Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3193: Seal official

  Chapter 3193 Seal the official

  The emperor opened the latest volume and raised his eyebrows, "Is this year's data?"

"Yes," this is his own record. Zhou Lizhong was less nervous and replied: "It's not quite complete, because when I received the imperial decree, some rice in the village was confiscated and not dried, so the data was just sun-dried. It’s not accurate enough."

  The emperor turned forward in the booklet, which recorded in detail, which day was fertilized, which day weeded, and what was the condition of the rice at that time...

  The emperor closed the booklet and turned out the fold that Bai Shan had only delivered two days before, and he handed it to Gu Zhong, "Read it."

  Gu Zhong first started Bai Shan’s folds, and all the rice in Guantianzhuangzi of Beihai County was harvested. Because the new rice seeds are all planted in Guantian, all kinds of data are collected very quickly.

  Together, the yield per mu of Guantianzhuangzi in Beihai County is only four shi eight, but the highest yield per mu is seven shi five, and the lowest is three shi.

  Bai Shan listed the reasons in it, saying that most of the official fields in it are wasteland left over from the past, so the soil is not fertile enough. This is the result.

  He felt that after two more years of farming, the output would get higher and higher, and finally reached a relatively stable value.

  In Luojiang County, Zhou Lizhong’s statistics are a bit higher. The average yield per mu is six shi two, the highest yield is seven shi three, and the lowest is five shi six.

  The whole hall was shocked, even Master Tang who had already heard some wind was shocked, let alone other people.

  The hall couldn't help but talk. The emperor ordered a table. Everyone gradually calmed down. One person said: "Your Majesty, even if the seed is improved, the output has increased, but it is impossible to increase so much at once, right?"

The emperor asked Gu Zhong to send down the booklet recorded by Zhou Lizhong, saying: "This is not a year's work, let alone, I have seen with my own eyes that the rice ears are indeed long and full."

The emperor nodded to Gu Zhong. Gu Zhong turned around, and after a while he brought a wooden box up and opened it. Inside was a bunch of rice ears. The emperor smiled and said, "This is the output of a single rice plant, although it was specially selected by me. One plant is better than most, but it can also be used to infer how powerful this new rice plant is."

  When all the officials saw the bunch of rice ears in Gu Zhong's hands, the first thing they thought was, was it possible that the millet was stained by some method?

   Even Master Tang couldn’t help but said: "Your Majesty, can you check it out?"

  The emperor waved his hand generously: "Check it."

  So everyone gathered around. Master Tang took a closer look and squeezed a grain out of it. He looked at the fracture carefully, and after confirming that it was true, he couldn’t help but pull other grains...

  When everyone stopped, the bunch of rice ears had been torn off most of the millet, and a thick layer was laid directly on the bottom of the box.


  He finally held back his heartache, forget it, and let him go to Pucun again. Zhou's family picked a lot of seeds and left them. The ears of rice may not be threshed yet, so they will collect some for collection.

After everyone was sure that the bunch of rice ears were real, they stood back to their positions. Although they were shocked and felt that the sky was about to change, they still habitually questioned, "Listening to the meaning of the Zhou family, the Zhou family is I started experimenting with rice seeds six years ago. I dare to ask Mr. Zhou, why did he think about experimenting with rice seeds?"

   Zhou Man couldn’t stop him, Zhou Lizhong already said: "My sister-in-law asked us to experiment."

  Everyone turned their heads to look at Zhou Man.

   Zhouman can only truthfully say: "Your Majesty, the new wheat varieties in the early years were planted by chance in our family. After that time, the wheat varieties in the world were renewed, and the wheat output increased."

  "The yield of rice is higher than that of wheat. The minister thought, if rice seeds could be improved like wheat seeds, the yield would be doubled or even more. Wouldn't all the people be full that day?"

The emperor nodded.

   Zhou Man said: “At that time, there were also the help of Lord Bai, White Horse and Yin County, so the minister began to cleave a few fields in the job field to make experimental fields."

The emperor nodded approvingly. Two days ago, Zhou Man entered the Palace Miansheng. The two monarchs and officials had already discussed this issue in depth. At that time, Zhou Man was much more frank. To benefit the world and the people, I still want to give my nephew a future."

  She said: "Our family used to be poor. They couldn't keep studying. Now it is more difficult to find a future. If you are good at it, besides all walks of life outside, what they are best at is farming."

  "Especially my eldest brother, third brother and elder nephew, so I let them farm the land."

  The emperor asked at that time, "Then you never thought about the consequences of not being able to grow new rice seeds? What if they can’t grow new rice seeds for more than ten years, or even twenty years?"

   Zhou Man said: “We are not only doing this. In addition to experimenting with new rice varieties, we also experiment with new farming methods and improved farming tools. I believe that as long as we study hard, there will always be gains.”

   "Even if no new rice seeds can be planted, as long as the rice harvest can be improved, our hard work is not in vain."

Of course, in the main hall, Zhou Man would not say that it was for the future of the nephews. She emphasized: "The ministers are deeply favored by the emperor and dare not forget it every day, so even if they know that the opportunity is not great, the ministers are willing to spend. Time to try, what if it succeeds? Looking at it today, God is really pitiful. It is also because of your majesty's high morals that he succeeded in a short time."

  Although the emperor knew she was flattering, he still couldn't close his mouth happily.

The ministers looked at Zhou Man in silence, especially Mrs. Tang, his face twitched. If she hadn’t really planted a new rice seed, and the output of the new rice seed was too amazing, he would have to She was impeached on the spot for a crime of defamation.

The emperor was very comfortable. After turning over Zhou Lizhong’s booklet, he was more confident in the new rice varieties. In addition, the data of Luojiang County and Beihai County are here, so he directly ordered: "Liu Qing, let people I went to Zhou’s house to purchase grain seeds, and next year I selected a piece of land to cultivate in various places to test the cultivation of seeds in various places. Sinong Temple cooperated with the Ministry of Households to complete this matter.

   Zhao Siqing and Liu Shangshu appeared together.

   "Zhou Li has the ability to farm, and we recruit talented people in an eclectic manner. Besides, he is still a Luojiang county official, so he is Sinongsi Cheng, who specializes in planting and improvement."

   Seeing Zhou Lizhong in a daze, Zhou Man reminded him in a low voice, “Don’t you knelt down and thank you?”

   Zhou Li returned to God, and immediately knelt down, "The minister thanked your Majesty Longen."

  The emperor asked him to get up, thinking of Wei Zhi, and then asked Zhou Man after a sigh, "How is Master Wei's body?"

   Zhou Man lowered his head, "Not so good."

  The emperor said: "I will go to see Master Wei tomorrow."

   Zhou Man understood that Master Wei was about to wake up, a sadness rose in her heart, and she lowered her head to answer.

  (End of this chapter)

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