Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3192: Summon

  Chapter 3192 Summon

   Zhouman sat on the side of the couch and beckoned to her, “Mingda and I brought you some things back, but it will take a few days to get to the capital. You can go to my house to get them.”

  Changyu walked over and sat beside her, sighed and nodded, "Okay."

   Zhou Man stretched out his hand to hold her hand, "Don't be too sad, do you still want to host the Wei Mansion?"

  Changyu nodded, "Mother-in-law and her husband are both sad, and now I am in charge of this side."

She sighed: "Actually, everyone in the family has been mentally prepared for a long time, and I don’t keep it from you. Earlier, you said that your father-in-law was not in good health. It was already at the end of the fight. At that time, the family began to make preparations. I think it might last longer, but he fell ill a year ago, and it has been more than half a year now. His health is good and bad, he can handle official duties when he is good, and he can’t even get out of bed when he is bad, so what he should do at home Everything is ready."

   "But I am prepared, I still can't accept it." Changyu felt that he was okay. Although a little sad, he could accept it, but Wei Yu and Mrs. Wei obviously couldn't.

  Changyu held Zhou Man's hand tightly, staring at her and asked, "Man Bao, is he really incurable?"

Zhou Man analyzed the effects of the liquid medicine on Wei Zhi’s pulse and shook his head, “Our doctor has diseases that can be cured, but there are also diseases that are incurable. Mr. Wei is now incurable, let alone us. , Is a god, I'm afraid I won't be able to save it."

She said: "Three years ago, if Master Wei was willing to listen to me, put aside official business, and be able to relax and raise his body wholeheartedly, it might be delayed for five, six, seven or eight years, but he has been busy with national affairs for the past three years and has been exhausted. , The wastage is huge, I can’t save it even if I have the art of returning to heaven."

Changyu was silent for a moment, "I will have to work for you in the next few days. You have just returned to Beijing. You must be tired. Let's rest now. By the way, do you want to send someone back to your house to get something? Tell me what you’re used to here, or what’s missing, I’ll let someone open the storeroom and add it to you."

   Zhou Man was surprised, "Oh my God, Changyu, you are so thoughtful."

  Changyu: "...I'm already a mother."

  "Then you can call me cakes, she knows what to bring."

  Changyu responded and sent someone to the Zhouzhai to order cakes.

  Master Wei is inseparable from here, Zhou Man has to take the time to go to the palace to speak back, so he can't go home, so although Zhou Man has gone home, Zhou's family still can't see Zhou Man.

  On the fourth day of Wei Zhixingzhen, the other two sons of the Wei family arrived with their wives and children. At the same time, Zhou Lizhong also went to Beijing.

  He was taken to the imperial palace as soon as he entered Beijing, and he could not even return home.

  He stood a little nervously in front of the Tai Chi Hall, stroking his sleeves vigorously, trying to smooth the wrinkles. It's just that he has been on the road these days, and he has been wearing these clothes for three days.

  Zhou Lizhong felt a bit regretful. After entering Beijing, he should be asked to go home to wash and change clothes. He remembers that my sister-in-law came back from a business trip. As long as it was not a particularly urgent errand, she would wash first before entering the palace...

  While Zhou Li was repenting with his head down, he suddenly heard a servant reminder in a low voice: "Master Zhou is here."

  Zhou Lizhong immediately turned his head and looked down, and saw that from a distance, my sister-in-law was picking up the steps with her official gown. The sun was shining on her, making her whole body glow, even the sun was broken into pieces.

   Zhou Man walked up the steps. As soon as he looked up, he saw Zhou Lizhong waiting at the door. He smiled and asked, "When did you enter Beijing?"

   Zhou Li focused on Da'an and exhaled: "An hour ago? I was taken into the palace as soon as I entered Beijing."

  Zhou Lizhong had never entered the palace, so he was so nervous from beginning to end that he couldn't notice the passage of time.

   Zhou Man nodded, and said to the servant: "Please report to your Majesty that we are here."

The waiter in    hurriedly went in to report. After a while, Gu Zhong came out in person, bowed and smiled: "Master Zhou, Your Majesty invites you two in."

   Zhou Man brought Zhou Lizhong to keep up, and asked Gu Zhong in a low voice, "Are there many people in the house?"

  Gu Zhong also lowered his voice, "Everyone is here."

   Zhou Man knew it in his heart. He turned around and said to Zhou Li: "Your Majesty will answer whatever you ask, listen more and say less."

  Zhou Lizhong: "Yes."

  The emperor is holding a small dynasty meeting, so important ministers in the dynasty are all present, and the discussion has just come to an end.

   Zhou Man led Zhou Lizhong to meet the emperor.

  The emperor waved his hand and said, "Flat yourself."

   "Are you Zhou Lizhong? Raise your head to show me."

  He looked at Zhou Lizhong carefully. Although he was a little dark, he was very energetic, his face was sharp and horny, and he was handsome.

He looked at Zhou Lizhong, then turned to look aside and couldn't help but curiously raised his head to look at Zhou Man who was facing him, and couldn't help but laugh, "There are still similarities between your aunts and nephews' eyebrows, I heard people say, Do your ancestors have great-looking people?"

   Zhou Man thought for a while and said: "My great grandmother and grandmother?"

  The emperor waved his hand and didn’t care much about it, but he still liked good-looking people, so he admired Zhou Lizhong, “With your appearance, you can study and study. As long as you can take the Zhongming Jing, you will have a future.”

  Lord Tang, seeing the emperor's upright face control, couldn't help coughing heavily.

   Seeing Zhou Lizhong's embarrassed face, Zhou Man's face was flushed and he didn't know how to reply, so he said on his behalf: "Your Majesty, he has no intention of imperial examination, you still don't embarrass him."

   "Although reading is good, it is not bad in other industries. Three hundred and sixty lines are the top picks. If the land is planted well, can't you also make a contribution to the country and the people?"

  The emperor looked down and thought, "Three hundred and sixty lines are the top picks? These words are fresh."

  Is there no such thing?

  In which script did she see that?

   Zhou Man swallowed, and hurriedly changed the topic: "Your Majesty summoned us for the new rice seed?"

   "Yes," the emperor returned to his senses and nodded, "This is a serious matter. I heard Zhuang Shaofu say that there are experimental data recorded in the Zhou family?"

  Zhou Li nodded again and again, took out two booklets from his sleeves, two from his waist, and two from his boots...

  Full week:...

  The emperor and his officials:...

  Zhou Lizhong held the six books he had taken out and offered them over his head.

  Gu Zhong also froze for a moment before stepping forward to take it, and offering it to the emperor.

   Zhou Man couldn't hold back, and asked Zhou Lizhong in a whisper, "Why are you stuffed in your boots?"

  Everyone pricked their ears to listen.

  Zhou Lizhong whispered: "They said that you can't bring foreign objects into the palace, so I have to carry on my body."

  Everyone:...Isn’t it a foreign object on your body?

  The emperor twitched his forehead and began to open the booklet. After a while, he asked, "Which one is the latest?"

   Zhou Li hurriedly replied, "The one with the number eight."

  The emperor pulled it out and asked, “There are only six books here. Why do we need to mark the number eight?”

   "Because there are still two books I didn't bring."

  Is it because I can’t figure it out? The emperor slandered and didn't ask for an exit.

  (End of this chapter)

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