Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3207: secret

  Chapter 3207 Secret

  She paused and said, “Your Majesty’s health is not good with medicine, but you can use medicated diet with acupuncture and use this method for conditioning before he goes to Tangquan Palace.”

  Xiao Yuan nodded and sighed: "Although your Majesty hasn't done much recently, but Master Wei passed away, your Majesty is still very sad, his mind is hurt, and his body is weaker."

  The two of them talked and walked to the entrance of the East Palace. Xiao Yuanzheng stopped at a distance and said to Zhou Man: "Your majesty's physical condition is a secret. Recently, even Doctor Liu can't come up to get her pulse, you..."

   "Don't worry, I know, I won't even tell Bai Shan."

  Xiaoyuan was relieved.

  He stopped at the entrance of the East Palace, "Master Zhou, go, I'll go to Chongwen Hall to find some information."

   Zhou Man nodded, turned around and entered the East Palace.

  Guo Zhan was holding a paper and was about to go to see the prince. When he saw a small servant walking swiftly, he stopped him and asked, "What's wrong?"

  The attendant slightly bent over and said, "Master Zhou from the Imperial Hospital has come to see His Royal Highness."

  Guo Zhan nodded thoughtfully, and went to see the prince with the servant.

  The prince nodded to the waiter and said, "Let her come in."

   Waiting for the servant to retreat before looking at Guo Zhanshi.

  Guo Zhan gave the Zhezi, "His Royal Highness, this is the Zhezi of the Yan Yunsi."

  The prince took it, "I'll send it to you after I've finished it."

  Guo Zhanshi stood still, and the prince looked up and looked at him suspiciously.

Guo Zhan's matter: "His Majesty, since Lord Wei's departure, Your Majesty has been very sad, so thinking of his previous heroes, even Hou Ji's family members have been pardoned and allowed to return to Beijing. All princes from all over the world expressed their condolences, but Your Majesty still seems unhappy these few days."

   Prince: "What does Guo Zhan really want to say?"

Guo Zhan paused for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, the minister heard that since Lord Wei left, there is no need for someone outside Xiao Yuanzheng to ask for your contact, but it is Lord Zhou. His Majesty often calls her to meet and does not refuse her invitation. Mai, your Majesty’s body, apart from Xiao Yuanzheng, the person who knows the most is Master Zhou."

  The prince put away the smile on his face and closed the folder blankly, "Guo Zhan said things carefully."

  Guo Zhan bowed and said: "His Royal Highness, the minister is not looking at His Majesty's Eucharist, but thinking about preparedness. His Royal Highness is the East Palace and the country's foundation. There are certain things that should be done to the heart."

  The prince pursed the corners of his mouth, and footsteps came from outside the door. After a while, an internal servant reported to him, "His Royal Highness, Lord Zhou is here."

  The prince cast aside the zhezi blankly, and said coldly: "Come in."

   Zhou Man entered the house and saw Guo Zhan’s affairs. He habitually raised his face with a smile, first bowed to the prince, and then bowed to Guo Zhan's affairs.

  Guo Zhanshi also smiled in return, "Master Zhou."

   Then turned to face the prince, "His Royal Highness, the minister has retired first."

  As soon as Guo Zhan left, Zhou Mancai looked at the expressionless prince, "Your Highness is in a bad mood?"

  The prince raised his eyelids to look at her, and asked, "What are you looking for?"

   "Oh, I am going back to Qingzhou tomorrow, so come and say goodbye to your Highness."

   The prince nodded, and waved: "I know, you can withdraw."

   Zhou Man scratched his head. He felt that the prince was in a bad mood today and was not suitable for small talk, so he saluted and retired.

As soon as Zhou Man left, the prince snorted coldly.

  Wu Gonggong, who had been shrinking from the side as nonexistent, stepped forward with a horror to add tea to the prince.

  The prince looked at the ups and downs of tea in the cup, and asked: "Is Zhuang Xueshi in the Chongwen Pavilion?"

   "Yes, in class."

   Zhou Man went to take a sneak peek at Mr. Zhuang’s class, and when he got two warning eyes from him, he ran to find Xiao Yuanzheng.

  Xiao Yuanzheng hadn’t found the book yet, Zhou Man came over, he was a little surprised, "So fast? Didn't your Highness see you?"

   "See you, just one sentence, how long can it last?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "...You have had a lot of conversations with your Highness before, and I thought you wouldn’t be able to get out within half an hour this time. Then let’s go, and then go out of the palace to the Imperial Medical Office?"


  At the Imperial Medical Office, Xiao Yuanzheng hired two male students to be the test subjects.

   Zhou Man said: "The two sets of needle methods actually have similar effects, but they only target different situations."

   Zhou Man asked the students to take off their clothes, and pointed acupuncture points on them to explain. She also pierced them herself. Xiao Yuan was taking notes on the side and asking questions from time to time.

  Xiao Yuan was meditating, "I have never seen this set of needles."

   Zhou Man said: "I only learned it last year. I tried it. It's very good to regulate body dampness."

She said, "Linhai in Beihai County, there is a fishing village in a low-lying place, surrounded by mountains, and the water vapor can't disperse. People there often go to the sea, so the body is very humid. This set of needles was used to cure diseases at that time. of."

  Xiao Yuanzheng didn’t know where she came from to study so many stitches, but he wouldn’t ask such secret matters that may involve inheritance, “Is there anything that needs special attention?”

"Yes, there are very high requirements for the depth of the needle. If it is too deep, it will damage the body and damage the vitality." Zhou Man sighed: "The location of the Tai Chi Hall is too bad. It is low-lying. Here, it can’t go away, and the wind can’t blow in. In spring and summer, it is humid and sultry. Let alone the empresses who live here, they are our subjects. Long working hours here are not good for your health. ."

  She said: "Actually, from the perspective of Feng Shui, the location of Tai Chi Hall is not good. By the way, why doesn't Your Majesty go to Daming Palace to escape the heat this year? If he does, he might not get sick this summer."

"There have been too many things this year, especially in Jiangnan. During that time, the Great Dynasty would be separated and quarreled as soon as it opened. There were many families in Jiangnan who entered Beijing, and it was also related to the fact that the families of Long and Central Plains grew up in Beijing. Your Majesty simply Can't avoid it, so he didn't go to Daming Palace."

   Zhou Man touched his chin and asked, "Has Daming Palace not been built yet?"

  Xiao Yuan coughed slightly, and whispered: "No construction will start this year."

  After all, the emperor was going to work on Jiangnan, and there were a lot of things that needed to be prepared. Just in case, the treasury and private treasury had reserved some money, so the construction of Daming Palace stopped again.

  Now Jiangnan’s affairs are over, but the money from the treasury and private treasury has also been used for other items, and it is almost used up.

  Xiao Yuanzheng whispered: "For example, our Medical Department, this year the medical department applied for twice as much money as last year. According to your proposed restructuring, the cost of next year will only be even greater."

Zhou Man was silent, and sympathized with the emperor in his heart, then patted Xiao Yuanzheng on the shoulder comfortingly and said: "Don't worry, although the cost of the Imperial Medical Office next year will be large, you will definitely earn a lot. You should be able to pay part of it yourself."

  Xiao Yuan nodded, and collected the needle bag on the desk, "I have written all down, I will find someone to practice my hand later, and then I will give your Majesty a needle. How often do you think it is better?"

   Zhou Man meditated: "Five days, let's see the effect first, and you can take some time later."

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  (End of this chapter)

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