Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3173: Oil residue

  Chapter 3173 Oil residue

  Zhou Man and Mingda sat in the kitchen holding their children, constantly inhaling the aroma, drooling sharply, and the two children in their arms stared at the spoon in Xiao Qian’s hand intently, with saliva flowing out of the corners of their mouths.

  Mingda disliked Bai Ruoyu's saliva with the veil, "Why are you so gluttonous?"

   Zhou Man, like her daughter, looked at his sister-in-law’s spoon without blinking, and said without looking back: "Like his father."

  Xiao Qian turned his head and glared at her when he heard the words, and urged her: "What are you doing in the kitchen on a hot day? When I'm ready, I will serve it out for you to eat."

   Zhou Man inhaled the smell of meat coming over, shook his head and said: "The kitchen is big, we sit here and it's not hot at all."

  Mingda nodded, “If it’s hot, let someone bring a basin of ice.”

   "Oh, the oil in this pot doesn't necessarily have an ice basin worth it." In order to see her refining oil, it took an ice basin, which was too cost-effective.

That’s right, Xiao Qian’s is refining oil, and the sliced ​​oil residue slowly floats up. Only the red wood is simmering in the stove. The oil in the big pot is bubbling and the oil residue is getting more and more. Small, getting smaller and smaller, in the end only a small finger is as small...

  Little Qian picked up the oil residue, squeezed the oil and placed it on a large plate, quickly sprinkled a little salt on it with his hands, and the salt contacted the hot oil residue and disappeared instantly.

  Little Qian brought the plate over and put it on the table.

  The eyes of the two children followed and fell on the table, but Bai Jingxing was the first to react, and he was about to catch him.

   was quickly grasped by Zhou Man’s eyes and hands, "Don’t grab it, and if you can’t eat this, I can eat it."

The oily residue is super fragrant. Although it looks a bit browned, it is really too fragrant. Thinking of having a light diet and not paying much attention to appetite, Mingda couldn't help but look over it again and again. After Zhou Man spoke, he said: "Can I eat too?"

   Zhou Man nodded again and again, "You can, you can." His eyes sparkled.

Seeing that she was so greedy, Xiao Qian took a piece of chopsticks and put it into her mouth. Bai Jingxing was waiting with her mouth open. When she saw that her eldest aunt gave the meat to the mother behind her instead of her, she immediately turned her head and looked at Zhou Man. , Stared at her for a long time, and when she saw that she didn't mean to share, her mouth collapsed and she would cry.

   Zhou Man’s lips and teeth were fragrant, and he was too happy. Seeing that she was about to cry, he turned his head and said to May: "Quick, quickly, get the custard."

  He brought two bowls of custard in May, and took over the two children with the maid.

  Four adults and two children sat at the table, and the mother, son, mother and daughter were still facing each other.

   So Zhou Man and Mingda ate a piece of deep-fried custard, and the two children ate a bite of custard. Bai Ruoyu ate it with relish, but Bai Jingxing did not.

Although she did not miss a bite, she was obsessed with the oily residue on the table and always wanted to reach out to grab it while the adults were not paying attention. Although she always grabbed an empty space, it can be seen from the frequency of her reaching out. Out of her persistence.

  Xiao Qian's definition, "She is more naughty than Dabao."

   Zhou Man said: "This is smart, she knows that oily dregs is more fragrant than custard and more delicious than custard."

  Mingda went to see the quiet Bai Ruoyu, nodded and said: "Yes, Big Sister is smarter than Dabao."

  Although the two like to eat, they dare not eat more. After eating a few pieces, they refrained from putting down their chopsticks, "Sister-in-law, should this be placed on the meat stall?"

  Xiao Qian responded, "There is still a lot of oil, which was delivered after the pig was killed early this morning."

  She said: "I refine it, and I will give them some oil dregs on the stall tomorrow for people to taste. I hope I can sell more."

   Zhou Man said: "Fen steamed pork, meatballs, steamed pork ribs, and even stewed pig's trotters are delicious."

  Xiao Qian’s: "...This is for free for people to taste, that is, to let people outside know that our pork is of good quality, but we can’t make money at a loss."

   Zhouman: "Oil is also expensive."

   "That's deep-frying, I have refined all the oil," Xiao Qian said: "If you want to eat it, I will cook it alone at home."

   Zhou Man was about to respond, Mingda reminded: "Man Bao, we have finally returned to normal reminder, eating this way, will you get fat again?"

   Zhou Man thought about it and said confidently: “I just need to do more punches before I get up in the morning and wash in the evening.”

  In order to eat, she can fight hard.

  One of the things Xiaoqian likes to do is to feed Manbao, and nod his head again and again.

The oil became colder, Xiao Qian asked someone to bring the oil urn to fill the oil, and then she made a pot of noodles with the oil on the bottom of the pot and the pot noodles, and put some green vegetables and oil residue in it. Mingda, who felt he was full, was also hungry.

  She touched her arm, and she really felt that she was much rounder than before.

  Mingda is happy as long as she thinks of this place, which shows that her body is better than before.

  Xiao Qian’s noodles were served, and they were sent to Zheng, Bai Shan, and Yin or them. The three of them ate in the kitchen.

  It’s the other people, but it’s the first time Yin or ate the oily residue, so he didn’t know him, so he didn’t have the first time to put his chopsticks.

  He picked up a piece of oily residue and looked up at Baishan and Bai Erlang, and saw that they were eating deliciously with a bowl of noodles. He couldn't help but wonder, "What kind of meat is this?"

  "This is not meat, this is greasy residue." Baishan paused, tilting his head and thinking, "Can you eat greasy residue?"

  Hakujiro immediately raised his head, and said vaguely as he ate the noodles: "I shouldn't be able to eat it, give it to me."

  He pushed his bowl over and signaled Yin or dregs to come over.

  Yin or hesitated for a while, carefully put it in his mouth and chewed...


  Bai Shan looked at him and smiled and asked, "How is it, is it delicious?"

  Yin or frowned and nodded, “It’s fragrant, just a bit rough, but it feels crispy when eaten in the mouth, it’s delicious.”

  The most important thing is that the oil comes out after he chews, but he doesn't feel it is greasy. He likes it very much.

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “Eat if you like it. Manbao and the others ate it in the kitchen. Since they can be delivered by the servants, obviously you can eat it.”

Bai Erlang took back the bowl with regret, turned his head and said, "Is there anymore, the fat fried by Dasao Zhou is the best. It is also good to sprinkle with salt as a snack. You can go to the kitchen and have a look. Bring a disc."

  Bai Shan said: "Don't eat too much, be careful not to digest."

   turned his head but ordered the next person, "Ask if there are any side dishes, the noodles are delicious with the side dishes made by my sister-in-law."

  The next person followed.

When the next person left, the three people ate slowly while talking, "In some places, the autumn harvest can begin. It is my duty as the county magistrate to ensure the autumn harvest. The people from the Department of Salt Transport are about to arrive. Who will entertain me? ?"

   Bai Erlang was silent, and Yin or said: "Let Bai Er go, he is the most suitable."

   Baishan thought so too, so he looked at Shirajiro.

  (End of this chapter)

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