang or Yin or, the three of them are not very good at drinking, but there will always be people to give wine during the New Years and holidays, and there are occasional guests at home, so there is still wine.

  Bai Shan moved a jug of wine and turned around to leave. After thinking about it, he turned around and went back to hug a jug.

   Zhou Man saw that he was silent for a while, “It’s not good to drink cold wine. I’ll go to the stove and warm the wine.”

  The stove was born, Bai Shan opened the wine and poured it into the jug to heat it, Zhou Man said again: "It's not good to eat wine hungry, I'll go to the kitchen to find something."

  She went to the kitchen and flipped through them. She flipped out a few steamed buns. After thinking about it, she flipped through the cupboard carefully, and she found some snacks, so she installed it and brought them to Chu Lang.

Looking at a plate of steamed buns and a plate of dim sum, Chu Lang was speechless for a while, "Even if it's a plate of fried beans."

   "No, you will just eat."

  Thursday Lang poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip of steamed buns, drank half a sip of wine, his eyes widened, and his eyes were shining, "This wine is good!"

  (End of this chapter)

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