Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3201: Attack Xiaochaohui

  Chapter 3201 Attack on Xiaochaohui

  When Zhou Man saw the waiter waiting anxiously, where would he dare to bring cakes?

  She grabbed the two paper bags packed with snacks in her hand and stuffed it into her sleeve, ran out, took the rein in Daji's hand, and got on the horse.

   "Why did your Majesty suddenly call me a small court meeting?"

The attendant who came was from Gu Zhong, so he explained in detail: "Your Majesty called all the adults to have a small court meeting. The adults were on the list at that time, but the attorney notified went to the hospital to see no one, and went to Chongwenguan. , There was still no one, and finally went to the Imperial Medical Office..."

  Zhou Man’s heart was cold, she slept once...

   Going to the imperial city, she didn't dare to rush to the palace gate. She ran to the gate of the palace under pressure, and threw the rein to Daji when she hit the horse.

  The guards on patrol and the guards passing by:...

   Running like this in front of them, do they catch or not?

  With such a stunned effort, Zhou Man has already ran to the steps of His Highness Tai Chi and started to run up. The guards opened their eyes and closed their eyes as they could not see.

  Huh, think the steps of the Tai Chi Hall are easy to run?

  When Zhou Man arrived at the Tai Chi Hall, she was out of breath. She took out her veil and wiped her sweat, leaned on the big pillar and waved at the guard looking at her, and pointed to the door of the study.

  The guard kindly told her, "It's almost an hour before the Xiaochao meeting, you can go in."

   Zhou Man shook his head, and while mixing his breathing, he swallowed and moistened his throat, "I'd better go in and report it."

  What if the emperor doesn’t want her to attend the Xiaochao meeting?

  The guard saw that she just refused to move and didn't dare to force her, so he turned and went in to report.

  Gu Zhong came out quickly, and saw Zhou Man leaning on the big pillar. He couldn't help but laughed. Then he lowered his voice and said, "Isn't it because the lord is going in like this?

   Zhou Man nodded again and again, unable to ask for it.

  Gu Zhong took Zhou Man to the side hall and asked people to fetch a pot of warm water.

   Zhou Man poured herself a glass of water. After drinking it, she felt better. She looked out and asked in a low voice, "Master Gu, why did your Majesty suddenly think of calling me to a small court meeting?"

  Gu Zhong smiled and said, "Master Zhou forgot about the imperial medical department that he told your majesty yesterday?"

   Zhou Man patted his forehead, "I thought it was only necessary to talk to Xiao Yuanzheng and Luo Shucheng about these things. Why would you still want to find me?"

  After all, she is only an order from the Qingzhou Medical Department in the Imperial Medical Department.

  Gu Zhong lowered his voice and said, "There are other government affairs. Your Majesty may also ask the government."

   Zhou Man thoughtfully, "It’s not a matter of the Imperial Medical Office. Ask me about it, won’t the Minister of Korea and China oppose it?"

  Gu Zhong didn’t say a word. After the hot water came up, he twisted the cloth towel to her. Zhou Man immediately regained his senses and took it quickly, “Thank you, Master Gu, I’ll just do it myself.”

  Gu Zhong smiled slightly and took a step back.

  There are few military officials in the context of North Korea who would call him Master Gu, and Zhou Man is one of them.

   Zhou Man wiped his face, closed his hair back together, put his official hat on, and poured himself a glass of water to drink, and then he straightened his back and Gu Zhong went in to meet the emperor.

  The emperor raised his eyelids to look at her, "Master Zhou, where have you been this morning? I sent three people to look for you, but I couldn't find it."

   Zhou Man knelt down and confessed his mistakes honestly, “Return to your majesty, the minister has committed laziness and did not go to the yamen, please come down.”

The ministers sitting underneath did not speak. Some people know that Lord Tang has a good relationship with Zhou Man. Especially recently, there have been rumors in private that Lord Tang must have heard some wind from Zhou Man to be stronger when the emperor asks for advice. One end, so as to pick the fruit of Zuoxiang.

  At that time, the Wei Mansion expressed condolences. Many people saw the two walking together. Although they only walked for a while on the road, who knows what they said?

  Lord Tang sat motionless, but as a former Yushitai doctor, he did not participate in Zhou Man's administration.

Yang Heshu, who was sitting next to Liu Shangshu, bowed and smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Lord Zhou has been busy with government affairs since returning to Beijing. It is rare to steal half a day today. She has always only participated in the Great Chao meeting. I don't know that Xiao Chao meeting is also very kind. Yuan, besides, she's still a demobilized official."

  It’s also a rule not to click Mao when the foreign ministers return to Beijing.

   Zhou Man knelt honestly.

   Zuo Shi Lang of the Criminal Department said: "I remember that Lord Zhou was still editing by Chongwenguan. This is not a foreign official."

  He said: "It's fine for Master Zhou in Qingzhou. I can't manage the compilation of Chongwenguan, so it is easy to return to the capital. Why should we take care of the administrative affairs of Chongwenguan?"

   Zhou Man said honestly: "Your Majesty, the ministers of Chongwenguan who edit and write medical books never dare to slacken their efforts. This year's manuscripts have been handed in."

Xiao Yuanzheng immediately said: "Yes, Chongwenguan has already handed over the manuscript to our Tai Hospital for review by the eunuchs. It can be printed if there is no problem. This year, Master Zhou has already handed in two volumes, and the first volume of medical books has been printed for the students. used."

  The emperor was not very angry at first, because Zhou Man was indeed called temporarily, so he raised his hand and said: "Fat up, sit down and listen. Later, I will talk about the reform of the local medical department."

The prince suddenly said: "Father, Lord Zhou is going to return to Beijing. There is no restriction. The next time Xiaochao will want to find her and I don't know where to find it. Conference politics has saved a lot of manpower."


  The emperor nodded, thinking that this was a good idea, so he ordered it on the spot.

   Zhou Man could only lower his head to respond, then got up and walked to the seat next to Yang Heshu and sat cross-legged.

Mr. Tang and Liu Shangshu hooked up the corners of their mouths, and had no opinion on the matter.

  Li Shangshu glanced at Zhou Man, and then stopped talking, the emperor already said: "Go on, where are you talking?"

  Lord Tang said: "The Salt Transport Division enters the south of the Yangtze River to change the salt-making measures."

   Zhou Man's brows jumped, and he lowered his eyes and listened honestly, but what Gu Zhong said just now appeared in his heart.

  Ask about politics?

  She has been an official for many years, but she basically did not participate in other government affairs at the Great Dynasty Meeting. Unless the emperor asked her by name, she would basically not speak except for medical matters.

  Because she knows that there are many people in the DPRK who have opinions about women's participation in politics. The reason why she was able to stand firmly at the Great Court meeting was because it did not involve medicine, and she basically did not take the initiative to speak.

   Zhou Man habitually listened to their discussion of politics, and she sat in her seat while listening, while she was thinking about it.

  She knew what the prince meant, and she was clearly training her, but in fact she was admitted to the small court.

  The emperor’s small dynasty meeting is not accessible to everyone. Even Xiao Yuanzheng, three or four out of ten times are not listed.

  Is this for her to participate in other political affairs?

  I don’t know how Bai Shan feels when she knows it, hehehe, she seems to be one step ahead of him.

  Thinking wildly, Zhou Man heard the emperor talk about the restructuring of the local medical department. She immediately sat upright and raised her head to look at Xiao Yuanzheng and Lord Luo, who were diagonally opposite.

Good night

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  (End of this chapter)

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