Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3198: Official transfer

  Chapter 3198 Official transfer

  The emperor spent half of the time in the dynasty meeting to determine the candidate for the left, and Mr. Tang was transferred from the Yushitai to the province.

Feng Shangshu of the Xing Department was transferred to Yushitai to take over, but it was not the left and right servants who took over the Xing Department, but Zhang Shide, the Jiedu envoy of Jiannan Dao. Inspect Yushi, inspect all counties in the world on behalf of the emperor, and review cases for the Ministry of Criminal Justice...

  Other departments also changed accordingly, and the post of Zuo Attendant of the Household Department was vacant and Yang Heshu took over...

After finishing the transfer, the emperor started to point out the new rice seed. Zhou Lizhong has been named the Chenggong Si Nongsi from Liupin, but the Manchu civil and military are not fools, knowing that the main credit for the new rice seed is Zhouman Baishan and others.

However, the new rice seeds were planted in Zhou Man’s job field. It was Zhou's family who listened to the instructions to do things. I heard that she has always liked flowers and plants, and she always wears medicated **** when she goes out on weekdays, as long as she has never seen it before. She has to dig home to study.

  So most of this new rice seed was cultivated by her.

The emperor    also thought so, so he skipped Bai Shan and others to award Zhou Man.

  Chongwen Museum, the compilation from the fourth product has come to an end, and then up is the museum affairs, that is the position of Kong Jijiu.

  The emperor didn't want to give Zhou Man another official title of a farmer, so he directly awarded the title of knight, and the county lord was appointed as the county lord, and the fief was still in Liyang.

  As for Bai Shan, Bai Erlang and Yin or the three mentioned in Zhou Manzhezi, the emperor gave them gold and silver rewards.

  There are too few official positions, and the four of them, except Zhou Man and Bai Shan, who are still diligent, the other two are all people who just occupy the pit. The emperor didn't want to ruin their official positions.

  This time the Dachao will be particularly long, from morning to afternoon, and the waiter will bring a working meal at noon.

  This is the second time that Zhou Man ate lunch intermittently at the Chaohui, and it was not tasty as always.

  While everyone was eating attentively, Tang He turned around to face Zhou Man.

Zhou Man held his dinner plate, thought for a while, picked a good piece of meat on his dinner plate, and comforted him: "Xue Tang, don’t be sad, there’s actually nothing wrong with visiting the world, you Isn’t your ideal that there is no wrongdoing in the world? This official position is taking care of you, and you can also take this opportunity to visit friends all over the world, and come and play with us when you go to Qingzhou."

  Tang He said, "Look at my face, so I won’t say anything about black. Do you see how many meats there are?"

  He said: "I don't mind going on tour, but...I don't want to go on tour in such a hurry. Anyhow, let me raise my body? All my stalwart handsomeness is gone."

  The county magistrate Guo put down his chopsticks and looked up at him, "Master Tang, I want to eat, don’t hurt me."

  Tang He: "What did I do to you?"

   "It made me laugh and spoiled the food." The county magistrate Guo pointed to Yang He, who was sitting not far away, and said, "You said handsome in front of him?"

  Tang He emphasized: "I'm talking about stalwart!"

  Yang He Shudao: "You are tired, you are on a tour, as long as you pay more attention to rest, the meat will be back soon."

   Zhou Man thought for a while and said: "Should I open a prescription for you?"

  Tang He's heart tightened, "Didn't you say that the medicine is three-point poison? Is it that my body is already serious enough to take medicine?"

   Zhouman: "Medicated diet prescription, I didn’t let you take medicine."

  Tang He, "Don’t you still put the medicine?"

   Zhouman: "Do you know that lamb, chicken, and fish are also medicines in the eyes of doctors?"

  Tang He immediately closed his mouth. Seeing Zhou Man lowered his head to eat for a long time without speaking, he hinted: "I think fish is the best medicine."

Yang Heshu couldn't help laughing, and shook his head and said to Zhou Man: "Mrs. Tang doesn't like fishy, ​​so his family rarely eats fish, but he likes to eat fish. You can give him a medicated diet. This is your recipe, he can eat whatever he wants at home."

   Zhou Man nodded and said: "No problem, you wait, I will open a prescription for you when I turn around."

  She turned to ask Yang Heshu, "Brother Yang Xue, do you want?"

  Yang Heshu shook his head, "I don't need this."

  Cui loves him very much. As long as he is at home, there will always be a few dishes he likes on the dinner table, and he can change it for the one that is not repeated.

  Yang Heshu reminded Tang He, “Zhang Shangshu wants to take over the affairs of Yizhou and enter Beijing again. I’m afraid you can’t wait. So while Feng Shangshu has not left his post, you can ask about the inspection later.”

  Tang He sighed, "Your Majesty can't let me leave Beijing right away, right?"

  Guo county magistrate said: “It’s not that there will be changes in all departments this time. Even the Imperial Medical Office has moved two officials. The affairs are complicated and cannot be sorted out in a moment. It should be able to keep you for a while.”

   Zhou Man said: "Look for an opportunity to ask your Majesty in person, and see when he wants you to leave Beijing."

  Tang He: "...Would you like to ask for me?"

   Zhou Man thought for a while and felt that it was not a big deal, so he nodded.

   Tang He was choked, and it took a long time before he said: "Are you really going to ask?"

  Yang Heshu said to her: "Don't go, there is also Mr. Tang, this kind of thing is not our turn."

  Tang He nodded, “I was very smart the first two days. I didn’t answer anything when asked by others, but now I take care of it.”

   Zhou Man really felt that this was not a problem. The emperor was both upset and sad during this period. In addition, he was ill some time ago, so he felt very tired recently, not very well.

   Zhou Man and Xiao Yuan were taking turns to treat the emperor's body, especially when she took the needle for a long time, the emperor and ministers had a lot of gossip to say. She felt that Tang He was very gossip about this question, and she could ask the emperor when she got the needle.

   But Yang Xuexiong and Tang Xuexiong said so, and she suppressed the matter. She looked up at it and found that the emperor had put down her chopsticks to drink tea, and immediately immersed herself in the rice, "Hurry up, your majesty is finished."

  The other three people listened, and quickly sat back in their seats to eat hard.

  The emperor glanced down and found that many people were still eating, so he picked up the chopsticks and empty plates, and looked at the ministers underneath to eat.

  He used to march and fight, and he was used to eating faster, and the meal was not very tasty, so he must eat faster.

  The emperor held the empty plate for half an hour, and saw that most of the people had finished eating and the rest was almost done, so he put down his chopsticks and plate.

  Hundred officials saw this, put them down one after another, and put the bowls and chopsticks in the food box on their sides.

  The waiter filed in, putting away the food boxes one by one.

  The emperor asked: "The autumn harvest in various places is over, and then the autumn tax. This year, due to problems with the Jiangnan salt field, floods have occurred in Jingzhou area. A lot of money has been allocated for the dredging of the Yellow River. Now the national treasury is empty..."

  The Great Dynasty would continue until the end of Shenshi, and Zhou Lizhong almost couldn't straighten his waist when he got up from his position.

Zhou Man walked to him, looked up and down, stretched out his hands and patted several acupuncture points on his lower waist and back. Zhou Lizhong immediately felt that he was breathing, and he lowered his voice and said, "Sister, this Shang Dynasty is hotter than me. It’s still hard to get to the ground."

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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