Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3215: Meet on a narrow road (make up)

  Chapter 3215 Reunion on a narrow road (make up)

  They also found a fire and sat down. Someone brought meat porridge up. Zhou Man took a bowl and ate it slowly, "No ginger, you should bring some ginger."

   Baijiro: "Some food is good, you still have to choose."

   Zhou Man turned his head and asked Tang He, "How is the investigation?"

  Tang He went up the mountain at noon today, and she knew at a glance that he was looking at the situation on the mountain.

Tang He said: "It is indeed a natural disaster. The ground movement caused the mountain to collapse. The rocks and soil were loosened. In addition to the continuous rainfall, the water on the mountain gathered at the corner of the collapsed corner due to the ground movement. Therefore, a flash flood occurred. Can block it."

  Guo Cishi first went to condolences to other places, and when he finally met Zhou Man and the others, it was already the seventh day of the disaster.

  Many wounded patients were transported back to the county medical office to continue treatment, and others were placed nearby. Zhou Man and other doctors would visit every day and prescribe medicine...

  Guo Cishi brought people and supplies, accompanied by the county magistrate Sun, and arranged for people to build houses for the victims. Some villages had to be relocated because of the severe damage.

When Guo Cishi saw the dressing change for the wounded patient who came for consultation in the shed, he happily raised his hand to say hello, and then he saw a person next to him who was supporting the patient. He was a bit familiar, Guo Cishi's face The smile froze suddenly.

Master    puzzled, "My lord, what's the matter?"

  Guo Cishi put down his hand, with a smile on his face, but fell back a lot, "Nothing, I saw an acquaintance."

  Guo Shi said hello before, "Master Zhou."

   Zhou Man raised his head and took a look, and got up after taking care of the patient on his hand, "Guo Cishi is here, please sit down."

   "Master Zhou is polite. Thanks to the rapid action of the Medical Department this time, so many people have been saved."

   Zhou Man smiled and said: "This is what I should do. It is one of the duties of the medical department to treat patients who are injured and sick due to natural disasters."

  Guo Cishi smiled and exchanged a few words with her, and then he looked in the direction where his acquaintance had left, "Master Zhou, I seemed to have seen the right servant of the Xing Department just now, and I don’t know if I slept less in the past two days and my eyes were dizzy."

   Zhou Man: "You are not dizzy. It is indeed Mr. Tang. He should be in the medical shed. I am understaffed, so he is here to help take care of the patients."

  As soon as Tang He, who helped the patient back, came out, he could not help raising his eyebrows and stepping forward when he saw someone standing in an unfair door in the medical shed not far away.

  Guo Cishi turned his head to look at Tang He, Guo Cishi raised a smile, "My nephew, it is really you, distinguished guest, distinguished guest!"

  Tang He also raised a smile, "Master Guo, Tang is uninvited, so don’t blame it."

  He smiled and said, “I sensed that there was ground movement here when I was staying at Mount Tai, so I came over to take a look.”

  Can Guo Cishi not welcome him?

  That is definitely not possible. Tang He is the one who patrols Yushi, has led the imperial decree to patrol around, and investigates unjust cases in the world. He can go anywhere in the world.

  Guo Cishi is actually mentally prepared. Qingzhou has developed too fast in recent years. He thinks Tang He will come one day, but he doesn't think he will come so early.

  In addition, he got the news, and he will call back to the capital soon. Whether he will come or not will have little effect on him. Who knows that it is such a coincidence. He came when he was the least psychologically prepared and the most embarrassed.

  Guo Cishi's face froze with a smile.

Bai Erlang went to preside over the distribution of supplies, and did not come back until the evening. When he returned, he saw Guo Cishi leading Tang He around to condolences the victims. The two parties met on the road, and Guo Cishi was almost excited to pull Bai Erlang's hand. , With a warm expression on his face: "White horse, you and the princess are very kind and virtuous, this official replaces all the people in Changshou County to thank the horse and the princess..."

   was so scared that Shirajiro quickly grabbed him, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, this is what we should do."

   After finishing speaking, he felt that this was not appropriate enough, so he added: “As a member of the royal family, it is necessary for the princess to love and cherish the people. Guo Cishi does not need to be so polite.”

  Guo Cishi said: "I have been wronged by the princes these few days, so we will rush back to the county town in a while, and I will host a banquet for the princes, and how about taking care of the dust for Mr. Tang?”

  Shirajiro refused and said, "It doesn’t have to be this way. The disaster is not over and it is not suitable for banquets, and I want to have a good night’s sleep more than eating."

Tang He also refused, and smiled: "I came here this time, one is to check the disaster situation, the other is to check the files of the county offices in Qingzhou, and the third is to check the Longchi Wharf, so I am not in a hurry. Changshou County Government Office."

  Guo Cishi was about to express his regret, and then left, he heard Zhou Man say behind him: "Does Mr. Guo go back at this hour?"

Guo Cishi sighed: "There are still many things to do tomorrow. I really don’t have time to stay. If we go back overnight, it’s a little bit to save a little time. Lord Zhou, I’ll beg you here. We will leave all the supplies we brought. You guys, please also make arrangements for you."

   Zhou Man was surprised, "Are you going to evacuate all the people from the county government?"

"No, no, they left it to Master Zhou to fight," Guo Cisheng explained, afraid of Zhou Man’s misunderstanding, "Didn’t Zhou Da’s talents say that there is insufficient manpower? They are still staying. If it is not enough, I will call you here again. Several people?"

  Those who come to Zhou Man will not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, call it, by the way, it is best to be literate and able to keep accounts."

  Guo Cishi should go down and leave.

Zhou Man looked up at the sky and said, "But, will it rain tonight?"

  Guo Shishi also looked at the sky, and saw that there was still a sunset glow on the horizon, and felt that the problem was not big, so he smiled and said that the wind and rain could not stop him from being the victims of the disaster.

   Zhou Man can only watch him leave with a look of admiration.

  When they walked away, she took back the look of admiration on her face, “I’m serious, it should rain tonight.”

  Tang He also looked up at the clouds, and nodded after a while, "It might rain."

   "It's so pitiful. Although it's June, but the rain is also uncomfortable, especially at night," Zhou Man turned to look at Tang He, "Why do I think he seems to be a little afraid of you, Brother Tang?"

  Bai Erlang's eyes widened suddenly, and he guessed, "Could it be that he committed some crimes in private? For example, he collected money and released prisoners to death, wronged other innocent people..."

  Tang He patted his shoulder fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense about things without evidence."

  He said: “It should be because he has a bad relationship with his father, that’s why he doesn’t like me, and he is afraid that I will find fault for him in Qingzhou, so it seems a little worried.”

   Zhou Man: "It's not that he is a politician. Brother Xue, you are not a person who deliberately finds the fault. Take a step back and find it. He doesn't need to be afraid of you."

  She said: "You are not afraid of shadows when you are upright!"

Tang He smiled and said: "He will never be upright in this life, but he is afraid of me, not because his shadow is oblique, but because it is related to his official career, afraid that I will talk nonsense to the court. "

   Zhou Man and Bai Erlang looked puzzled, "Huh?"

   "Why, haven't you received the news?" Tang He said, "The DPRK intends to transfer Guo Cishi back to Beijing, and will re-appoint a Cishi to Qingzhou at that time."

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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