Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3197: Dachaohui

  Chapter 3197 Great Chaos Meeting

  Tang He rolled his eyes and said: "I will go to see Zhou Man with you. I heard that your Majesty and Master Wei are on their last meeting. Apart from the prince, Zhou Man and Xiao Yuan are here."

  As the previous minister, the emperor will definitely ask Wei Zhi’s recommender, they are suitable for the monarch and ministers, and the emperor is nostalgic, and he will definitely listen to Wei Zhi’s opinions.

  Yang Heshu looked at him helplessly, "I'm afraid there are many people who have the same idea as you. She is not stupid, can she tell you?"

   Zhou’s family has been very busy in recent days, and many guests have come to see you.

  There are excuses to come to seek medical advice, some say they want to learn about new rice varieties, and some say they want to help Master Zhou.

   After seeing the two people seeking medical treatment, Zhou Man knew what they were thinking about, so he began to keep Zhou's family behind closed doors, and no one came to see him.

   Ask for a doctor, if you have the ability to ask her through the Taiyuan Hospital, or go to Jishitang to wait.

  When Wan Tian came forward and knocked on the door, the concierge inside the door did not open the door, and directly said: "My master is unwell, and no foreign guests are seen."

   Wan Tian said: "Our master is Zhou Daren's brother Yang Heshu."

When the concierge heard it, he opened the door and looked out. When he saw Yang Heshu and Tang He standing outside, he immediately opened both doors, "It's Master Yang and Master Tang, please go inside, and the younger one will report. "

   Zhou Man heard it and came to pick up people happily.

  Yang Heshu hasn’t seen her for several years, and he couldn’t help but say: “The little girl has grown up.”

   Zhou Man pursed his lips in embarrassment, "When did Xuexi return to the capital?"

   "Today morning."

   Zhou Man poured tea for them, "Have you gone to condolences Master Wei?"

  The two nodded together.

  Tang He walked around in her study and asked, “I heard that your Zhou family planted a new rice seed.”

  "In fact, it is not one plant, but two plants, but the yields are similar, so everyone just regarded it as one plant."

  Yang Heshu asked: "What is the difference between the two?"

Zhou Man looked for the book case and found two stacks of paper to show him, "Ding 2 3 3 is very high and requires higher humidity. Xin 2 12 is much shorter, but its ears are also very short. Longer and more drought-tolerant. There is also the taste. I think Xin 1-2 is more delicious, but my parents prefer Ding 2-3."

  “Other differences need to be studied. They are only planted in Longzhou, Qingzhou, Jiannan Road and Yongzhou. I don’t know what will happen to the planting in other places.”

  Tang He raised his eyebrows, "Longzhou?"

   Zhou Man nodded: "That's Bai Shan's house."

  Tang He gave her a thumbs up, and his robe sat down on the chair. “I heard you talk about the experimental field a long time ago. Two years ago, you said that the cultivation results were not very good. I didn’t expect it to be quiet, but you cultivated it.”

  Yang Heshu had already looked down at the data on the paper, and returned it to Zhou Man after it was collected, "I want to stay in Beijing."

  Tang He blinked, "Hube?"

  Yang Heshu nodded, “Only in the Ministry of Households can we better promote new rice varieties. It took a long time for new wheat varieties to be promoted, and even now there are still many places where new wheat varieties have not been tried.”

  Tang He frowned, "Hube...There is no vacancy, right?"

  A radish has a pit, they can't make a pit out of thin air.

   Zhou Man thought about it, and said after a long while: "It's not impossible..."

  Yang Heshu and Tang He turned their heads to look at her, Zhou Manchong and the two of them spread their hands, "I can't tell you, I am a doctor, and keeping my mouth shut is the basic quality."

  Yang Heshu couldn't help laughing out loud and said to her, "Thank you."

  Tang He looked at her helplessly, "What is the difference between what you said and everything you said? Well, there are still differences. For example, who is the next leftist?"

   Zhou Man ignored him, how did she know who it was? But Master Tang has a great chance to take over.

  She felt that if she were the emperor, she would follow Master Wei’s suggestion and choose Master Tang, but this way...

   Zhou Man looked at Tang He with a look of sympathy.

  Tang He met her gaze, shuddered, and leaned back, "You, why are you looking at me like this?"

   Zhou Man said: "Go back, you just entered Beijing today, you are in the palace again, and you are going to mourn. You must be tired."

  Yang Heshu was not polite with her, got up and said, "Then let's say goodbye."

  Tang He was still at a loss until he walked out of Zhou's house, "Why do you think Zhou Mangang looked at me like that?"

"do not know."

   "Guess it," Tang He couldn't think of it, "help me think about it with your ingenuity."

  Yang Heshu thought for him, "Perhaps I saw you describe weight loss, so I have pity on you?"

  Tang He looked suspicious, "Aren't you losing weight, why doesn't she look at you like this?"

  Tang He soon knew why.

  Wei Zhi left a message before leaving, don't want the Wei family to hold a funeral. Many people helplessly come to mourn. The emperor asked the Ministry of Rites to help, so the momentum was even greater.

  But the Wei family still insisted on stopping the spirit for only seven days, and then went to the funeral.

After Wei Zhi was buried, the emperor ordered a great meeting.

  Zhou Man put on his official uniform early in the morning, and led Zhou Lizhong, who had been in court for the first time, into the palace behind Mr. Zhuang.

When he arrived at the Taiji Hall, Zhou Man pointed to a position by the door and said: "Your position, be more alert, listen more and talk less. We are not important ministers. We only need to go to the Great Court to learn more. We rarely call us. ."

  Anyway, she has been to the Great Dynasty Meeting for many years, and the number of times she was asked at the Great Dynasty Meeting is so small that she can count it with her hands and feet.

   Zhou Li responded.

  Mr. Zhuang had already sat down in her seat, Zhou Man took a look, and was slightly relieved, she was a little far away, and she was still behind, so happy.

   Zhou Manshu let out a sigh of relief, sat down in his seat, and saw Tang He and Guo County magistrate.

  Zhou Man directly skipped Tang He, who had just met the genius before, and looked at the county magistrate Guo, “Master Guo, it’s been a long time.”

   County magistrate Guo smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's been a long time since I saw Lord Zhou."

  Everyone stood and talked about gossip, and then the emperor came outside.

  Baiguan stood up immediately, and bowed down after the emperor settled down.

  The emperor asked Baiguan to sit down and sighed: "Wei Qing died of illness, and the subordinate province needs someone to take over. Can you recommend someone to Aiqing?"

  Hundred officials are silent, they want to recommend themselves, but do they dare?

   Zhou Man sat with his head down, listening to the silence of the hall, and it took a long time for the emperor to say: "Wei Qing has recommended a few people for me."

  He said: "I thought about it for a long time, and in the end I was more interested in Tang Aiqing. What do you think?"

  Of course someone has an opinion. The emperor opened his head, and someone immediately said: "Your Majesty, the minister has a recommendation..."

  Tang He, who was sitting in front of Zhou Man's right, was struck by lightning. He turned his head stiffly to look at Zhou Man.

   Zhou Man glanced up and saw that the emperor hadn’t noticed here, he breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to push his head back, and whispered: "Look ahead."

  The first sentence that came out of Tang He's heart was that his father is going to be the leftist!

  And then, he is the son of Zuoxiang, but he has passed the young age.

   Finally I remembered, his father is a leftist, an official in the same dynasty, and the official position is not low, what should he do if he has just made a great contribution?

  Tang He burst into tears in his heart, he finally knew why Zhou Man looked at him sympathetically the day before yesterday.

  (End of this chapter)

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