Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3214: casualties

  Chapter 3214 Casualties

  The person next to her took a look and then said: "No, I'll dig her out. I don't know if the rest is alive or not."

Zhou Man hurriedly took the person into the tent, asked them to get a clean quilt, took away her wet clothes, wrapped the person in the quilt, and she hugged the person in her arms with the quilt, "pour a cup Warm water, and boil a bowl of brown sugar water, faster."

  Someone quickly took the order, Zhou Man hugged the person in his arms, pulled through the needle bag, took out a few thin needles, and groped for a few needles on her body...

  Warm water came quickly, Zhou Man carefully fed her half a bowl, and drank a bowl of brown sugar water, the child’s pulse slowly became stronger...

Zhou Man breathed a sigh of relief, put the person on the wooden board and pressed the quilt for her. Then he took the needle bag and left. “Let them change all the wet clothes on their bodies. Temperature, be careful to lose temperature."

   "Yes, but Lord Zhou, it's June. People won't lose their temperature, right?"

   Zhouman: "Although the rain has stopped, it has been raining for several days. The weather is already cold. If you wear wet clothes and blow the night wind, you will get sick even if you don’t lose your temperature."

   "I will let people go now."

   Zhou had been busy all night, and it was not until dawn the next day that she could see the place where they were staying.

  This is a dry land planted with beans, with wasteland next to it, but because there were too many people coming, the government directly flattened this land for requisition.

  The village is at the foot of a mountain. Most of it has been destroyed at this time. Only a few houses are still there. The fields not far from the village were washed away by mountain torrents, and there was a mess.

  The county lieutenant is still leading people to dig people.

   Zhou Man stood on the edge of the field, her figure swayed, and the cake hurriedly supported her, "Madam, you have been tired all day and night, let's take a rest."

   Zhou Man looked back at the wounded patient who was sleeping on the ground, and asked: "Have you dealt with it?"

"Yes, all the patients sent in have been dealt with, and the rest is the affairs of the county government." Xibing paused and said: "The speed of their rescue cannot keep up with the speed of our treatment, lady, do we want to go? Help dig people?"

   Zhou Man said: "Everyone hasn't slept all day and night, you can arrange it, let everyone sleep, leave some people, and I will go to another village with me for the rest."

   "Didn't the lady go there in a team yesterday?"

  "They have few people, and they don’t bring much supplies. I'm going to see them, and there are other villages. There are still too few doctors. I don't know if there will be doctors in other counties."

  For doctors, treating illnesses in the rear is more effective than digging people in person.

   Zhou Man only went to squint, and woke up in less than two quarters of an hour, then ate a bowl of gruel, called the guide, and went to the next village.

   County magistrate Sun is here, and he didn’t sleep all night, but he was about to leave, “I have to go back to the county government to dispatch supplies, Lord Zhou, I’ll leave it to you here.”

   Zhou Man nodded, and went around in several severely affected villages. He slept at most two hours a day. When Tang He and Bai Erlang came to find her, they almost couldn't recognize her when they saw her.

  Tang He shook his head, "This is the first time I have seen you so embarrassed."

  Hakujiro: "Although it is not the first time, but it is also rare. How many days have you not washed?"

   Zhou Man stretched out four fingers and looked at the two with a tired expression, "How did you get together?"

   Bai Erlang came and she guessed it, for disaster relief, why is Tang He here too?

  Tang He said: "I arrived at Mount Tai, and felt the ground move five days ago. As soon as I inquired that it was from Qingzhou, I came over."

  Tang He glanced at the village that had been cleared, sighed and asked, "How about the casualties?"

Bai Erlang handed her a purse with a snack on her body, Zhou Man took it, sat on a straw mat next to her, and squeezed out a snack from it to eat. “The statistical work is not done by our medical department, but it is based on ours. From what I learned in a few days, no less than 60%."

  Tang He was frightened, "How could the casualties be so great?"

"Natural disaster, the time is wrong," she gave a piece of cake, reached out to ask her for a bowl of water, took a sip, and said: "The earth moved in the wee hours of the morning, and most of the people were still asleep at that time. Rain, few people get up early."

"Less than half an hour after the ground moved, the flash floods rushed down. The people who were buried have a high chance of alive. This time there are even fewer people alive, not to mention those who just escaped. The reaction was too late and was washed away by the flash flood."

  She said: "There are still many missing people, most of them were washed away by mountain torrents, and could not be found for a while, and some were missing."

  Tang He frowned and asked: "Is the treatment success rate high?"

   "Fortunately," Zhou Man said: "If you are still angry, 80% can be saved, and the remaining 20% ​​can't be helped."

  She said: "The medicine we brought is enough, and the county government can also provide water, food, quilts and clothes."

  Tang He nodded.

  Hakujiro: "So this is a natural disaster?"

   Zhouman: “The earth movement must be a natural disaster. The mountain torrents should not be a man-made disaster, but after this time, the people in Changshou County should choose a better place to settle the village.”

  Tang He stood on tiptoe and glanced at the mountain behind the village, and said, "The mountain should also be reinforced."

   Baijiro was stunned, "How to reinforce?"

   Zhou Man said while eating a snack: “Planting grass, planting trees, digging trenches and repairing walls, there are more methods, but it requires a lot of manpower.”

  Tang He nodded, "Yes, but to stay alive, these are all worthwhile."

   Zhou Man finished all the snacks, and she felt a little better. She patted her clothes and got up, "I'm going to work."

  She didn't care about the two of them. People from the county government came to greet them.

  Tang He came here with a micro server. The people in the county government didn’t know him, and thought he was with the horse, so he politely invited him aside.

   Bai Erlang left a large number of disaster relief materials in the county government, and brought some of them down, mainly to see Zhouman.

  The doctors in Beihai County came with him. Zhou Man was relieved a lot because of their arrival.

  There are very few new patients now, but the previous patients also need to be taken care of. It takes a lot of time to treat the wounds every day, and to prescribe and change dressings.

   Zhou Man finally got free tonight. She took a hot bath, washed her head again, changed into clean clothes, and sat on the wooden bed drowsy.

  Bai Erlang and Tang He came over, "We brought a lot of food and some meat. We decided to do more to comfort everyone. Would you like to go out and have a look together?"

   Zhou Manqiang cheered up, asked Xibing to tie her hair and let the two of them go out.

  The night is getting dark, everyone has been eating around the bonfire, and the injured are divided into several waves. Needless to say, the severely injured can only lie in the tent, but the slightly injured are sitting with everyone.

    Don’t you know that there are book friends? The Beihai County in the book is not Beihai, Guangxi, but the area of ​​Weifang, Shandong. Because the ancients called Bohai also Beihai, Beihai County and Beihai County were established in that area.



  (End of this chapter)

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