Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3208: Academic rules

  Chapter 3208 Rules of Study

  Xiao Yuan was putting things away, but he stopped talking when he thought of something.

Zhou Man looked up at him and waited patiently.

  Xiao Yuan is frowning: "Master Zhou, I have some doubts about something, but I think I think too much. After all, there is no basis, it is entirely my guess."

  Zhou Man suddenly raised his hand to stop him, walked quickly to a window, swiped it open, and the few heads that came up were frightened, bumped together, and a few people screamed.

  Xiao Yuan was stepping up quickly, and seeing these five teenagers, his expression became gloomy, "So courageous, who made you eavesdrop here?"

  Five teenagers clutched their heads, laughed and admitted their mistakes, "The courtyard is right, we know we are wrong."

  They looked at Zhou Man with wide eyes, and their eyes were full of curiosity, "We just heard that Lord Zhou is here, so we want to see what Lord Zhou looks like."

   Zhou Man looked at them up and down, and saw that they were all twelve or thirteen years old, and he knew that they were students who had just entered the Imperial Medical Office, and they should have been in the past two years.

  The freshmen in the past two years have indeed never seen her, so she smiled at them and nodded, "You see now?"

   "I saw it, I saw it. It turns out that you are Lord Zhou. We often hear seniors and seniors mention adults. You are very different from what we imagined."

  I thought it was a super strict, super dignified, super stable female gentleman, I did not expect...

  Small round face, fair skin, a gentle smile on his face, and crooked eyes, he looks a few years older than them, not at all like their husband, but a nice little sister next door.

  A young man swallowed his mouth and said, “Two of the books we use for class now are written by you, an adult. We thought you were a tougher person than the hospital...” After all, it was so powerful.

   Zhou Man was very proud, "Although you praised me that I was very happy, I still can't tell you about it."

  She smiled and said: "The rules of the Imperial Medical Office, it seems that you have not taken it to heart."

  She turned to look at Xiao Yuanzheng.

  Xiao Yuanzheng's face was gloomy, staring at the five teenagers with cold eyes.

  The five teenagers reacted with hindsight. The five of them looked at each other and said hesitantly: "I, we know it was wrong..."

Isn't    just peeking and being discovered?

  They didn’t do anything too bad either, it’s not a big problem, right?

  Five people knelt in the yard, Xiao Yuanzheng looked at them with a sullen expression: "What is the fifth academic rule of the Imperial Medical Office?"

  The five people looked at each other, and none of them could answer.

  Zhou Man's eyes narrowed slightly, "New students, don’t you need to learn the rules now?"

  The school rules of the Imperial Medical Office were set by Zhou Man, Xiao Yuanzheng and others at the beginning of its establishment, and there have been changes in the following years. Of course, the reduction was less, but the increase was more.

  But no matter how much it increases, one rule remains the same. For new students, the first thing after entering the school is to recite the academic rules. To understand the academic rules, even students who do not recognize words start with memorizing the academic rules.

  Xiao Yuanzheng also looked down at them, "You didn’t learn the rules?"

   "Recite, recite, it’s only after half a year, I, we forgot."

   Zhou Man saw that although their faces were a little pale, they were very unconvinced in their expressions. He obviously didn't understand why he was punished.

  She smiled and said, “I won’t talk about the first three rules of study. They are medical ethics that every doctor must abide by. Articles 4 and 5 are the rules for doctors to survive in the hospital.”

   Zhou Man said: “Article 5, you must not peek into the privacy of patients and leak the pulse case. This pulse case includes not only the patients treated by yourself, but also the pulse cases of other doctors."

   "We did not peep into the patient's privacy and leak the pulse."

  Xiao Yuan was furious, "I dare to quibble, Master Zhou and I are talking, who allows you to listen and watch?"

  Fortunately, Zhou Man found out in time, otherwise he would really tell his guess. When these children passed on, not only he and Zhou Man might not be able to survive, but the entire Imperial Medical Office might be implicated.

  Xiao Yuanzhengdao: "I think the management of you during this period is too lax."

   Zhou Man stepped aside, and Xiao Yuanzheng pointed at the five teenagers and cursed a dog-blood spray. He was so courageous.

  She thought she was brave enough, but she didn't dare to deliberately eavesdrop on other people when she entered the palace.

After Xiao Yuan Zhengxun and their training became dry, Zhou Man only said, "Don’t look at any evil, don’t listen to it, even if you don’t become a doctor in the future, you don’t need to abide by the rules of study, but you should remember that this is a basic etiquette. That's it, let's go to the superintendent to collect the punishment."

When the five people left dejectedly, Zhou Man looked at Xiao Yuanzheng who was still angered, "Even if the students have been in school for a while, the academic rules should not be forgotten. Let's test them once every six months. The above academic rules are all It's the Yin Yin's advice from the adults. Even if they don't understand it for the time being, they should keep it in their hearts."

  Xiao Yuan nodded, "This is something that needs to be remembered for a lifetime. I will let the doctors pay attention to this matter when I turn around."

   Zhou Man nodded, and when everyone was gone, he asked Xiao Yuanzheng, "What did you want to say to me just now?"

  Xiao Yuan hesitated for a while and then said: "It's nothing, it's just some random guesses from me."

   Zhou Man waited for a while, and when he saw that he was going to skip this matter, he asked curiously, “What kind of guess? Don’t worry, no one is eavesdropping at this moment. You can say it boldly.”

Xiao Yuan was reaching out and rubbing his temples and said, "Maybe I think too much. Your Majesty was ill at the time. When I touched the pulse, I felt that my body was weak and yang, and the heat was too heavy. But before that day, I asked your Majesty for peace pulses every three days. It shouldn't be Yangsheng."

"The sun was too dry, coupled with the damp and hot Tai Chi Hall, the sun was so big in those few days, and your majesty went out to get tan for a long time and got sick." Xiao Yuanzheng said: "But only from the pulse of that time, there is no problem. It is just connected. From the previous Ping An pulse, I always feel that something is wrong."

   Zhou Man touched his chin and said, "Maybe it was because your Majesty was not at peace that day, so he gave birth to desire..."

  Xiao Yuanzheng's face was incomprehensible. He felt that it was a mistake for him to talk about this with Zhou Man. It would be better to talk to Doctor Liu.

  But at that time, Mrs. Liu didn't find out what was wrong, and he added the rules of imperial doctors, so he didn't say anything.

  Sure enough, even Zhou Man shouldn’t have said, although His Majesty trusted her.

  "Finally, things have passed for so long, even if there is a problem, it is impossible to pursue it. It is getting late, Lord Zhou, I will send you back?"

Zhou Man nodded, and walked out together with Xiao Yuanzheng. On the way, there were only classmates who had just left school. Most people recognized Zhou Man and stopped to say hello to the two of them. Those who didn’t know her also knew Xiao Yuanzheng. Stand aside and avoid.

   Zhou Man looked all the way, and exclaimed: "There are more and more students."

Xiao Yuan is nodding, "Yes, it is still your suggestion, and two new courses have been opened, dedicated to vaccine research and drug research. Now there are more and more affairs in the Imperial Medical Office, and I hope Lord Zhou will end Qingzhou's affairs as soon as possible and come back. "

  (End of this chapter)

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