Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3175: Very confident

  Chapter 3175 Very confident

  He smiled and froze, and raised his hand to salute.

   Zhou Man waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need to be polite."

   hushed again: "Don't be loud."

   Then he pulled Mingda out a bit to prevent her from being smoked.

  She leaned against the other wall in the alley and said to Mingda: “Don’t worry, my sister-in-law is not someone who will suffer.”

  Mingda: "...but my sister-in-law is always gentle, I'm afraid she will suffer."

   Zhou Man waved his hand confidently: "Don't worry, my sister-in-law will not suffer!"

  She was sure, and Mingda could only wait and see.

Although there were a lot of people and it was noisy at the door, little Qian’s complexion didn’t change much. Zheng, who was still playing with the children in the yard, was shocked when he heard the movement and saw that he was held in the arms of the girl and the maid Bai Jingxing and Bai Ruoyu were also attracted, staring at them with wide eyes.

   Xiao Qian saw that, for fear that the two children would be frightened, he waved at them and asked them to hurry up and take the children away.

   Looking back and seeing that they were still yelling and babbling, she couldn’t help but say loudly: "Don’t make a noise!"

  Everyone was shocked by her voice, and the scene fell silent for an instant.

Little Qian showed a little smile now, but he was still more serious, "I heard, do you want to buy pork with Zhuangzi? It's simple. You can go to Zhuangzi to find a manager, or I will ask Mr. Cui to come over and talk to Mr. Cui. also."

Everyone was quiet for a while and then said: "Ms. Zhou, this pork has a smell. Although it is relatively mild, it uses less ingredients. This smell can't be removed. But if you use those aniseed ingredients, the price is higher. "

"For the same price, everyone definitely prefers to eat lamb," the person continued: "But we have all tasted the dishes made by Mrs. Zhou. Although some dishes also use some anecdotes, they are not many, and there are some. If you don’t use it at all, the price will be much cheaper."

  The other party smiled at Xiao Qian, and then stopped talking, hoping that she could understand his unfinished words.

  Little Qian understands it. After all, she has not lived in vain over the past few decades. If you want to learn her dishes, you will continue to talk about it.

  Little Qian looked at them silently, everyone stared at them with big eyes, and didn't speak for a while.

  In the end, the little Qian couldn’t stand a group of big masters who were squeaky and crooked, so they simply asked: "Do you want to learn my dishes?"

Everyone nodded and explained hurriedly: "The pork dishes can only be sold if they are lower than the mutton. If our restaurant has the craftsmanship of Lady Zhou, many people will buy the pork. The next Guantian Zhuangzi’s pig farming capacity."

"Hey. How big is your restaurant? I dare not say that my restaurant will directly cover the supply of a Guantian Zhuangzi, but I will buy as much as possible. As long as our cooks can also make such dishes, I will be sure in the future. A lot of pork is needed."

  Xiaoqian finally knew why Bai Shan said that the food donation was done well. Not only could they sell the pigs in the Zhuangzi, but without squeezing the number of butchers in the vegetable market, she might still have some income.

But before he left, he also told that the merchants in this world have the same virtue as Shiro. They may be smeared with honey, but they are not less expensive. Moreover, they are not their own relatives. Not only will they take advantage of them, they will also deceive others. Tell her not to listen to what they say, just thinking about what she can get in exchange for her own ability.

  Little Qian thought for a while and said: "I can teach you, but I have the conditions."

  Everyone quickly laughed and said, "You said, you said."

  Xiao Qian said: "You may not know, my house also opened a restaurant."

  Everyone:......This is a bit embarrassing, go with you!

   Little Qian said: "But my restaurant is not here, but in the capital."

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Although my restaurant is not here, this is our ability to eat after all. We can't throw the bowl ourselves, so you let me teach it, what can you learn from me?"

  Everyone: ...The relatives of the county magistrate want to benefit from them, which is indeed beyond their expectation. After Baishan came to Beihai County, he never accepted more than usual etiquette.

When the county magistrate’s daughter was in full moon, those who gave too much gifts were retired by Bai Shan, while in other homes, during this period, whoever had a liquor store, he followed the same gifts as before, which shows his temper. character.

Someone's heart moved, thinking whether this was an opportunity, they listened to Xiao Qian's loud voice: "I don't want more from you, because everyone has come to the door. I taught this, but it's not good not to teach that. , So each of you can give a bundle of three to five hundred texts."

  She said: "I will cook a dish for you three times, and I have explained it in detail three times. How much can be learned depends on each individual's ability, how?"

  Someone immediately said: "What is three or five hundred words? Lady Zhou is too shabby. We are so embarrassed to take out such a good dish without thirty or fifty taels."

  When there are several nodding to respond, the others should not be, nor should they be.

  No, there is a suspicion of taking the benefits of Xiaoqian for nothing, I am afraid that I will offend Bai County magistrate and Lord Zhou; yes, thirty-five taels are indeed too much, and they don't want to pay so much.

   was hesitating, the little Qian had already glared at the man, and said in a serious voice, "Don't harm my family Manbao and brother-in-law!"

She said: "I know my own skills. Since you have eaten my dishes, you should also know that it is ordinary home cooking. Don't say that I teach you so many people at once. It's not worth thirty or fifty taels."

  Xiao Qian looked at them with a wary face, “Don’t think about fooling me into accepting the money. When you turn around, tell my family Man Bao and Bai Shan to accept bribes.”

  Everyone: ", no, lady Zhou, how dare we?"

  Xiaoqian: "How dare you? That's what I thought in my heart, but I just didn't dare to dare?"

  Everyone: "No, no, we don’t even think about it, this is too nasty."

   "Yes, yes, it's nasty, I read three or five hundred essays that are pretty good."

The few people suggested by    immediately stopped the fire and bowed their heads regretfully, thinking that they could take this opportunity to have a different relationship with Bai County Commander Zhou.

  Xiao Qian's finalized the details with them, once and again, there was no wind, because everyone was quieter, and Xiao Qian's voice was loud, so Mingda heard it clearly outside.

  Mingda looked at Zhou Man in surprise. This was too unexpected for her. In her impression, Xiao Qian was a gentle, loving, delicious cooking, and very good at taking care of others.

  But now...

   Zhou Man said with joy: "I didn't expect it? My sister-in-law can do it."

She said: "She is the eldest daughter-in-law of our old Zhou family. She is very capable. My sister-in-law is usually good, but gentle, but if they do something wrong, Lizhong can take people from the village with a stick. At the end of the village, if someone in the village comes to quarrel with our family, my mother basically won't do anything. My sister-in-law took my second sister-in-law and scolded them back."

  Mingda: "... scold, scold back?"

"Yeah, scold me back," Zhou Man said confidently: "But in the past few years, my sister-in-law has become more and more gentle. I think I will be like this in the future. Although everyone says I am aggressive, but when I grow up, Some, I will be as gentle and affectionate as my mother-in-law."

  Mingda twitched the corners of his mouth, "You really have confidence in yourself."

  See you tomorrow, good night

  (End of this chapter)

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