Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3184: Count the rice

  Chapter 3184 Counting Rice

  As soon as Zhou Dalang poured water for them, the sound of carriages and horses rang out again.

  Not waiting for Zhou Dalang to open the door, Mr. Zhuang and the others had already opened the door and came in. Seeing Mr. Zhuang, Zhou Dalang was overjoyed, and the heart they held was instantly let go, leaving the emperor and Yin Li to go forward, "Mr. Zhuang, you are here."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded, and went to meet the emperor with Wei Zhi, turned his head to see Zhou Dalang standing there, and said: "This is your Majesty, why don't you come to see you soon?"

  Zhou Dalang's eyes widened at once, at a loss, he knelt directly on the ground, raised his hand and bowed, "Meet your majesty."

"Quickly avoid the ceremony," the emperor asked Zhou Dalang to stand up and laughed: "Speaking of which, our two families are still relatives. This is outside the palace again. There are not so many rules. Come, everyone sit down and let's come together. Look at the rice grown from this new rice plant."

   Zhou Dalang felt that the emperor was very amiable, just like the people in his village, so he talked about relatives first. He glanced at Mr. Zhuang quietly, and when he saw Mr. Zhuang nod slightly, he said: "Your Majesty, we have picked the ears of rice to be used as seeds. Would you like to look at that?"

  The emperor's eyes lightly lit up, "Oh? Take a look."

It’s normal to pick seeds from the fields every year. In the past, the ones with long ears and full grains were selected, but it has been different since Zhou Lizhong took over. Man Bao didn’t know where to find some agricultural books and The information is given to Zhou Lizhong.

  The rice ears selected by Zhou Lizhong every year are very strange, some are particularly good, and some are not good. After they are divided, they are **** and hung under the porch to dry, and then slowly threshed.

   Zhou Dalang is not very good at picking their kind, so he always picks the best, and this time naturally too.

  At this time, the rice ears are hanging under the porch of the yard next door, which is the yard where he and Wu Lang live.

The emperor couldn’t sit still, so he followed him. As soon as he entered the yard, he didn’t need to raise his head to see the ears of rice hanging under the porch. The long ears of rice were golden yellow, and the grains almost flashed under the sunlight. With golden light.

  The emperor's footsteps are lightened.

   Zhou Dalang kept pace, instead, he stepped forward and directly hooked the best bundle to the emperor. "Look, this is the seed for next year."

  The emperor untied, picked up a rice ear, and asked, "How many grains are there in this plant?"

  Zhou Dalang touched his head embarrassedly and said: "We can't count them. In the past, these were counted by children. This year, a few children have not come here yet, so we hang up for now."

  The emperor returned to his senses, "Do you count every year?"

"Yeah, Man Bao said this is called experimental data. There are several ears in one plant and several grains in one ear, how many grains there are in total, and even the length of the ears and the length of the rice plants must be measured and recorded," Zhou Dalang Said: "My eldest son did all these things before, but now my eldest son is not in the capital, we don't know how to count it, so..."

   Zhou Dalang was afraid that the emperor would be unhappy, so he quickly said: "But we were helping count the number two days ago. There were 308 grains on one ear, and that plant had eleven ears at that time."

The emperor took the rice plants and Wei Zhiji and said humanely: "Since they don't know how to count, let's count." He was very interested.

  Wei Zhi glanced at the emperor, but had no objection.

  Zhou Dalang saw them sitting on the porch and counted them, and hurriedly brought in a dozen small stools, "Come and come, sit and count, I, I will go to the kitchen to see how the water is boiling."

   "It's not busy," the emperor said with a smile while dividing the ears of rice on his hands: "Let's talk."

The emperor asked curiously, "What kind of rice did you use to cultivate this rice seed? How many years did you cultivate it?"

Zhou Dalang said, "It's the D-number seed used. This plant is now the fourth year of planting. Last year it yielded seven stones per mu, and the previous year it yielded six stones and seven per mu. The harvest has been confiscated this year, but it has been harvested. Let’s calculate the two acres of land. The raw rice is 19 shi in total. After drying, the yield per acre is higher than last year."

Mr. Zhuang said to the emperor: "The new rice seeds are cultivated in Pu Village. They must be more suitable for the climate here, so the yield here can be higher than that in Beihai and Luojiang counties."

  Although the emperor was very excited about this output, he was not distracted, but keenly asked: "Where did the number one seed come from?"

  Zhou Dalang glanced at Mr. Zhuang, and answered honestly: "Man Bao brought it back."

  The emperor raised his eyebrows.

  As for where Zhou Man came from, the Zhou family never asked. Man Bao brought too many things back. They couldn't ask them every time they took out something, right?

  The emperor knew Zhou Dalang's expression and asked him more carefully, so he looked at Mr. Zhuang.

  Mr. Zhuang lowered his eyes and carefully counted the grains of the rice ear in his hand, avoiding the emperor's gaze.

  The emperor tapped his finger on his knee, "Since there are No. 1 seeds, there must be A, B, C, and I don’t know what they are like?"

So after a short while, the emperor stood between a few fields. Zhou Dalang pointed to the sign on the head of the field and said, "The seeds of A and B are no longer planted. That kind of seed is not good. The first year was fine, but the next year It’s wrong. We have been planting for three years and we have been trying to find a way, but we can’t save it. This is the No. C, C13,321 seed."

The emperor stared at the ugly character on the sign for a while, and asked, "Who wrote this?"

  His little emperor and grandson can't write such ugly characters.

   Zhou Dalang was very embarrassed and said: "I wrote it. I used to rewrite it by Li. I wrote it when he was not at home."

  The emperor nodded, and praised: "Good writing."

  He asked: "What does this number mean?"

"My son made it up. I just pick up the seeds according to the number. C is the seed number that I got back at the beginning. The numbers behind are also numbers. When we planted that year, the number of seeds we picked up is more than that. Add a number."

  Does everyone understand it?

  Seeing that everyone is very confused, Zhou Dalang is a little anxious, don't know how to explain.

Mr. Zhuang explained with a smile: "Your Majesty, this field is the No. 2 experimental field. Look at the next field that has been harvested. It is No. 1, and that is No. 3. The cultivation conditions of each experimental field will be different. During this period, differentiated cultivation will be carried out, and the seeds left during the final harvest will be added with a number to the original number. That number represents which experimental field they came from and the conditions under which they were cultivated."

   "Zhou Lizhong will summarize it, select the best seeds to continue to cultivate, and also summarize the best farming conditions."

Now the emperor understood, pointing to the words on the sign and saying: "So this is the seed of No. C cultivated for five years, the second year is the seed of No. 1 experimental field, and the third year is the seed of No. 3 experimental field... "

  Zhou Dalang nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, that's what it means. Man Bao said that it won't be messed up if it is numbered. There are so many seeds every year. If it is not numbered, we will not even be able to recognize it."

  (End of this chapter)

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