Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3191: Needle

  Chapter 3191 Needle

  Ms. Wei couldn't help wiping her tears when she heard it. She had been prepared for this, but at this time she still couldn't help being sad.

Fortunately, she quickly returned, after thinking about it, "I only hope that the three educated doctors will make him more comfortable and not too painful. The two children are already on their way back, and they should be able to arrive in Beijing in five days. "

Zhou Man understood it and looked at Xiao Yuanzheng and Doctor Liu.

  The two men groaned and pulled Zhou Man aside and whispered, “Don’t accept it casually. For five days, I don’t even dare to guarantee them for five hours now.”

   Zhou Man said in a low voice, “In fact, there is a way. Now the needle is used to make him fall asleep, reducing the burden on the internal organs, and then prescribe a prescription to hang the breath. Five days is all right.”

  Xiao Yuan was meditating, "Sleeping can also reduce Master Wei’s pain, but..."

  He hesitated: "Can the Wei Family and Your Majesty agree?"

   Zhou Man turned to the other side and said in a low voice: "Go and ask."

  Emperor Liu also motioned to Xiao Yuanzheng, "Go and ask."

  Xiao Yuanzheng:...

  Before Zhou Man came back, Mr. Liu was not like this.

   But in the end Xiao Yuan was going to ask.

  This is a serious matter, and the Wei family can’t decide on their own, so the prince also took Wei Yu back to the palace and asked the emperor.

  The emperor frowned and asked the prince: "Is there no way Zhou Man can do it?"

  The prince said: "Xiao Yuanzheng's three people said that Mr. Wei was overworked, and it was already exhausted."

The emperor sighed faintly, "If I had never taken him out of Beijing..."

  Wei Yu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, even if there is no trip to Pu Village, his father's body can't last long. These daily words of his sickness, one day in Pu Village, deserves his ten years of harvest."

  Although he still doesn't know what's in Pu Village, since his father said so, he obviously has no regrets.

  The emperor sighed faintly, then nodded after a while, "Since this is what Mrs. Wei meant, then do it according to Mrs. Wei's intention."

  He was silent for a long time, suppressing the sadness in his heart, and sighed: "Sir Wei wakes up and sends someone into the palace to inform Yu Zhen that I am going to send him off in person, and there are some things I want to say to him."

  Wei Yu bowed and responded.

  Having the emperor's answer, Zhou Man and Xiao Yuanzheng began to prepare to use needles.

  Family members and subordinates were sent out, except for the three in the house, there were only two medical assistants.

  Liu Taiyi and Xiao Yuanzheng took off Master Wei’s clothes, Zhou Man prepared the necessary needles, and used the needles together with Xiao Yuanzheng.

  A lot of needles are needed this time, so two people are needed. Fortunately, they have tried several times on the doll before, and they cooperated well.

  This set of acupuncture methods is a baby acupuncture method in Taiyuan Hospital. Zhou Man was admitted to Taiyuan Hospital for three years before Xiao Yuanzheng was willing to take it out and share with her.

  After the two of them finished the needle, their foreheads were sweating. Because of the high concentration for a long time, they were a little sluggish and their faces were a little pale.

  Xiao Yuan was sitting in a chair and staring at the needle on Mr. Wei's body, "I am old, if I am alone, I would not dare to use this needle method."

   Zhou Man also sat in the chair to take a breath, “Isn’t there still Doctor Liu?”

  Mr. Liu shook his head hurriedly, "I can't. I have practiced this stitching on the puppets in private. If I don't use it, I will always make mistakes in the middle."

  Xiao Yuanzheng also said: "Now in the entire Taiyuan Hospital, you and I are the only ones who can use this needle method."

   Zhou Man said: "Emperor Zheng is young, and Emperor Lu is not very young. Let them learn too?"

  Xiao Yuan didn’t answer her words. Instead, he stared at the needle on Wei Zhi’s body and continued to look at it. He turned to the subject and said, “Do you think the ginseng in the prescription for Master Wei is good for one dollar or one and a half dollars?”

  Weekend: "I don't know what the year is, what is the effect?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "This is a century-old ginseng rewarded by your majesty, but it has been used almost before, and now the rest is not very good."

   Zhou Man: "Then it costs one and a half dollars, maybe the Wei family still has good medicinal materials?"

  Xiao Yuan turned around and ordered a medical assistant, "Go and ask."

  The doctor got up and responded with a "yes".

   Zhou Man calculated the time, got up first, "Let's go, take the needle, the time is up."

  The two took the needle slowly in order.

  The doctor Liu and the medical assistant put on his clothes, Xiao Yuan was watching with his arms folded, looking at Zhou Man, "There are a few days left to be guarded, come on."

   Zhou Man: "...Xiao Yuanzheng, it's not that I'm lazy, but that I just returned to the capital, and now I haven't even eaten a warm meal."

Xiao Yuanzheng sighed and said: "Last few days, Mrs. Wei was guarded by Madam Liu and I. There are still various things to be dealt with in the Imperial Medical Office, and your majesty is not in good health. Lord Zhou, look at what I have in my eyes. Cyan, is it as green as a leaf?"

  Liu Madam saw her look over, and immediately said: "I can't use this stitch. If there is a mistake in the middle, I can't correct it."

   Zhou Man: "...Well, I'll do it."

  Xiao Yuanzheng felt that the burden on his body was much lighter. Since Zhou Man was released, he hasn't felt this way for a long time.

  Xiao Yuan asked Zhou Man in a low voice, "Do you want to transfer back to the capital?"

Zhou Man was taken aback, "Xiao Yuanzheng, the Qingzhou Medical Department has not been completed yet, and the path of the local medical office has not come out."

   "Seeing you are so scared, don't worry, I just ask, if you don't force it, you won't be separated from Lord Bai."

   Zhou Man’s face was reddened, and he insisted on explaining to himself: “It’s not because of Lord Bai, but because of my daughter. She is now at the cutest time. I can’t bear to be separated from her for too long.”

  Xiao Yuan glanced at her, "You can take her back to the capital."

   Zhou Man said in a serious manner: "Sir Bai is not willing to separate from his daughter. Do not do to others what you don't want. How can I deprive him of his family happiness?"

  Xiao Yuan just turned around to ignore her, picked up the prescription on the table and looked at it for a while. When the medical assistant who went out for questioning came in, he asked: "How, is there a good tablet?"

  "Yes," the medical assistant lowered his head and replied: "Princess Changyu sent someone back to the princess mansion to get it. His Royal Highness heard that ginseng was needed for medicine, and he sent someone back to the East Palace to get it."

  Xiao Yuan was relieved, and lit the prescription and said: "Then use a dollar, Lord Zhou, you usually pay more attention to it. You can give him ginseng tablets every day."

   Zhou Man nodded and responded, and he had no complaints about the prescriptions being prescribed by Imperial Doctor Liu and Xiao Yuan.

  The three people touched Wei Zhi's pulse, confirmed that his condition had subsided, and recorded it, and signed and detained each.

  The Wei family came in to see Wei Zhi.

  Wei Zhi loosened his brows a bit, but he was still frowning, and his breathing was not visible. If it hadn't been for the long-term chest fluctuations, they would almost think that people were out of breath.

  Xiao Yuanzheng has already explained to the Wei family, and Zhou Man will stay to look after Wei Zhi for the next few days.

  Ms. Wei hurriedly sent people to clean up the guest room for Zhou Man to rest.

  Send away Prince Xiao Yuanzheng and the others, and greeted the Wei family, and Zhou Man twisted his neck and returned to the guest room.

  Changyu brought a court lady with some food, and said: "I'm hungry, I'll let someone prepare some food for you, you come to eat first, and I will prepare it for you later."

    Two chapters will be updated today, and one chapter will be added tomorrow, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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