Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3200: Do something

   Chapter 3200

  Back to Zhou’s house, it was almost dark. Zhou Lizhong was being surrounded by Zhou’s family to say that the Great Dynasty would meet. When Zhou Man came back, he immediately surrounded him, "Tired, go wash and rest?"

   "Would you like to eat first? I heard Lizhong say, you are all in meetings this day."

   Zhou Man waved his hand and said that he was okay. He went back to the house and changed casual clothes. Then he went to see Mrs. Liu and told her about selling Longzhou’s new grains to the Ministry of Households. "

  Lao Mrs. Liu is not obsessed with money, if she can exchange money for official career, it is a very cost-effective thing for her.

  So she just asked, "Can't we keep a single seed?"

"No, we can keep our own rice seeds," Zhou Man said: "Choose more when choosing seeds, grandmother, I have divided some fiefs over at Liyang, although I only collect taxes and don't take care of them directly, but the people in the underground have been closed down. It's good, I'm also good, so I plan to plant some grain at the beginning of the spring equinox next year."

  Lao Mrs. Liu understood, and asked: "How are you going to take care of it over there?"

  She said: "Before you were the head of the township and county, and the fief was not very large, so you can give it to the county government, but now your fief has expanded so much, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to give it all to the county government."

  The county government cannot receive finances in the fief, and may not be more concerned. At that time, it will not only be the loss of Zhou Man, but also the people in the fief, and the reputation of Zhou Man will not be very good.

Zhou Man thought for a while and said: "My brothers and sisters are not suitable for dealing with the county government. Lijun is already very busy. I always trouble her with everything. Grandma thinks that Bai's side is suitable. People?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and said to her: "If you can rest assured, leave this to me, and I will choose someone for you."

   Zhou Man smiled and said, "Of course I believe in my grandmother, so I will leave it to my grandmother."

  There will be no more suitable person than Mrs. Liu.

   Zhou Man got up and said, "I'll talk to my parents, I have to leave enough seeds here, and the rest will be sold to the Ministry of Households."

  She paused, and then said in a low voice: "Grandma, I only sell the food for my natal and our family, where my cousin..."

  Lao Mrs. Liu raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled: "I will write to him."

   Zhou Man left happily.

  Look at all the grains in Master Bai’s hand, and it’s still in the hands of Lijun.

With Yang Xuexi, these grains are planted in the hands of the Ministry of Households and distributed to the states. It must be divided equally. Some well-informed wealthy families will definitely find ways to buy them from other places. Batching rice seeds comes in handy.

  Zhou’s family has no problem with Zhou Man’s selling grain to the Ministry of Households. So much grain is still at a constant price, how good it is.

  Except for Zhou Lijun and Thu Lang, no one in the Zhou family could think of the price of new wheat varieties that year.

   and the others dispersed, Zhou Man asked Lizhong to go to the study to discuss matters last week, and Zhou Lijun and Thu Lang were already there.

  Zhou Lizhong glanced out, "Sister, why did you just call us?"

   Zhou Man said: "Four of us are enough. There are so many noisy people."

  She turned her head to look at Zhou Lijun, "How is the harvest of Zhuangzi at Xiangjia's side?"

  "The output is not lower than that of the village."

Zhou Man nodded and said to her: "Brother Yang Xuexi has always been fair and considerate. He will definitely issue laws to crack down on fake new rice seeds and new rice prices. Minute."

   Zhou Lijun responded, "Sister, don’t worry, I know."

   Zhou Man nodded, and then said to Chu Lang: "New rice varieties cannot be exported. The Jiangnan area has not been tested, nor can it be flowed there. If you want to sell it, you can only sell it in the Central Plains area."

  Thursday Lang, "Can they still block the path to Jiangnan?"

"There is no need to block, but a large amount of inflow is not allowed, lest new rice varieties are unsuitable for disasters in the south of the Yangtze River. If someone wants to try planting, we will not stop it," Zhou Man said: "Sinong Temple will choose experimental fields in various places later. To try to plant new rice varieties, I will know if Jiangnan is suitable for this new rice variety by next autumn. I don’t want you to go to this muddy water."

  Thursday Lang touched his nose, "Okay."

   Zhou Man stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Lizhong on the shoulder and said, "Tomorrow I will take you to Sinong Temple to report to you. Your Majesty will appoint you as Sinong Temple Cheng, I'm afraid you will not be used to it."

She said: "The habits in the officialdom are what I have been unaccustomed to after many years in the court, so you don't have to accommodate them too much. Although we are officials in the court, we are not for a great future. Look closer. , This is just a job for us to settle down, so what we used to be in the village is still what we are now."

  She said: "I can't stay in the capital for a long time. I will go back to Qingzhou after the new rice seed and the medical department are confirmed. If you have any doubts, please consult Mr. Zhuang."

  Zhou Li nodded.

  Thursday Lang asked her, "When are you going to Qingzhou?"

   Zhou Man shook his head, "I don’t know. Let’s look at the speed of the discussions in the DPRK."

Regarding the restructuring of the Medical Department, she and the Imperial Medical Department have been in operation for more than half a year, but they have not been completely determined. Although the emperor’s consent was obtained this time, who knows how slow the court officials are?

  After discussing the matter, Zhou Man asked them to leave. She sat in the chair and thought for a while, then took out the letter paper to write to Bai Shan.

After seeing the words, I complained aggrievedly. Your Majesty came forward and I sold all our new rice seeds to the Ministry of Households at the normal price of grain. Earlier we thought of using it to make a fortune like the new wheat seeds of the year. If it doesn’t happen, there should be an official letter from you soon...

  In Beihai County, the new rice seeds were basically used by Bai Shan on Guantian.

  Guantian, except for his job field, all the rest belonged to the county government.

  If the imperial court wanted to forcefully conquer, it wouldn’t even have to pay for it.

   Zhouman wrote a letter to make Bai Shan mentally prepared.

  Wait for Zhou Man to finish writing the envelope, and even late at night, she stretched her waist and put the envelope on before going back to bed. She decided to sleep in tomorrow!

  As the dispatched official who was called back, she didn't have to go to the yamen to order, and even the Chongwenguan did not ask for it.

  So Zhou Man sleeps until dawn, if she is not woken up by the cake, she can sleep until noon.

  She reluctantly opened her eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "Lady, there is someone from the palace, saying that you are going to the court."

  Zhou Man pulled Boshou to the top of his head, rolled over the quilt, and said in a dull voice: "You were deceived. You just finished the Great Court meeting yesterday. How can you still be there today?"

   "It's not the Great Chao's meeting, it's the Small Chao's meeting, lady, get up quickly, the servant is still waiting outside."

   Zhou Man opened the quilt and sat up with a dazed expression, "Xiaochao meeting? I don't have to go to Xiaochao meeting."

  That’s how she said, she still got up in a hurry, washed her face in a hurry, put on her official uniform, put on her boots, and ran out, "Lady, the old lady has prepared food for you, and you take it."

  (End of this chapter)

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