Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3174: Come here

  Chapter 3174 Come here

  Baijiro can only nod his head and promised, "Okay, then I will have steamed pork ribs tonight!"

  Bai Shan immediately said: "I'll go ask my sister-in-law to do it in a while."

  He looked at Yinor again, “I’ll have to help me stare at the end of the dock, and the situation on the Jiangnan side.”

  Yin or means no problem.

  Bai Shan was overjoyed and asked: "Do you have something you want to eat? Tell me at the same time, I'll ask my sister-in-law to make it later."

   Yin or smiled slightly and said, "I prefer to eat the noodles in the stewed pork noodles."

  It has been hot recently, and Bai Shan didn’t want to eat too greasy food. After thinking about it, he felt like he nodded and said, “Okay, eat this at night.”

  Baijiro: "Don't forget my steamed pork ribs."

   "Don't worry, I can't forget."

  Guantian Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the city killed two pigs today, and they were cut into pieces. All Guantian Zhuangzi who was about to harvest the sickle in autumn received a piece of meat.

   is not very big, only about ten kilograms. Let’s taste it, and sell the rest in the county town.

  It’s just that the butchers in the county are fixed. Everyone prefers to eat mutton. Pork is a little worse. They already sell pork. Now they can’t sell it if they increase the amount of meat.

  So the little Qian’s brought back a lot. There are guards in the mansion and his own guards. There are a lot of people, and it consumes a lot of money.

  Bai Shan had a little menu. She went to the kitchen and turned over all the ribs and meat she needed.

  In fact, Xiao Qian’s heart is also a little worried, "Each Guantianzhuang has so many pigs, all of which are sold in the county. Can the county eat it? And what about other butchers?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “Sister-in-law, don’t worry, I have a solution on my own. Just help them let outsiders know that the pork in our village is delicious.”

  Xiao Qian nodded: "All right."

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "Sister-in-law, you will give them the oil residue tomorrow, and then you will make some steamed meat or something for them to taste?"

   "Will you lose money?"

   "It's fine to divide it into small pieces. Just do it. I'll pay the money. Don't worry, maybe we can make it back in the end."

  Xiao Qian did not understand, but he did.

The next day, after the people in Zhuangzi killed the pigs and pulled the pork to the vegetable market, some of the servants gave away a large plate of reheated oil residue, which was so fragrant that it attracted many people who came to buy vegetables and meat in the morning. people.

  Some people gathered around and took a look and then hesitated to leave. Others asked, knowing that it was free to taste, and they went up to eat a piece.

  The meat in the pork stall is all sold out, it's not like there was better left yesterday.

  Mingda stopped the subordinate who came back to report, and asked curiously: "Our pork is sold out, what about the meat on other pork stalls?"

  "They are all sold out. Even the mutton seller next door sold out the meat early. I don't know what happened today. Many people are willing to pay for the meat."

  Mingda was surprised, and said to Zhou Man: "I thought we would take up the business of other butcher stalls."

   Zhou Man said: "It will happen over time."

  She said: "Even ordinary people, there is still money to buy meat occasionally. They smell such a fragrant smell, and they or their family members are greedy. It is normal to buy meat."

   "But this kind of behavior can be one or two but it won't last too long," Zhou Man said: "Unless they make a lot more money than before, they will be willing to spend a long time on buying meat."

  Mingda: "But every official farmhouse has pigs, so selling so much meat is not a short-term thing."

"Yes, and if you kill the pig, you will have to enter the piglet later." Zhou Man smiled and said: "But I asked Bai Shan, his drunkenness is not in the ordinary people in the vegetable market, at least not now. "

   "Who is selling so much meat to?"

  “Of course it’s sold to those who can afford meat. Pork is cheaper than mutton and chicken. Those who don’t really can afford meat, they can also afford it.”

  A few days later, Mingda knew who Zhou Man was talking about.

  Xiaoqian, according to Bai Shan, made a pot of pork every day and put it on the stall for free tasting for those interested.

Even Chu Lang, who was busy opening a shop in Longchi, heard about this, and sent someone a special message to come back, "...Said it was to help him carry documents and letters to Longchi. Some of the dishes made by the big lady can be eaten when they are hot again, otherwise they have to eat there, which is too expensive."

  When Xiao Qian heard that they were going out to eat, he hurriedly asked: "Aren't they living in another courtyard? Why don't they open fire?"

  The government officer paused for a while and then whispered: "It was fired, but on Thursday, the master disliked everyone's craftsmanship is not very good."

  Xiao Qian's response.

  Then the restaurant on the Longchi side came to the door first, and finally the restaurant on the county side couldn't bear it, and when he heard the movement, he also looked for it.

When Zhou Man and Mingda came back from the medical office side by side, they saw a lot of people crowded at the door.

  The two were blocked outside. The person in front didn't even know that the owner had come back, and they were chatting in noisy.

   Zhou Man tried his best to stand on tiptoe and look in. He really couldn't see it. He only heard people talking in a mess, such as "please ask your wife for advice," "please ask your lady for advice," and so on.

It didn’t sound like a bad thing. Zhou Man didn’t rush in in a hurry. She couldn’t squeeze in for a while, so she patted the shoulder of the person in front of her and asked curiously, "What is this for? Which wife is from the county government office?"

   "Who else?" The person who was slapped on the shoulder said without looking back: "Who else can be called the wife in the backyard of this county government but the sister-in-law of Master Zhou?"

  He said: "There are just a few female family members, the princess and Lord Zhou need not say, and the magistrate of the county magistrate can also be called a madam. Isn't the rest just the sister-in-law of Lord Zhou?"

   Zhou Man nodded, thinking that his analysis made sense, so he asked curiously: "What are you going to ask her for?"

"It's not us, it's them." The man stood on tiptoe like Zhou Man and looked forward, slightly lowering his voice. "Come and ask Mrs. Zhou Da to give instructions on how to cook pork. I can't hear clearly, anyway. From the outside, the dishes she cooks are delicious. The dishes made from pork are not inferior to mutton, and the taste is also very good."

"This is cheap and good quality. Everyone came here. I'm here to join in the fun." His voice was lowered. "I want to say that they just took advantage of the fact that Madam Bai was not in the city and Lord Zhou was in the medical office again. They didn’t care about the home, so they blocked the door. Now if there is a person who can take charge in the backyard of this county, they don’t dare to block it like this."

   Zhou Man raised his eyebrows and nodded.

  Mingda heard from the side, frowning, "I'll let them drive them away."

  The person stuck in front of Zhou Man's side suddenly stiffened. Looking back, his eyes widened, and then he realized that it was Zhou Man who had spoken to himself for a while.

  (End of this chapter)

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