Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3185: Ask for politics

  Chapter 3185 Asking for politics

  The emperor looked at the rice carefully and frowned, “This rice is not as good as the previous Ding. It is so short and the ears of rice are not very long, but they look full.”

  Zhou Dalang nodded, "But Lizhong still wants us to plant, and we are not allowed to water too much. It is said that there is a shortage of water in some places. If the water shortage is too serious, the number D will be out of production. It is not as good as the number C..."

The emperor shook his heart and pointed to the confiscated rice in another experimental field and asked, "Well, I don't think it grows very well. Why was it cultivated in the region?"

Zhou Dalang smiled and said: "That is a new seed. It was sent by Man Bao the previous year. It was compiled into the gui number. This year is the second year of planting. You have to look at what it looks like. Some rice. In particular, it recruits insects, some are not very good, some have a soft texture, and some are hard. Man Bao said that the knowledge of this kind of land is great, and the output depends on other things, drought-resistant. , Anti-waterlogging, insects and not insects, the taste is different, and some even have different colors."

Seeing the emperor's kindness, he asked about farming. Zhou Dalang accidentally said too much. "I heard Man Bao said that the millet planted in a place is red. Man Bao has always wanted to let people bring it. Some came back and tried all kinds of things, but never found anyone to bring it back..."

  The emperor said: "Red rice, I remember the Lingnan area, I have eaten it once before, that taste..."

  The emperor aftertastes for a while and then said: "I think that rice can not be planted."

  Wei Zhi glanced at the emperor and asked Zhou Dalang, “I wonder if there is rice ground from new rice seeds in the mansion? Let’s taste it too.”

   "Yes, yes, we planted a lot last year, and now we eat at home." Zhou Dalang immediately said: "I will go back to cook, you wait."

   Zhou Dalang turned around and ran back.



  Mr. Zhuang couldn't stop him, so he could only watch him run away in a hurry. No way, he could only serve as the host and continue to introduce the emperor.

Fortunately, he also understands some conditions in the test field, so he will not be blinded by both eyes, but it is impossible to ask him to be more detailed, so he said: "Your Majesty, who knows the most about the test field than Zhou Lizhong, who has always been responsible. Other people, even Zhou Man, don’t know much."

  The kid was just giving seeds, occasionally giving directions, and Zhou Lizhong had always done it specifically.

The emperor nodded slightly and walked from the experimental field to the field cultivated by the tenant farmers.

  The rice in the paddy field has been harvested more than half, but at first glance, it is still a golden piece. The closer you go, the more shocking the heavy hanging ears of rice will be.

  The emperor stood on the field ridge with his hands on his back, and exhaled a deep breath, with pride in his chest, "If the paddy fields in the world could have such a good harvest..."

  Wei Zhi only thought about it for a while and felt blood boiled. He clenched his fists and said, "That day or there will be no hunger from now on."

  This is the goal of many generations.

  The emperor said: "Xia Zhao, summon Zhou Li to re-enter Beijing."

  He paused and said, "Zhou Man, let her return to Beijing, I am very interested. How did she think of cultivating grain seeds, and where did so many rice seeds come from?"

  Mr. Zhuang lowered his eyes and clenched his hands in his sleeves. Wei Zhi had already bowed to respond, "Yes, the minister will make a decision when he returns."

  The emperor nodded slightly, and then turned around and walked back. When he returned, the emperor had a leisurely look at other places, watching, watching, the emperor stopped, "Zhou Man, this job field..."

  The emperor looked left and looked again, his eyes narrowed slightly, "The water system is developed, this gully seems to connect a lot of fields, there is also dry land, but why are there trees planted?"

Mr. Zhuang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this gully has been dug and repaired over the past few years. The Zhou family paid some money and the tenant farmers in the village contributed their efforts to repair it."

Looking at the direction the emperor was pointing, his head was lowered, "The land over there is dry land, the land is barren, even if you plant beans, it is difficult to harvest, so Zhou Man asked him to dig a pond there to raise some fish and lotus roots, and plant them on it. The ones are fruit trees."

  The emperor: "...I vaguely remember that the official position must not be changed drastically, dig a pond, maybe?"

  He looked at Wei Zhi.

  Wei Zhi was silent for a while and then answered impartially: "No!"

  Mr. Zhuang:...

  The emperor nodded slightly, and walked back to the other courtyard with his hands behind his back.

As soon as    entered the door, the guard who was left to count the rice grains immediately went forward and reported, "Your Majesty, the minister has counted 3,612 in total."

  The other guard on the side was sweating profusely and kept talking about it. He had just finished the report, and he immediately stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I have also counted three thousand four hundred and eighty-two."

  It’s so risky, I almost forgot. I knew I would go out with some paper and pen, so I’ll write it down when I finish counting...

   Yin Li glanced at him and shook his head slightly.

  Other guards also stepped forward to report the number they had counted, ranging from 3,000 to 5,000.

The emperor squeezed a millet and said, "It is indeed beyond my expectation that a seed can be harvested like this. This is my fortune, and it is also a blessing for all people."

  Wei Zhi nodded in agreement.

The emperor suddenly looked at Mr. Zhuang and asked: "Shi Zhuang said, now that the salt administration has begun, the Jiangnan incident has been settled, and now there are high-yield grains. What do you think the Dajin should do next?"

Zhuang Shizhen didn’t expect the emperor to ask him suddenly. He paused for a while before slowly saying: "Your Majesty, spring planting and autumn harvest are the season and reincarnation. The autumn harvest is over every year, and the head of the family will start thinking about the next year’s farming. After farming, we should adapt to the climate, watering, weeding, weeding, every year, year after year, it seems that there has never been a change."

"However, the harvest is different every year. Even if the things that happen at home are roughly the same, there are always differences. There may be weddings and happy events, or disasters and bad things, but they are just going forward and looking for things that happen. The way to solve the problem is to think about accumulation when it is stable, which can not only deal with the disasters that may occur in the future, but also make the life of the family better."

Mr. Zhuang spoke very slowly, but the emperor listened very seriously, "Governing a country is like governing a family, and the minister thinks the country should be the same."

  So there is no need to think about what to do next, because current events will tell them what to do. "

  The emperor looked at Mr. Zhuang quietly, and nodded slightly after a while, "The prince can be taught by Mr. Zhuang, it is the prince’s fortunate, it is also my fortune, the fortune of the Jin Dynasty."

  This comment is very powerful, it is as calm as Mr. Zhuang could not hold back, got up and knelt, "I dare not be a minister."

  The emperor hurriedly stepped forward to help the person up and grabbed his hand and said: "Speaking of which, Mr. and I have known each other very early, but there are very few opportunities for in-depth discussions. This is my negligence and my fault."

  The emperor remembered the encounter with Zhou Man and the others on the road and in the temple, and sighed in his heart that he was negligent. How could a teacher who can teach disciples like Zhou Man and Bai Shan be an incompetent person?

  (End of this chapter)

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